What i like about the new weather/season/time implementation is that you can choose what you want to have randomised. Much better than in TS where everything is randomised.
RW Enhancer 2 erschienen
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- Nina
What i like about the new weather/season/time implementation is that you can choose what you want to have randomised. Much better than in TS where everything is randomised.
You even have an option to randomize time but in the 'day' time range if you maintain CTRL while pushing on the "Randomize" button
One function that I hope will also (eventually - not in the short term) be incorporated in RWE2 is a powerful search function. Like in TS (where a general search function also exists, although it is notoriously unreliable) it should be possible to search for "1S13", "TGV" or "186" and easily find the relevant scenarios incorporating that scheduled service or that specific rolling stock.
A start already exists within the "route selection" menu, whereas it is possible to search for routes on the basis of, I believe, elements of the route name. This works well. [As the content explorer also lists all intermediate stations, one might eventually expect also to be able to search for these (e.g. search for "Valence" and and obtain "Lyon-Marseille" - this is more a nice-to-have however and not likely to be important for most users].
A general scenario search function does not sit easily within the structure of the RWE2 interface where one first selects a route and then a scenario. For this reason, I would see a generalised search function as being more of a long-term addition to RWE2. But precisely because of the problematic nature of searching in TS, I do hope that one day we will have this.
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Good catch ! Fixed in next update
EDIT: Cooking 'Close window when cooking is completed' setting done.
And the scenario task timetable is now displayed in drive menu and content explorer
A minor observation regarding the accelerometer when driving in cruise control conditions at constant speed (currently for me 200 km/h in the 3DZug ICE1).
At zero gradient, TS and RWE2 both show the speed at a stable 200 km/h. In reality of course, the speed slightly fluctuates around this level under cruise control conditions. The speedometer does not show any decimal points so small fluctuations are natually not shown in the speed figure. However, they are shown in the accelerometer. which constantly shows small yellow/green movements. In the long term, this get annoying and does not serve any meaningful purpose.
My suggestion would therefore be to apply a cut-off in the accelerometer, such that very minor speed changes are not shown. This could roughly mirror the effect of rounding to whole numbers in the speedometer. One does not see a change from 199,8 to 200,1 km/h in the speedometer so a speed change of roughly this magnitude should not appear in the accelerometer either. No need to be exact - an approximation will suffice. This will make for a more tranquil experience when driving in cruise control conditions.
A minor observation regarding the accelerometer when driving in cruise control conditions at constant speed (currently for me 200 km/h in the 3DZug ICE1).
At zero gradient, TS and RWE2 both show the speed at a stable 200 km/h. In reality of course, the speed slightly fluctuates around this level under cruise control conditions. The speedometer does not show any decimal points so small fluctuations are natually not shown in the speed figure. However, they are shown in the accelerometer. which constantly shows small yellow/green movements. In the long term, this get annoying and does not serve any meaningful purpose.
My suggestion would therefore be to apply a cut-off in the accelerometer, such that very minor speed changes are not shown. This could roughly mirror the effect of rounding to whole numbers in the speedometer. One does not see a change from 199,8 to 200,1 km/h in the speedometer so a speed change of roughly this magnitude should not appear in the accelerometer either. No need to be exact - an approximation will suffice. This will make for a more tranquil experience when driving in cruise control conditions.
Next update should improve this. The speedometer animation should also be smoother.
- update is now available
For more details please visit this page: https://www.rwcentral.com/topi…pdate-07200-is-available/
- Added 'FPS Limit' TS setting in settings menu
- Added quickdrive time, weather and season randomization buttons in drive menu
- Added timetable infos for scenarios in drive menu
- Added timetable infos for scenarios in content explorer
- Added 'Only Display Routes With Scenarios' filter in drive menu
- Added 'Close window when cooking is finished' option in content cooker window
- Improved track monitor refresh rate
- Increased HUD accelerometer reactivity
- Smoothed HUD accelerometer animation
- Optimized train acceleration calculation system
- Improved user account connection status logging
- Fixed 'Station PIS' enabled/disabled state not correctly saved
- Fixed being able to set '60' as minute in quick drive time in drive menu
Hat schon wer Erfahrung mit dem RW Enhancer 2 und könnte mir vielleicht paar fragen beantworten oder vielleicht sogar weiter helfen?
Falls ja bitte unter PN melden!
Warum stellst du deine Fragen nicht einfach hier bzw. erklärst, wo du Hilfe benötigst. Vielleicht ist etwas davon auch für andere User relevant.
Warum stellst du deine Fragen nicht einfach hier bzw. erklärst, wo du Hilfe benötigst.
Ist ja schliesslich auch der Sinn eines Forum´s.
Ich würd gerne wissen was so die besten Einstellungen sind oder was ihr mir raten würdet für Einstellungen.
oder was ihr mir raten würdet für Einstellungen.
Kommt immer drauf an was man haben will. So sieht das bei mir aus.
Im Anhang ist mal das was bei mir in den Shadern eingestellt ist.
Installation ist auch einfach. RW Enhancer 2 starten, dann auf Settings, dann auf Shader und dort auf Import klicken und die .xml von mir einfügen. Fertig.
Ansonsten mal probieren bis es passt.
