[TSW2] Updates & Patches für Train Sim World 2

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  • Just to speak...

    Many of you will have probably already read it.

    DTG statement from a few days ago (Play Station section only!).

    [DTG JD

    Staff Member:

    "I've timestamped from about 25 minutes, which is where the meaty discussion kicks in around a lot of the issues mentioned above. It's around an hour and a quarter of solid discussion. I will type up a summary tomorrow, but I need to head to bed!

    EDIT: follow up this morning, a quick TL;DR. I do recommend watching though, as there are a lot of subpoints, and nuance involved in the discussion.

    There have been some high points, but also some basic errors which should not have got through

    There's a detailed discussion on QA process, beta groups, and types of QA we have available to us, as well as where we believe the failings to have been

    We are bringing in a new QA Director (the first time someone on that seniority level has represented QA within the business) - whilst they won't change things overnight, their remit is to 'sort this out'

    There are also discussions about shorter-term improvements to process

    The long-awaited console beta is likely to start with Xbox with a smaller group of players, and we're hopeful this will be a matter of weeks

    We are also investigating a public open beta (a new build engineer this week has been tasked with setting this up), used for getting early feedback on core fixes and Preservation Crew improvements

    There will be 'functionality benchmarking', to ensure key component parts of a release are present and correct

    What is important varies from player to player, but we need to have a minimum quality benchmark, and ensure routes are at least playable in their entirety

    After the Spirit of Steam release, we will have an extended period of no first-party releases, and dedicate the time to solving a lot of longer-term issues (primarily focused around post-Rush Hour, but we may go further back if we have the scope to)]".

    So after SOS (release date indefinite) there will be a pause for releases.

    It seems to me that even now there is not much movement.

    It looks more like a moment of corporate reorganization ...

  • Kannst du das mal verlinken die Aussage von DTG? Ich finde in deren Forum nix dazu. Wenn dies gefixt wird (PZB Bug bei Rapid Transit) würde ich mir die STrecke holen.

    Das ist im einer der Livestreams gesagt.... Welcher weiß ich nicht mehr aber Wartet aber auf die kommende Update für die Strecke.... Das dauert nicht so lange mehr.

  • After the Spirit of Steam release, we will have an extended period of no first-party releases, and dedicate the time to solving a lot of longer-term issues (primarily focused around post-Rush Hour, but we may go further back if we have the scope to)]".

    So after SOS (release date indefinite) there will be a pause for releases.

    It seems to me that even now there is not much movement.

    It looks more like a moment of corporate reorganization ...


    "After the Spirit of Steam release, we will look into longer standing issues and bugs, decide we cant fix them with the current build of the game and then announce TSW3" ;)

  • Off Topic.

    Source DTG forum:

    Monday, May 23rd

    18:00 UTC - East Coastway - The British Ace

    19:00 UTC - Introduction to TSW2 - Matt

    Matt will take us through a first-time player's guide to TSW2, whilst The British Ace will take us on a scenic ride through the Sussex countryside.

    ..."Matt will take us through a first-time player's guide to TSW2..."

    What would that mean?

  • Soeben wurden die neuen Patch Notes veröffentlicht:


    Hier der deutsche Teil:

  • Finally road traffic for RSN.

    I've been waiting for it for 4 years ...:love:


    DTG JD:

    Quick note: The Mastery items need to be added manually, and there have been a couple of issues getting them live. I'll update here(DTG forum) when we've resolved them.

    DB :thumbsup:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von fabrizio520 () aus folgendem Grund: Ein Beitrag von fabrizio520 mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

  • Hallo

    Ich habe es gerade getestet bei mir läuft nun Raipid Transit nachdem ich die PZB Mod aus den Trainsimcommunity gelöscht habe ohne Probleme...

    Gibt es eigentlich eine Übersicht welche ex-TSW1 Strecken schon ein fertiges Preservation Update haben(Auch Englishe und Amerikanische) und welche nicht ?


  • Wurde am Sound geschraubt? Oder klingen 143, 155, 182, 185 und die Dostos immer noch schrecklich?

    Wenn ja: sehr traurig.

    Ich finde eine aktuelle Version der Strecken toll. Aber für mich ist guter Sound wichtiger.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Ost-Trieb () aus folgendem Grund: Baureihen hinzugefügt

  • These are the mods I have installed.

    Do you think there is something that can cause RT to crash?

    Note that I tried to remove NickHawk's RT Environment mod, but the game still crashes.

    -DCZ Environment

    -DRA Environment

    -HMA Environment

    -HHL Environment

    -HRR Environment

    -MSB Environment

    -RRO Environment

    -RSN Environment

    -RT Environment

    -SKA Environment (by NickHawk)


    VOSSLOH (by Mr Shiba)

    -DB BR 187 Mini Enhancement Pack (by AlexanderL)

    -DB BR 112 Enhancement Pack V1.1 (by The Shotte)

    -RAIN VISUALS (by London Midland)

    -SIGNAL LENS FLARE REDUCTION (by London Midland)

    -MRCE 187 V1.3 (by Mr Shiba)

  • So konnte mir jetzt ein eigenen Bild machen. Bzw. Ohr :)

    Also Sounds immer noch Kacke. Immerhin wurde die 143 kopiert. Besser aber immer noch Kacke. Dafür hat sie ein leuchtendes DB Schild bekommen.

    oder ist das nur bei mir so?

  • Habt ihr auch das Problem das KI Züge auf RT nie die Scheinwerfer anhaben? Und das am 442 auf RT die Rücklichter nicht funktionieren? Selbst wenn man am Spielerzug die Lichter anschaltet?