Roussillion dürfte dem einen oder anderen hier durch das kostenlose szenariopaket für die WCML vor einiger Zeit bekannt sein, jetzt haben sie ihre erste Strecke (fast) fertig: Williamstown Line Part 1.
Die Williamstown Line bietet 380 Meilen Streckennetz und bietet 23 Szenarien. Das schöne an den Szenarien: Sie liegen einmal als Version für Standardrollmaterial vor und einmal als Version mit Payware (z.B. Class 66,70,325 Express Mail. JT Voyager).
Einziger Wehrmutstropfen: Momentan fehlen noch fast sämtliche Streckenrandobjekte, außer viel grüner Wiese gibt es nichts. Die Objekte werden wohl momentan gebaut und per Update inlusive 10 weiterer Szenarien nachgeliefert, dafür kostet die Strecke momentan auch nur 24 statt später 36€.
Hier mal ein kleienr (englischer) Auzug aus der Streckenbeschreibung:
ZitatWilliamstown is a city at the junction of many cities. Frankfort is a growing city at the north of Williamstown.
The city of Frankfort is joining by a railway line built at the end of the 19th century. Modernised in the twenties with the electrification by a third rail. This line was mainly used to transport coal from Baltimore coal mine. Gas was discovered in the 1970s in Frankfort this led to a growth in the population. Local authorities have decided to create a new high speed line to connect Williamstown to Frankfort. Many cities views equipped with railway. New plants are located along the line because the price of land was low. The old line with its third rail is still used to serve the villages, factories and coal. The tourist village of Castlmain welcomes thousands of tourists each year. Special trains are also implemented daily from Williamstown and Frankfort. With the new high speed line, the cargo between the two cities has increased considerably. A sorting centre was constructed just north of Williamstown. From there, leave dozens of train every day carrying all the product, gas and coal between Frankfort and Williamstown.