Wenn ich mir ansehe wie viel Material es für die Insel und USA gibt und wie viel für uns könnte ich heulen.
Ist der Markt in Amerika wirklich so groß, dass das für vR das richtige ist? Ich kann es irgendwie nicht glauben.
Bin fassungslos! Mir fehlen die Worte.
Wenn es noch irgendwas aus Kontinentaleuropa gewesen wäre, was bei uns ev. auch herum fährt, aber das?
market yes usa is a big country.and big countrys have big markerts. and i listen a long time ago to a podcast about paul jackson and he explain there that they have allot of market there.
and im creating also trains from other countrys why ulf not. this are the moste fun parts, creating models from other countrys. every day looking inside your own country trains is fun but not exciting. thats why i dont create much dutch work.
and please dont make from musquotos elephants!! like we know ulf has still german projects so nothing to worry about.
there is nothing!!! Echt Schade für den Deutschen Railworks markt look inside his store look wath he done already for the german market !! nothing to complain.
and if this is his own project, I wish him good luck on his adventure and hopefully allot of american people have fun with this engine model looks good with realistic american dirt effects on it.