[RT] BR 146-5 Fernverkehr

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  • As I explained before, on the video the locomotive run over 1000 hz speed check magnets, this signal come into the locomotive, long story short I know exactly what happen there and will be fixed in version 1.1. I sadly didn’t run into this exact situation in my months development time.

    When you roll and AFB is activated the locomotive activate AFB halte Bremse.

    We deactivated the traction lever by default( some customers didn’t like it, and some do, if you wish to drive with it , activate it. Key board key E unlock te lever than you can move it to traction setting.

    Activate it with Shift+5 you receive a message when it’s activated.

  • Zugart M geschaltet werden kann, bitte mal schauen, ob es das gelbe Textbanner fuer Ueberwachung von 35 km/h gibt.

    Was genau hat das eigentlich mit der mittleren Zugart zu tun? Die Texteinblendung kommt ja in jeder Zugart.
    Aber selbst wenn kein einzige Texteinblendung kommt, ist das ja nicht direkt falsch. Die 185.1 mit LZB 80/16 blendet auch keine Texte ein. Das machen "nur" die EBICAB-Loks.

    Aus dem Walkman tönt es grell - den Nachbarn juckt´s im Trommelfell.

  • Vielen Dank! Falls auf Zugart M geschaltet werden kann, bitte mal schauen, ob es das gelbe Textbanner fuer Ueberwachung von 35 km/h gibt. (braucht man fuer 500 Hz Beeinflussungen in Zugart M) . Ich baue mir in solche Loks gerne meine PZB/LZB ein, aber bin dann sehr enttaeuscht wenn die Lokbauer wie RT und RSSLo nur Textbanner fuer 25, 45, 55, 70, 85 km/h einbauen und 35 km/h vergessen! Das Banner fuer 40km/h (Befehl) vergessen alle!
    Ich will mir die Lok nur kaufen, wenn es wenigstens das 35km/h Textbanner gibt (PZB ist mir wichtig)

    All Text lits are inside 25 till 85 i didnt forget.

    which button you mean ? Tractionlock is a push and auto release button, as the road runner need to be able to do double push action in a short time.

  • Ich werde mir die Lok kaufen, da ja bereits von Railtraction signalisiert wird, dass noch Updates kommen. User aus dem Forum haben doch am Betatest teilgenommen. Nach den Updates wird das sicherlich eine gute Lok oder zumindest eine starke Verbesserung gegenüber der DTG Variante.

    „Wer die Freiheit aufgibt um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, der wird am Ende beides verlieren.“
    Benjamin Franklin

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von tom87 ()

  • Ich hatte gestern in einer kurzen Testfahrt Probleme mit der Auswahl des Pantographen. Nach Druck auf P passiert irgendwie nichts. Ich habe keine Rückmeldung bekommen, welcher Panto nun ausgewählt ist. Dann wurde wohl mal der vordere Panto gehoben aber dann passierte wieder nichts, wenn ich erneut P drückte. Mir ist es nicht gelungen, wieder auf den hinteren zu wechseln. Hatte mal kurz im Quickdrive getestet. Vielleicht finde ich heute Nachmittag mal Zeit, die Lok im Szenario zu testen.

  • Please Have a little patients, with uploading and releasing inputmappers, report your wishes to us and we check into it! I will launch this evening or tomorrow internal release version 1-1 to our beta testers. If that is oké i launch it in the store.

    till now there is no show stopping bug reported , almost everything is controllable by cabin control or hud. switch zugart also work, switch on pzb and use control+8 , hold the button combination till pzb symbol switch to next zugart, and release. There is on the zugart U one issue with the uv mapping which is internal already solved, you see 40 instead of blue 55 .

  • Please Have a little patients, with uploading and releasing inputmappers, report your wishes to us and we check into it! I will launch this evening or tomorrow internal release version 1-1 to our beta testers. If that is oké i launch it in the store.

    till now there is no show stopping bug reported , almost everything is controllable by cabin control or hud. switch zugart also work, switch on pzb and use control+8 , hold the button combination till pzb symbol switch to next zugart, and release. There is on the zugart U one issue with the uv mapping which is internal already solved, you see 40 instead of blue 55 .

    I always add every driving feature in the inputmapper (except sunbling, open door, open windows, etc)... I also change sensitivty to my wishes if needed.
    Panto up/down

    Panto selection
    Main switch
    Cab light
    Desk light
    Instrument light
    Engine light / long distance light
    Wiper on/off
    Wiper speed
    Hand brake

    Do you plan to add all ?

  • Please do not edit the sensitivity from the controls when you gonna upload mods for others( if you like to hold that edits personal than fine for me), this can lead in some situations to Failures in combination with low FPS for some users with a slower pc, they come at the end to us on our support desk.

    As example the Brake levers, this is a very tricky system, how it work in this stage with push pull and track back system. When this become to fast it become also very sensitive to lose the follow function, there is a very small margin in it, when the speed come to fast as example from key press the follow function need a much bigger margin, otherwise the lever cant stick back in the same notch anymore. This is tested on multiple FPS amounts which give in this stage a general good expectable result.

    Second thing: the Blueprints contain on this moment Development Controls which i use to Do bug tracking for the safety functions. When users gonna change things it can lead in a complete broken train, also after future patches some controls will disapear which will lead in missmatch.

  • Why does the new 146 overwrite the KI 146 from the IC Pack? It would have been better if this had been separated.

    I also noticed this in the readme... maybe it´s done in a way, that if you place it in scenarios the 146 drivable or AI surfaces depending on what you own???