Nord Deutschland

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  • Or try Beluxtrain's classic Bundesbahn package - a well working collection of scenarios that no doubt brings me back to the times I was fooling around in the area. Best stuff ever made if you want to drive Padborg - Hamburg Altona or Kiel - Hamburg Hbf or Hamburg Altona-Itzehoe. Beats everything I ever tried before. Take note myself I made most of those scenarios summer, as northern Germany is like like very barren at autumn and spring. The route is not at fault... just facts :)

    Adding a pic from Hamburg-Eidelstedt area. ICE city for miles. Just for ICE! And suddenly like in the jungle thereafter.

  • Hallo Ghosttrain

    vielen Dank für deine schöne Strecke. Gerade die S-Bahn macht mir sehr viel Spaß.

    Leider steht auf dem Bahnhofsschild in Altona ja Hbf drauf, was falsch ist.

    Stattdessen nimm doch bitte überall die Schilder aus dem Ordner "RailWorks\Assets\Kapafa\DK Stationsskilte", der auch im Asset-Pack enthalten ist, zumindest in Altona, dort stimmt auch die Schriftart mit dem Original überein.

    In English:

    Thank you for your beautiful route. I espeacially like the S-Bahn.

    Unfortunately, the station sign of Hamburg-Altona says "Altona Hbf" instead of "Hamburg-Altona", maybe you could either edit the file in "RailWorks\Assets\Ted\Bhfschilder\Altona\bahnhofschildv2.TgPcDx" and "RailWorks\Assets\Ted\Bhfschilder\Altona S\bahnhofschildv2.TgPcDx" or use the signs from the folder "RailWorks\Assets\Kapafa\DK Stationsskilte" which also use the right font type.

    Viele Grüße


    P.S.: Some more feedback: Before and after Pinneberg (coming from Hamburg), there are many sections on both tracks where the overhead wire does not slide on top of the pantograph but stays at one position, between Sternschanze and Altona (directly after Strenschanze) some overhead wires are mussing, and there is a section where the speed is suddently changed to 120 for a while behind Elmshorn. Please fix this in an update later.

  • Ghosttrain then it looks for me like Wittenberge.

    Wittenberge könnte sein, Schwerin bezweifel ich passt nicht zum gezeigten auch wenn es schön wäre aber da traut sich leider niemand ran.

    Aber egal in welche Richtung, schön das es weiter zu gehen scheint.
    Allerdings würde ich persönlich Wittenberge jetzt eher nicht mehr zu Norddeutschland zählen, allerdings wer weiß vielleicht kommt ja irgendwann die Ecke Schwerin Wismar dazu nice wäre es in jedem Fall.

  • For north german people it is under Hamburg not "North Germany" there is it South Germany

    Boah, ganzes dünnes Eis, ganz dünnes Eis! =O8o

    Was die Strecke angeht, macht wohl Laune, auch wenn einige Dinge fehlen. Paar Güterzüge und Eilzüge habe ich wohl auch schon zwischen Paborg und Hamburg sowie nach Kiel gebracht. Was an Lückenschluß noch Sinn machen würde, wäre Husum-Kiel, also der Abzweig von Jübek nach Husum und der Abzweig hinter Rendsburg über Felde nach Kiel. So könnte man von Norden her auch KIel anfahren. Würde sogar eine Fahrt nach existierenden Fahrplan ermöglichen. Wäre mein Vorschlag ;)


    As far as the route is concerned, it's fun, even if some things are missing. I have already brought a few goods trains and express trains between Paborg and Hamburg and to Kiel. What would still make sense as a gap closure would be Husum-Kiel, i.e. the branch from Jübek to Husum and the branch behind Rendsburg via Felde to Kiel, so you could also reach Kiel from the north. This would even make it possible to travel according to the existing timetable. That would be my suggestion. ;)

  • Yes that could have been nice, but there are to small problems. I have decided only to make electrified railroad, and the secund and worse problem is the Tracks.bin file. My experience tells my, that even working i 64 bit version of TS, the Tracks.bin is almost impossible to work with when it comes near to the 20 MB. It chrashes. The Serz.exe can´t handle files in this sice. The new part of the route is Hamburg - Wittenberge. I would have loved to take it all the way to Berlin, but I think that it can´t be done. There would still be about 125 km railroad to bild with at lot of stations, signals, sidings and so on. The Tracks.bin is now almost 14 MB and there at still things to be corrected and added. So I dont think it is possible to take it all the way.:)

  • Yes that could have been nice, but there are to small problems. I have decided only to make electrified railroad, and the secund and worse problem is the Tracks.bin file. My experience tells my, that even working i 64 bit version of TS, the Tracks.bin is almost impossible to work with when it comes near to the 20 MB. It chrashes. The Serz.exe can´t handle files in this sice. The new part of the route is Hamburg - Wittenberge. I would have loved to take it all the way to Berlin, but I think that it can´t be done. There would still be about 12 km railroad to bild with at lot of stations, signals, sidings and so on. The Tracks.bin is now almost 14 MB and there at still things to be corrected and added. So I dont think it is possible to take it all the way.:)

    Now it would be possible, schotterman has uploaded a nice video on YouTube, see here: Youtube Unfortunately, I can't say how much sense it makes to have a double version. So it might make more sense to continue tinkering from Ludwigslust / Hagenow to the north? Please do not see it as a criticism but rather as a suggestion.

  • Yes that could have been nice, but there are to small problems. I have decided only to make electrified railroad, and the secund and worse problem is the Tracks.bin file. My experience tells my, that even working i 64 bit version of TS, the Tracks.bin is almost impossible to work with when it comes near to the 20 MB. It chrashes.

    Na ja, für mich ist diese Begründung nicht wirklich schlüssig, da erstens Du Dich durch Deine Entscheidung nur elektrische Strecken zubauen selbst einschränkst und der Bau des Abschnitts Hamburg - Wittenberge leider vergeudete Energie in meinen Augen ist, da an der Strecke Hamburg - Berlin bereits im Hintergrund von schotterman gebaut wird und sogar mit Kurvenüberhöhung, welche wir bei Dir nicht mit rechnen können. Zudem wird der Abschnitt HH - Wittenberge, die Tracks.bin mehr aufblähen als eventuell sinnvolle Lückenschlüsse in Schleswig-Holstein. Das ist nur meine Meinung. Schade, dass Du nicht offener und flexibler für den Streckenbau bist, denn Dein Projekt hat richtiges Potenzial für mehr.

    Well, for me this reasoning is not really conclusive, because firstly you are limiting yourself by your decision to build only electric lines and the construction of the Hamburg - Wittenberge section is unfortunately wasted energy in my eyes, because the Hamburg - Berlin line is already being built in the background by schotterman and even with curve elevation, which we cannot count on in your case. In addition, the HH - Wittenberge section will inflate the Tracks.bin more than any sensible gap closures in Schleswig-Holstein. That's just my opinion. It's a pity that you're not more open and flexible for track construction, because your project has real potential for more.

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