[vR] BR 218 EL

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  • OK just guesswork from me here (and I hate to guess). My recent problem is that I use an Aufgabe (old one) where the BR218 is invoved, plus an OLD vR Steuerwagen. This used to work with the BR218 v1, v2 and so on. Then the BR218 plus Stw was available, I purchased, and after that, there was no more communication between the loco and the Stw. Problems also arised with the BR218 itself. So my thoughts is both the loco and Stw is faulty.

  • Sorry Norweger, can´t understand your posting. You may remember I send the fixed Bnrdzf package to you requesting you to test again the english version and your mail back to me was: Everything is fine, works! Communication is etablished.

    And now...nothing works? Are we talking from the same packages?

    Edit: I have uploaded now the last version Bnrdzf to the shop.

  • So is the English installation of the current v6 from March 6 flawed or not? Norweger seems to say the BR218 used to work with other vR Stw and it's not the case anymore... ?

    Additionally, it's already the third "version" of version 6, perhaps the version number should be increased each time there's a change...? It's becoming messy.

  • Sorry Ulf, I was talking about an old Aufgabe where your complete trainset is not involved. It is the latest BR 218 v6, but the coaches are older vR material.

  • Ulf, I do lose something... my time... download the package, scan it for viruses and trojans, install it, re-install my own changes on top of that (that might be incompatible), test it all. Only to do it all again if a new update is released in a few days, which already happened twice with v6.

    Norweger, if it is old vR Stw that stopped working with v6, it could be intentional, perhaps Ulf is trying to make sure that only official Stw packages work to get more purchases? A speculation of course, but that would make sense if it worked before...

  • I would say a potentially libellous statement given that it has been repeatedly said that backward compatibility between old and new advanced add-ons was unlikely due to the way TS works and that in the event there is compatibility it is likely to be limited. Maik has said repeatedly that TS is the main issue and everything has to be rebuilt for each add-on. Common sense would also dictate that if Ulf wished to go down that route he would have done it right from the first release. More likely it is an unintended consequence of the update. Perhaps you would like to show us where it is officially stated that there will be backward compatibility.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Holz, there's nothing libellous here: the message was specifically meant for Norweger, who apparently spent hours and hours trying to make it work; I merely state a possibility, which would, if true, mean that he should not be spending any more time on that. And one of the reasons I can say this is _exactly_ what you state: no-one promised any backward compatibility and I'm fully aware of that. vR could do this and no-one could complain. I certainly wouldn't.

    Holz, please stop posting these "political correctness" type of replies. Please keep in mind every human being is entitled to have an opinion or state possibilities provided that it is backed up by facts, at least to a reasonable extent. If some functionality worked before (as Norweger claims), it does not work anymore with the newer version, this functionality is not guaranteed to work by the developer and it makes sense financially to remove it, it is logical to _theorise_ it could have been intentional. Please read my post again: I say it _could_ be intentional, not that it _was_. It is perfectly fine saying you don't believe it is and why, but speaking of a "potentially libellous statement" is a bit out of line.

  • Actually I read your post quite well, and I still think it is out of order. You made an unfounded suggestion with no facts to back it up on a public forum. As for politically correct posts, I don't think so. If you feel that my post are too politically correct for your tastes then I suggest that you block me to avoid being offended by them. I have said enough and I will now block you to save any further unpleasantness. I don't wish this to become a popcorn thread.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • OK, you won't probably read this, but let me reply anyway. perhaps you may read this in the end...

    My post says: If some functionality worked before (as Norweger claims), it does not work anymore with the newer version, this functionality is not guaranteed to work by the developer and it makes sense financially to remove it, it is logical to _theorise_ it could have been intentional.

    Your reaction: You made an unfounded suggestion with no facts to back it up on a public forum.

    It is a matter of opinion when you have enough information to come to a conclusion. I don't know what your current job is, but it's quite common to provide conclusions and suggestions with the information you have although you know they are not sufficient. That's why you then use words like "could", "probably" etc. In your world you always have to be 100% sure about something to post about it. This is the new world of correctness, but it does not work that way in real life.

    I was not aggressive nor insulting towards anyone (including you) in my previous posts. If Ulf removed this intentionally, he has every right to do that and I'm not complaining. I just suggested a possibility that was meant for Norweger so that he understands his attempt to make the BR218 work with older products may be a lost cause. Nothing more, nothing less. If the result of this is that you block me, that makes me really sad, but won't talk you out of it, it's your right of course.

  • Hmm, ich kann das nicht bestätigen. ich habe das Szenario von mir gefahren, in der "deutschen" Installation funktioniert das alles auch mit alten STW von vR , solange diese als Wagen mit laufen. Kann das ganze jetzt nicht nachbilden? ich kann gerne mein Szenario umbauen, damit der STW aus dem Pack dann eingebaut wird?! Dann sollte das auch in der englischen Version klappen. Aber ist da wirklich ein Unterschied verbaut?! Kann ich mir ehrlich gesagt nicht vorstellen. Vielleicht liegt es dann eher an den alten STW in englischer Version?!

  • Bei mir läuft die Kiste mit Steuerkopf und drei dazu gehörigen Wagon im Schnellgang von Hamburg nach Lübeck Update, nur 133 km/h. Kein fatz mehr in der ebenen! ?( Zwar nicht so dermaßen dramatisch, aber ich wollte es mit geteilt haben.

    Leben und Leben lassen!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von DennyW () aus folgendem Grund: Nachtrag!

  • With my friend we did a small "investigation" about the German-English problem. All the solution is in the BR218_enginescript_dev.out file. Till the version 5 works correctly, from v6 there is an error. From the first sight you see the size difference (new is smaller). We do not know anythink about the changes, but when you copy "old" (bigger) file and overwrite the new one, all works OK (from the message system only of course - I cannot speak about the functional differences) So most simple "upgrade" would be in posting the new script file(s) - there are two: BR218_enginescript_dev.out and BR218_enginescript_dev_V.out - only and all the "time consumpting" problem will be solved. Of course that the decision is on vR...

    The question about the backward compatibility is - as it seems to me - called only from human mistake in the programming process.

  • Keine Bremse aktiev! Nur Fahrstand 2 in Fahrtrichtung und den Dieselsteuerkopf hinten daranne! Mit Fahrstand 1 in Fahrtrichtung läuft die etwas mehr als 140 km/h.Ach Steuerkopf vorne und Schiebelok mit Fahrstand 2 in Fahrtrichtung, läuft die nur 133 km/h. Nur wenn ebend Fahstand 2 in Fahrtrichtung ist gibt es beim Steuerkopf da Problem. In doppeltraktion und anderen Wagons, spielt der Fahrstand keine Rolle. Ach als Solo mit anderen Wagons, ist das kein Problem.

    Leben und Leben lassen!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von DennyW () aus folgendem Grund: Nachtrag

  • I dont`t expect the 218 to be compatible with older stuff, just wondered why the v5 worked, but not v6. Could seem to be a programming hiccup though. Well, I will be fault tracing at work for the next four weeks, no TS involved. When home, I will simply use the complete Br218/stw package in my Aufgabe.

  • Moinsen Zusammen, aktuell gibt es ein neues kostenloses Repaint für die verkehrsrote Version der BR218.

    Die Touristikversion der Lok!! Dazu gibt es bis einschliesslich Sonntag die BR103 Touristik zum Preis von Euro 9,95 statt 22,95.
    Einfach beide Pakete in den Warenkorb und auschecken.

    Viel Spaß damit und bleibt gesund!!