[virtualTracks] Münster - Bremen - erhältlich

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    Kommt mit Sicherheit nix, da nach immer wieder kehrender Aussage eines einzelnen, sich eh kein Aufwand mehr im TS lohnt, da sich angeblich nichts mehr verdienen lässt.

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7800X3D, Ram: 32GB Corsair Venegance, GPU: Gainward RTX 4080Super, Win11 64bit Pro, 2x2TB M2. Kioxia Exceria Pro, 1xM.2 Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Amisia ()

  • Slightly late to the party but man, hearing Sweden and TSG in the same sentence made me very excited. Too bad it didn't pan out. I didn't read the whole thread (and google translate is not the best) but was it a route or rolling stock that was imagined, Maik?

    If it was a route I imagine the completely different signals/signalling system (PZB/LZB vs ATC) might be daunting, but there are some interesting routes in the north that don't use ATC like the Inlandsbanan (Inland Line). At least most sections of the 1000km line don't use it. If you want to go above 80km/h however ATC is almost guaranteed.

    A positive thing about Sweden (maybe it is the case for Germany too, I don't know) is that documents with line speeds/signals are publicly available (called "linjebok") and I know you could order maps of stations etc for free (at least 10 years ago). ATC *might* also not be extremely different to build if you already have working PZB and LZB simulations.

  • It wasn*t Sweden that i had in mind, it was Norway. I have no idea yet of Swedens railroad at all. Your linked Video reminds me a bit to Russias rural routes. Only tracks and trees, sometimes a little village or just 2 houses with their own train station on the porch :) Not really interesting for the customer audience at all i guess.

  • Haha, yeah if you don't like long stretches of just forests, northern Sweden (at least inland) is probably not your cup of tea. It is named the Taiga for a reason so I'm not surprised it resembles parts of Russia.

    Southern Sweden has more things going on and you can definitely find routes that look very similar to perhaps northern Germany. I will say that the Malmbanan in northern Sweden looks spectacular, maybe the Norwegian part called Ofotbanen has it beat in scenic beauty (more mountains). The trains there are quite interesting too with 68 wagon 9000 tonne trains.

    EDIT: I have a few questions about the Münster-Bremen.

    I changed out the ICE train for the vR Br101 + steuerwagen in ICE to Bremen (steuerwagen facing forward) in a cloned "ICE to Bremen" career scenario and encountered some issues.

    1. When slowing down for the 60km/h switch at Ringeln (I think, can't remember but it was maybe 10km before LZB Ende after the tracks split) the LZB will indicate speed reduction to 160 and then 130 but then it drops further to 60km/h very quickly and the LZB jumps down instead of smoothly dropping which causes you to have to brake harshly not to get a penalty brake application. Is this a bug due to the route, me changing the rolling stock or an inherent problem in the way Train Simulator gives information about upcoming speed reductions (maybe it can only give 2 signals/speeds ahead so when passing the 160 it has to drop very far to 60km/h)?

    2. After Osnabrück when the LZB starts again, after it ends there is no Ende indication it simply stops.

  • Das kommt im TS leider immer wieder mal vor und betrifft grundsätzlich alle Drehscheiben und auch Schiebebühnen.
    Sobald man sie benutzen will erscheint sie sofort.
    Die Funktion beeinträchtigt das also nicht und kann nach einem erneuten Laden des Szenarios auch ganz weg sein (der Darstellungsfehler,... nicht die Drehscheibe :ugly: )

    Ich weiß nicht, warum der TS das manchmal macht. Könnte am Startpunkt des Szenarios liegen, bzw. am Szenariomarker, je nachdem, wo der steht.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Moin,

    ich denke mal: Rangierfahrt, also kein Ks1 + Zs3 sondern Hp0 + Sh1 / Ra12. Musst du im Szenario dem Signal einen ensprechenden Trigger (Sh1-Trigger) mitgeben, denn der Ts kann nicht von sich aus zwischen Zugfahrt und Rangierfahrt unterscheiden.

    Winke, Jan