What is the name of the city that is 98% finished, if I may ask and I have to say you are making good progress, respect.
Nord Deutschland
- erhältlich
- Ghosttrain
I think it is Hamburg, because it is the only really big city on this route.
Well, I hope it looks just a little bit like Tornesch seen from the north.
I think it is Hamburg, because it is the only really big city on this route.
Try to look at Tornesch at Google Earth, it´s bigger than you think.
Hello Germany
I have a question for you, When I am working on Danish routes, I have Google Streetview over the most of Denmark. When working on this route in Germany, there are almost no places with Streetview. Tthat makes it more difficulty så find the right kind of buildings to use in the cityes. For the moment I am working on the city of Elmshorn, and it is not so easy to make as I could wish. Does anyone here know why there are so little streetview form Germany? is it some law of privacy?
Yes, that's the reason why. The few places that have street-view also use extremely outdated pictures, so don't rely on it.
Ghosttrain Maybe this website will help you further.
Hvilken togstation er det?
Det er Elmshorn.
Det er Elmshorn.
Danke dir
Ghosttrain are you building with terrain imported (dem)?
NO, I have not.
Sehr schick! Wirst du die S Bahn auch bauen? Also Pinneberg-Altona(S3), Elbgaustraße- Hamburg Hbf(S21), Altona- Hbf (S11,S31) die Teilabschnitte.
This looks very good. It must've been many work to build all this tracks...
Nice Pictures. Thanks for your work
Schade das es keine SV Signale von Schuster gibt?
Dafür das kein DEM benutzt wurde, sieht es für die schnelle wie es voran geht, ziemlich gut aus
ja, seufz - ich liebe ja norddeutsche Strecken, gerade in meiner Ex - Heimat, aber schade.
Tilmann die wären jetzt nicht das Problem, da sie durch die Schuster Skripte schon abgedeckt sind. Hatte ich bspw. auch schonmal auf meine Liste gepackt. Würde ich aber nur gegen ein kleines Entgeld machen...
Ohne DEM geschweige denn ordentliche Übergangsbögen erwarte ich von dieser Strecke leider gar nichts...