[K-Trains] BR 187/BR 188

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  • Aktuell am fahren sind nur die von der CD und von RJ.

    Die von der CD Cargo fahren unter massiven Auflagen in Deutschland. Die von TX haben bis dato noch immer keine Zulassung. Von daher wird es echt schwierig, die Maschine "Realitäts nah" hinzukriegen, da bis jetzt kaum einer Erfahrungen mit den Maschinen außerhalb von Tschechien hat.

  • Hi Dominick,

    Regarding the control of the 188: Please use the Lever types like in the Vectron, where Power and Brake are Controlled by Position of the lever, not like in the 186, where the pressure and for E is Controller by time (how long you put the lever to "more pressure" or "less" etc. )

    Both Versions are available in the original Traxx, but the first one is easier to control, especially in Train simulator. It is also used in (at least some of) the new CD Cargo 388 and the DB 187.

    If you have already implemented the Version like in your 186, you don't have to change it, it is your decision anyway.

    Thank you

  • There are not many MS3s driving right now, actually the only ones I know about are RJ´s 388.201-215 and CD Cargo´s 388.001-010, probably also a small part of Italian ones. There are a lot of issues with all the testing and approving stuff. But don´t worry, I´ll try to get there all working safety systems that should be there so it should be possible to drive it in almost the same way as Vectron. :)

    My company NMBS/SNCB has also ordered a first batch of 24 traxx MS3s which will form our HLE 17 series capable of 200km/h. Photo courtesy of Alstom

    See press release of Alstom (click)


  • Hey, I'm a train driver from Czech Republic working mostly on Traxx locomotives. I'm keen on documenting everything, so I decided to upload some videos. Nothing too technical, but enough for railway enthusiasts to have a look inside from a perspective of a train driver. Although the the voiceover is in Czech, a bunch of volunteers managed to make english subtitles for people from abroad. Although subtitles for some videos are still under construction, here are some ready to watch. Thanks for your attention 🙂

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