Also ich würde halt bevorzugen das es so nahe wie möglich an die Realität ran kommt. So gut als möglich halt, aber dafür kenne ich mich selber leider zu wenig aus.
Aber werde mal deines versuchen, danke auf jeden fall mal!
EDIT: Was kann ich im Reiter "Gameplay" und "HUD" einstellen?, und habt ihr da auch Vorschläge bzw was für was da ist, halt grob gesagt.
EDIT 2: Wenn ich jetzt ein Quick Drive Starten will und mein Erstellten Zug suche finde ich diesen nicht.
EDIT 3: Ich habe in der Ferne so eine "Unschärfe" kann man dass irgendwie noch einstellen das dies nicht so ist oder ist es wegen dem Wetter bzw vom Programm her?
Hope you are all enjoying the latest update. Next update will be small but will focus on adding user template consists (created in TS consist editor) support in RWE 2. So you can use those consists in quick drive for example.
This feature was requested by many users.
das ist schon große Klasse, was Du hier mit Deinen laufenden Updates ständig auf Wunsch der User verbesserst.
Was ich mir noch wünschen würde ist, das nach Auswahl des Szenarios und drücken des "Drive"-Button im RWE2 das entsprechende Szenario sofort gestartet wird. Im jetzigen Zustand wird ja nur der TS 2022 gestartet und man muss das Szenario, welches man spielen will, erneut suchen und starten.
Ich hätte da noch einen Wunsch. Wenn man einen Personenzug fährt, (Quickie) kommt bei jeder Station die Bahnsteigdurchsage: "Achtung auf Gleis erster, Gleis zweiter, Gleis dritter, usw... "
Das ist natürlich komlpett falsches Deutsch. Richtig wäre: "Achtung auf Gleis eins, Gleis zwei, Gleis drei," usw...
Ich glaube das liegt am Skript, welches der Sprachausgabe zu Grunde liegt. Da wird halt drinnen Stehen "Achtung auf Gleis eins." und den Punkt missinterpetiert dann die Sprachausgabe falsch,
nicht als Satzende, sondern als erster, oder zweiter,...
Ich fände es Super wenn das behoben werden könnte. Danke, Alti.
(Im Normalfall schreibe ich das ins RWCentral-Forum, wo ja jeder, der das Programm supportet hat, auch automatisch Zugang hat.
Es könnte aber sein, dass es hier Probleme mit der Übersetzung gibt, daher falls im Englisch was falsch ist, bitte um Berichtigung.)-
I would have there still another desire. When you drive a passenger train, (Quickdrive) comes at each station the platform announcement: "Attention to track first, track second, track third, etc.... "
This is, of course, completely wrong German. Correct would be: "Attention on track one, track two, track three," etc....
I think this is due to the script, which is the basis of the voice output. It will say "Achtung auf Gleis eins." and the voice output misinterprets this point,
not as the end of a sentence, but as the first, or second,...
It would be great if this could be fixed. Thanks, Alti.
(Normally I post this in the RWCentral forum, where everyone who has supported the program has automatic access.
But it could be that there are problems with the translation here, so if something is wrong in the English, please correct it).
Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Was ich mir noch wünschen würde ist, das nach Auswahl des Szenarios und drücken des "Drive"-Button im RWE2 das entsprechende Szenario sofort gestartet wird. Im jetzigen Zustand wird ja nur der TS 2022 gestartet und man muss das Szenario, welches man spielen will, erneut suchen und starten.
Wäre schön! Aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher dass DTG diese Möglichkeit derzeit nicht unterstützt.
Alti Are you using SAPI or 'Azure' speech engine ?
No Azure at time, i would buy this when you can say to me, in Azure its corrected.
Wäre schön! Aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher dass DTG diese Möglichkeit derzeit nicht unterstützt.
DTG is not supporting this option of course... But i might have a clever idea to reduce the time to search the corresponding scenario. Need to investigate first.
No Azure at time, i would buy this when you can say to me, in Azure its corrected.
Will try to fix this for everyone. even the SAPI users have the rights to have something fixed
EDIT: Alti Issue identified and should be fixed in next update.
An important thought on the station announcements. I just arrived at Nürnberg Hbf with a EuroNight service from Regensburg. The service in reality would continue all the way to Hamburg Altona, but in TS it is of course not possible to play beyond Nürnberg. Yet, the automated station announcements greated me with "welcome to Nürnberg, the terminus of the train". Fully understandable of course how this comes about. but appropriate it is not. It detracts fairly severely from the great immersion of arriving in the middle of the night at an intermediate stop of an overnight train that, in reality, would still have a long way to travel.
Unfortunately, in view of the above, I think the default position will have to be that the automated station system cannot currently welcome travellers to the "final station of the train". The very nature of TS is that one often is driving just a portion of a longer train service, particularly as far as long-distance services are concerned. Absent information one way or the other, the station PIS will have to err on the side of caution (so just "welcome to Nürnberg" in the above example). Maybe in the future this can change if RWE2 were to develop more advanced scenario management capabilities (with the user being able to specify whether the final stop of the scenario really is the final stop of the train service that is being simulated?), but we are clearly not living in such a world yet.
RWE 2 will get some scenario features in order to specify this kind of stuff