Ist die Festplatte OK? da gibts etliche Tools (bitte Googeln) die das prüfen können.
Train Simulator stürzt ab
Naja, was mich daran jetzt etwas wundert ist, dass ich gar keine zusätzliche Festplatte am PC angeschlossen habe.
Der Train Simulator ist normal, wie alle anderen Steam Spiele auch auf dem lokalen Datenträger (C:) installiert. Alle anderen Spiele laufen ja auch einwandfrei.
D: ist mein DVD Laufwerk...
Naja, aber dann ist es klar das der abstürzt, der sucht deine Dateien alle auf Laufwerk D: - hast du mal was neues installiert und dort ein falschen Laufwerkbuchstaben angegeben?
Hm, eigentlich nicht. Ich lasse das Hauptspiel nochmal erneut installieren, in der Hoffnung, dass es dann (auch wieder langfristig) läuft
Ja und dann geht es vieleicht wieder. Aber wie lange ?
An deiner Stelle würde ich mich einmal mit diesem Problem auseinander setzen, sonst bittest du in naher Zukunft wieder um Hilfe.
Ja und was genau soll ich denn tun? Mit dem lokalen Speicher ist alles in Ordnung. Das Problem scheint irgendwo anders zu liegen... leider weiß ich nicht was ich wirklich tun kann um es herauszufinden
Steam - Trainsimulator - Rechte Maus - Eigenschaften - Installierte Dateien - Installationsverzeichnis verschieben, da steht wo aktuell Steam das hininstallieren will.
Wenn da was falsches steht:…re+festplatte+verschieben da gibts dann Hinweise, wie man andere Verzeichnisse erzeugt und da einträgt.
So ähnlich habe ich gestern schon geschrieben. Kommt ja keine Reaktion.
In Steam steht alles korrekt.
Was mir noch einfällt und versuchen kann wäre das hier:
'Railworks Registry Entry Was Not Detected' Or 'Railworks Was Not Found'To fix your RailWorks registry entry, please download and run this tool Run the tool and select 'RailWorks Registry Fix' (Note: Windows 7 and…support.justflight.comVielleicht passt der Registry Eintrag nicht.
Welche Windows Version nutzt du denn gerade? Vielleicht ist da ein Windows Update gekommen, der evtl. bei dir was durcheinander gebracht hatte und dadurch den TSC vielleicht falsch registriert? Ist nur komisch das der das nach einer neu Installation ständig wieder macht?! Oder hast du mal nach Malware gesucht, nicht das sich da was in Windows eingenistet hat? Und der befällt gerade nur deine TSC Installation? Weil das sit sehr merkwürdig, das der dein DVD Laufwerk immer auswählt und dort nach den Sachen sucht. Irgendwas muss die Installation durcheinander bringen, das der auf den falschen Laufwerkbuchstaben zugreifen möchte. Hast du irgendwo mal was für den TSC runtergeladen und rein installiert, was evtl. nicht von einer seriösen Quelle kam?!
Ich nutze die aktuelle Version von Windows 10. Alle Updates sind soweit installiert. Laut einem Komplettscan meines Virenschutzsystems ist alles soweit sauber. Ich habe auch keine Dateien von unseriösen Quellen gedownloadet.
