ChrisTrains Stadler GTW

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  • @ChrisTrains

    Did you planned an update for the GTW? If yes: Could you made that the pantograph is raised up for AI? And also a selectable destination sign for the AI would be nice. And the new PZB system from the RS1 or Flirt 3 would be better. There are many things wrong in the current version of the PZB in the ODEG and Thurbo GTW e.g. there is no "Zugbeeinflussung"-voice, its a beep like in the RS1 or Flirt 3. And you always hear "Zugbeeinflussung" BEFORE you hit the acknowledge button, when you pass an active 1000 Hz magnet.

  • I have a long list of things I'd like to improve for all my products, so yes, there will be - at some point - an update for the GTW. I can put the newer PZB functions from my newer engines back into the ODEG and Thurbo versions as I have made many changes and improvements since that model came out.
    I just can't tell you WHEN I'll be doing those sort of updates :)

  • @ChrisTrains

    Can you please tell me how to solve this problem? I've installed it, with the serial number from my order, already two times and still getting this message.
    Sorry, but that's really frustrating. I really don't understand why have to waste the valuable time with such useless copy protection problems..

  • War nach einer Aufsetzung des Programmes auf meinen Neurechner auch der Fall. Hier hatte mir die Community aber schnell geholfen. Noch mal vielen Dank. Was ich nicht so recht verstehe ist, man findet auf der Web Seite von Chris keinen Hinweis darauf. Es würde auch mal helfen, wennn es auch eine deutsche Fassung der Webseite gäbe. Wenn da so eine Meldung erscheint, war ich ziemlich betroffen und aufgeregt, Meine Englisch-Kenntnisse sind nach 50 Jahren nicht mehr so "up to date".oder hat Chris so wenige Deutsche, Österreichische oder Schweizer Kunden?

  • @ChrisTrains

    Can you please tell me how to solve this problem? I've installed it, with the serial number from my order, already two times and still getting this message.
    Sorry, but that's really frustrating. I really don't understand why have to waste the valuable time with such useless copy protection problems..

    The other thing you can do is install the newest version - this will solve the problem. This was a problem with the change from TS2018 to TS2019 - it messed up all the licensing :)

    My German is non-existent - please be patient :whistling:

  • Bei mir hat dieser Fx auch nichts gebrachr. Was mir half war daß ich die betreffenden Modelle komplett deinstaliert habe und danach halt wieder neu runtergeladen und neu installiert habe. Jetzt rennnen meine drei Modelle wieder. Dieser Rat kam auch von der Community, war etwas mehr an Aufwand aber das hat geholfen.

  • Ich habe schon seit vielen Jahren viele Chris Trains Sachen gekauft. In solchen Zeiträumen ist es völlig normal, dass ein PC aufgerüstet oder neu aufgesetzt wird, da ist es ärgerlich dass man sich immer wieder mit solchen Kopierschutzproblemen auseinandersetzen muss. Der "freundliche" Hinweis dass ich doch meine Inhalte bezahlen solle ist irgendwie unangenehm, habe doch bezahlt ! Für mich mit ein Grund bei der letzten TS Neuinstallation ein Großteil der ChrisTrains Sachen nicht mehr zu installieren. Bin gespannt was passiert wenn ich sie dann doch mal wieder installieren will. Mit anderen Drittanbieter (vermutlich ausgenommen RSSLO, da habe ich nur Steam Sachen) habe ich diese Probleme nicht, auch nicht beim Wechsel von TS 18 auf TS 19. Vielleicht überlegt sich CT da mal ein kundenfreundlicheres Vorgehen.

    PC-Daten und ein TS Einstellungen siehe Profil

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von kiter ()

  • Nur mal so als Tipp: Bei Christrains erfolgt der Kopierschutz durch anlegen von Dateien abseits des Railworks Ordners. Genauer gesagt hier "C:\Program Files (x86)\ChrisTrains".
    Bei einer neuen Festplatte einfach diesen Ordner mitkopieren und das ganze hat sich erledigt. ;)

    Kann ich nicht bestätigen. Einen derartigen Ordner kann ich auf meiner Systemplatte nicht finden.

  • Time to revive a VERY old topic.

    I'm working on updates to the GTW for my Dutch product but I wanted to include a few fixes in the Thurbo version (so please do not explode with requests for new stuff - this is a mid-life update so it's not going to be hundreds of hours of work). I've already improved a few items but I have two questions:

    First question I have is about UIC codes.

    In most European countries, the UIC codes are per-wagon, so an electric multiple unit with 4 wagons would have 4 UIC codes. In Switzerland it *looks* like they have one UIC code for the entire multiple unit. I've seen a few photos of different ends of the same RABe526 where the UIC code was the same on both end wagons.

    Is this right? Do SBB typically use a single UIC code for an entire multiple unit (I could see that, given that you wouldn't typically ever split the components).

    This is a good example :

    Externer Inhalt
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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.
    The identifer on the front wagon is 773-7 and it's the same on the back wagon - 773-7 - which then shows a UIC code of 94 85 7526 773-7 CH-THB. If they were using unique wagon identifiers, then the front and back wagons could not both be 773-7

    This is the source of this question and confusion.

    Second question comes from a reply in 2018 from KiDmorbid : "There are many things wrong in the current version of the PZB in the ODEG and Thurbo GTW e.g. there is no "Zugbeeinflussung"-voice, its a beep like in the RS1 or Flirt 3. And you always hear "Zugbeeinflussung" BEFORE you hit the acknowledge button, when you pass an active 1000 Hz magnet."

    I've already updated the PZB to be the same as the RS-1 but I can make some other minor changes. For this one,I would like clarification on this because as I understood it, the 1000hz magnet has NO audible warning in the cab, ONLY when you acknowledge - which is how I have it coded right now. All other PZB explanations (written and video) would seem to agree I have it right - no audible warning in the cab)

  • ChrisTrains

    just to make it clear, I do not and never drove a Stadler GTW, yet I can't think of a reason why the PZb is different to any other PZB, since it uses a normal I60R computer with PZB 2.0 software.

    So you shoud get no warning or sound when going past Magnet.

    after passing the 1000Hz magnet you should have 4 seconds to acknowledge the magnet.

    the PZB test curve starts at the magnet and is based on the PZB mode

    after you go past the 500Hz magnet it's speed checks start

    1000Hz light goes dark after 700m/number of seconds of PZB mode or when passing a 500Hz magnet

    when you got too slow for too long with a active "magnet" (below 10 km/h for over 15 seconds) it should go into restrictive mode

    I need to run your RS1 a bit (didn't run it it years due to a issue with the PZB) to find the paint what bothered me about the PZB of the RS1

    I think the coment of KiDmorbid was to the fact that the GTW has no voice in it's PZB, it only has the buzzer. Also there might have been a issue where the train did play the PZB sound when passing a magnet, which is not realistic to the I60R ER24 computer used by Stadler.

  • And you always hear "Zugbeeinflussung" BEFORE you hit the acknowledge button, when you pass an active 1000 Hz magnet.

    This was an example for the incorrectness.

    It's correct like your said:

    the 1000hz magnet has NO audible warning in the cab, ONLY when you acknowledge

    Every time when you hit the acknowledge button it should make this beep noise independent from 1000 hz magnet.

    As I said it's correct in the RS1 and Flirt 3.