Schwarzwaldbahner jpvdveer I think the version you are talking about is V4. V5 is recent and there is now a another patch for it. V4 downloads on the left of the page, V5 on the right. May cause confusion.

The British thread (english language / Englisch Kenntnisse erforderlich)
Ich habe die V5 von Wotawally's Bits heruntergeladen, die auf den 10. November 2022 datiert ist.
Class 85 now available here https://backdatedtrainsim.weeb…kPzr2m0l3KsT_eA4g5ojbiqgo
**UPDATE** 25/12/2022 13:45 - coupling error fixed. Please redownload.
- WCML North read manual before starting!
Download now from:!
UKTS goes offline on 31.08.2023
I have downloaded the VDL, but TS Tools shows me that some objects from the JT Commonlibrary are still missing. Only the JT MetropolitanLine is expected as a requirement, which I also own (incl. Pluspack). Is another JT line necessary?
If nothing else is stated in the manual then no.
Steam version of the Metropolitan? Maybe it's not recognized because it's in an AP file?
There were also problems with the directory structure of the library on Steam versions of some JT routes, but I don't know whether the Met was involved.
Is there something missing visually on the route?
Da wir hier alle deutsch können, frag ich mal in der Sprache, welches Addon ist das und wenn schon TS-Tools was als fehlend ausgibt, kann man die Liste (ohne duplikate) auch hier anhängen?
Hat sich bereits geklärt, ein Löschen und Neuinstallation der JT Strecke hat Abhilfe geschafft. Evtl habe ich auch ein Update der Strecke verpasst, oder irgendein Installerhat den JT Ordner verwüstet.
Es ging um folgende Strecke: https://backdatedtrainsim.weeb…irtual-district-line.html
Network ScotEast Phase 2 / Part 1 out now.
Network ScotEast – Phase 2 / Part 1 – Alan Thomson Simulation
Goes well with the 385 upgrade:
Class 385 Upgrade – Alan Thomson Simulation
Update to V4 of Cheshire, Borderlands, And Wirral (1968) https://backdatedtrainsim.weeb…rderlands-and-wirral.html
For use on the route free-ware Class 503 EMU
WHW East of Crianlarich V4 is now Available. From read me;
Welcome to this latest release of our WHW (West Highland Wandering) project.
V4.0 is a complete reworking of the route with new additions and updates to track, stations, infrastructure and scenery.
The route now comprises The Dunblane, Doune and Callander line from the junction at Dunblane with the Caledonian
Railway's Glasgow to Perth main line, through to its end on junction with the Callander and Oban line at Callender.
The Callander and Oban line from Callander through to Crianlarich Junction where it linked to the West Highland Line.
The Killin Branch Line from its junction with the Callander and Oban line at Killin Junction to the terminus at Loch Tay.
The Lochearnhead, St Fillans and Comrie line from its junction with the Callander and Oban line at Balquhidder Junction
through to its end on junction with the Crieff and Comrie Railway at Comrie.
The Crieff and Comrie line from Comrie through to Crieff and its junctions with the Crieff Junction line and the
Crieff & Methven Junction line.
the Crieff & Methven Junction line from Crieff through to its end on junction with the Perth, Almond Valley & Methven line
at Methven Junction including the Methven Branch line.
V4.0 now includes:
The Crieff Junction line from Crieff through to its junction with the Caledonian Railway's Glasgow to Perth main line
at Gleneagles (Formerly Crieff Junction).
The Perth, Almond Valley and Methven line from Methven Junction through to Almond Valley Junction just north of Perth
on the Caledonian Railway's main line.
The route is basically set in the 1950s - 60s BR period but we have exercised a certain amount of artistic licence by
including stations and track that had actually been closed before that date.
We feel (hope) this increases the operating interest of the route.
Payware Requirements.
Note: The route will not work correctly without these.
Available from DTG:
Riviera Line in the 1950's
West Highland Line South
West Highland Extention
European Loco & Asset Pack
RSC\APStation Asset Pack
Academy: Distributed with TS2024.
Armstrong Powerhouse Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack 2.0 https://www.armstrongpowerhous…ther_enhancement_pack_2.0
Freeware Requirements.
As Steam Era fans , many of you will probably already have this excellent route, if not then we highly recommend it, It contains many unique assets which
we have used throughout this route. - Note: Only the 'Futch' and 'PeterG' Assets folders are absolutely neccesary for WHW East of Crianlarich V4.0.
John Kirk North Lincolnshire Route v05-2020 Assets
Other Downloads:
Note: Copy each the links as written here (starting 'https') and paste each of them into your browser search bar then hit Enter.
UKTS Freeware Pack - Industrial_1 v1.0.3 https://download.golden-age-de…checksum=54c24496b634dc09
UKTS Freeware Pack - Terrain_Textures_1_v1_0_1 https://download.golden-age-de…checksum=3992fbf7461e8959
UKTS Freeware Pack - Clutter_1_v1_0_6 https://download.golden-age-de…checksum=9a3dc6a076b1e5ed
Kris Wilson: Pre-WWII Asset Pack
Pierre Gauriat: French farm houses 1
Pierre Gauriat: French farm houses 2
Pierre Gauriat: Farm yard sheds
Vulcan Productions: Grass Pack V4.0
Vulcan Productions: Tree Pack V1.0
For the freeroam Scenarios:
Black 5s Ian Riley Black 5 Collection https://www.steamsoundssupreme…-rolling-stock-packs.html
Black 5s LMS Black 5 Pack https://www.steamsoundssupreme…-rolling-stock-packs.html
Fowler 4F VP LMS Fowler 4F BR Pack
Forerunner Coaches BR MK1 - Mainline
GAD EK Wagon Expansion Pack
This route could not have been built without the use of assets created by many authors who have donated the results of their efforts to the community.
We are extremely grateful to them all, and in particular to those who have permitted us to package their assets with the route.