Wie ist das signalisation? Does it work. Does the route have any kind of PZB?

Köln Düsseldorf.
Cologne - Dusseldorf has a terrible Signalisation like e.g. totally wrong Signals on the Hohenzollern Bridge (normal Signals instead of Bridge Signals) and PZB? I think there is a PZB but didn't know, last played the route 2013
But the horrible thing on this route are the track laying, e.g. missing switches on the Hohenzollern Bridge (inclusive missing pzb magnets and dwarf signals), no track elevations and the undergrade crossing after Cologne Messe Deutz are crazy (you think you walk on stairs).
And the same with the Catenary, e.g. in Colone Mainstation totally wrong (poles in the Station).
The Route was ok for 2012, but for 2020 it is a disaster and make a upgrade? Build it directly new, it's easier.
Köln Düsseldorf ist eine reine Katastrophe, zu mindest heute. PZB ist zwar vorhanden, dafür fehlt was ganz anderes wichtiges: Die LZB! Deshalb sind auf der Strecke auch nur 160kmh erlaubt, in Echt 200. Die Signale sind eigentlich die selben wie auf Frankfurt-Koblenz, sprich ein Desaster. Lieber die Finger davon lassen.
Cologne Düsseldorf is a pure disaster, at least today. PZB is implemented, but something else is missing: the LZB! Therefore, only 160kmh are allowed on the route, in real terms 200. The signals are actually the same as on Frankfurt-Koblenz, in other words a disaster. Better to keep away from it
Hi Kim_olesen1
es rentiert wirklich nicht für diese Strecke ein Quickdrive zu erstellen.
Sie stammt aus den ersten Jahren des RW.
Sie ist ein Erstlingswerk, der Ersteller gehört aber mittlerweile zu den besten Streckenbauern.
(Soll ein Wink an das Team von RSSLO sein, die anscheinend nicht hinzulernen).
I know all the shortcomings of the route. Still think i might do a Real Drive for it just for the fun of it. I know no one else will drive it so i’ll just keep it for myself.
I know all the shortcomings of the route. Still think i might do a Real Drive for it just for the fun of it. I know no one else will drive it so i’ll just keep it for myself.
To be honest, I think you should upload it if you decide to make one. Even though not many of us out here will drive it, there might sill be some that will enjoy a Real Drive for the route.
Sometimes, I play Cologne Düsseldorf.
I would love one of your Real Drives on it.☝️
Install this Patch: German-HP Signalskripte überarbeitet v.1.4
it improves the horrible original KUJU-Signalisation of this route a little bit.
Its for all routes with Kuju-Signals.
Kim_olesen1 If you would Creatine a real Drive for this route, so you actually have a Plan in ehich ERA this will be setted in?
Would it be for today, or ist it possible to put it in the late 90s/ early 00s?
Kim_olesen1 If you would create a real Drive for this route, do you actually have a plan in wich era this will be setted in?
Would it be for today, or ist it possible to put it in the late 90s/ early 00s?
svenko1998 do you mean using rolling stock from that era?
It is a quick drive so you can decide the player train for yourself. And i try not to fill my quick drives with stuff people don’t have, so for freight i will be using 3dzug verkehrspack and for passenger the kuju 101 and passenger wagons.
Then anyone can add more preload consist to make it more varied.