2023.09.01 17:27:10.540 - [RunTimeError] - JSON Parse Error: Must be a comma or '}' after an object member
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [RunTimeError] -
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [RunTimeError] - cScenarioDatabase::OnSDDLCHTTPComplete()
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [RunTimeError] -
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [RunTimeError] - D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\ScenarioManager\cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1869
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class218\Default\Engine\BR218_engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine_sp.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class218\Default\Engine\BR218_engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine_sp.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine_sp.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine_sp.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class218\Default\Engine\BR218_engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class218\Default\Engine\BR218_engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Heavyeagle, DSB IC3
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Engine\mfa_via.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Heavyeagle, DSB IC3
2023.09.01 17:27:10.542 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : GBE, Br628
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Br628\Br628.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : GBE, Br628
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : GBE, Br628
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Br628\Br628.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : GBE, Br628
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Heavyeagle, DSB IC3
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Engine\mfa_via.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Heavyeagle, DSB IC3
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : TrainTeamBerlin, TTB_B-WT_KI-Verkehr
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: ICo-Wagen\Wagons\TTB_Abpma_NOB.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : TrainTeamBerlin, TTB_B-WT_KI-Verkehr
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSSLO, Locomotiv
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Obb2016\Engine\Obb2016.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSSLO, Locomotiv
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1142\default\OEBB_1142_vl_nL_Logo.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR218_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Aerosoft, Koeln-Duesseldorf
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Rollmaterial\Elloks\BR143\BR143.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Aerosoft, Koeln-Duesseldorf
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR185Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Preload\DBBR185_Coachesx10Tanks.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR185Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR218_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR218_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR218_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR189Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\BR189\Engine\BR189_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR189Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ER20 Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR189Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\BR189\Engine\BR189_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR189Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VirtualRailroads, vR_BR232
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR232_Railion_Solo.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VirtualRailroads, vR_BR232
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ER20 Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:10.543 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\Default\ES64U2_MRCE.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\Default\ES64U2_MRCE.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR232Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR232_Railion_Solo.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR232Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : TrainTeamBerlin, TTB_GW_st
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Preload\TTB_GW_KI_Mix05-27x.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : TrainTeamBerlin, TTB_GW_st
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\Default\ES64U2_MRCE.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\ER20\MRCE\Engine\ER20_MRCE.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Eisenbahnwerk, AddOn04
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Rollmaterial\Personenwagen\DB-Bie-29\Coach\Bie-29.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Eisenbahnwerk, AddOn04
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR232Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR232_Railion_Solo.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR232Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DR, Umbauwagen-3
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: BD3yg-1.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DR, Umbauwagen-3
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR218_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR218_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR218Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR185Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Preload\DBBR185_Coachesx10Tanks.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DTG, BR185Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: br218\engine\Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : fopixtrains, treinen
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR189Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\BR189\Engine\BR189_Engine.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR189Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR232Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR232_Railion_Solo.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, BR232Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\ER20\MRCE\Engine\ER20_MRCE.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ER20Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\Default\ES64U2_MRCE.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, ES64Pack01
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Eisenbahnwerk, AddOn04
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Rollmaterial\Personenwagen\DB-Bie-29\Coach\Bie-29.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Eisenbahnwerk, AddOn04
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DR, Umbauwagen-3
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: BD3yg-1.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DR, Umbauwagen-3
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR101EL_VRot_DynNr_Tfz.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR101EL_VRot_DynNr_Tfz.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR101EL_Natur_Tfz.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR101EL_Stadtwerke_Tfz.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR101EL_VRot_DynNr_Tfz.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR101EL_VRot_DynNr_Tfz.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR101_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR120_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Elloks\BR120\BR120-VRot.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR120_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR120_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\BR120_VRot_EL_Solo.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR120_VRot_EL
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_Fcs088
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Frachtw\Fcs088\Fcs088_Multi.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_Fcs088
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_Fcs088
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Frachtw\Fcs088\Fcs088_Multi.xml
2023.09.01 17:27:11.059 - [Content] - Trace D:\build\CoreRelease\Code\DLLs\DataManagement\cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_Fcs088
Was mich ehrlich gesagt etwas irritiert ist das hier in der LogFile:
2023.08.27 02:42:48.694 - [RunTimeError] - JSON Parse Error: Must be a comma or '}' after an object member
2023.09.01 17:27:10.540 - [RunTimeError] - JSON Parse Error: Must be a comma or '}' after an object member
Die treten bei dir 2 mal auf.
Ich denke das es mit dem TS weniger zu tun hat, eher stimmt an deinem PC was nicht. Sorry dafür, aber so sieht es leider aus.
Ist der PC auf dem neuesten Stand? Was sagt das Ereignisprotokoll von Windows? Es kann nicht sein das du schon alles versucht hast damit der TS läuft, aber er tut's nicht. Das kann an dem TS nicht liegen.
Vielleicht ein JSON Editor der da reingrätscht.
Das war auch mein Gedanke und wollte das gerade schreiben. Es gibt doch was, was den TS stört. Nur komm ich nicht mehr drauf was es war. Irgendein Editor war das.
Kann ich denn diesen JSON Editor irgendwie entfernen, bzw was kann ich denn dann machen, wenn dass das Problem sein sollte?
Es ist einfach nur zum verzweifeln…alles was ich probiere bringt überhaupt nichts.
Hat denn keiner mehr eine Idee, bzw eine Antwort auf meine letzte Frage?
Es kann ja wohl doch nicht sein, dass ich den TS nie wieder zum dauerhaften laufen kriegen werde