Oder man regelt es via Child-Objekten..... So hat es RSSLO auch gemacht. So kann das Cab, und jedes Einzelne Display 255 einzelne Funktionen haben. Ist eine sau arbeit, für deren Umsetzung es zu spät ist, aber vielleicht eine Idee für die Zukunft.

[Christrains] NS ICRm Wagons + BR 186
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It's more to do with the total number of objects that the IGS file format can contain (the in-between files that the models are made from).
The blueprint compiler will not accept any model with more than 255 objects.This sounds like a lot but you have to consider everything. For example the digital speedometer in the middle of the display has three digits. The first digit can be 1 or 0, and the other two can be 0-9. Just to do the digital speedometer numbers takes up 22 objects. I used nearly 10% of the available objects to make a digital speedometer that is only 1.5cm high
Each "invisible" button on a display is an object. Each "light" on a display is an object. So the menu where I allow the player to change voltage - 6 variations of voltage means 6 labels (lights), and 6 buttons (because the lights can work independent of the buttons). The ATB / ETCS / "off" selection is 3 buttons, 3 lights. The buttons around the outside of the LCD panel are another 6 objects.
Because the game doesn't really allow "circular" meters like the main traction / braking meter, there is so much complexity in there I can't even begin to describe it. If I put a "blown up" picture of all the components needed to make a circular traction meter work, your mind would melt
So you see you can very quickly run out of objects.
But you could put some nodes in child objects? As example: You could export all nodes for one display as one child object and then you don't have a problem anymore...
But we don't want to get TobiasM/GBE quality here, so that your idea is obsolete
But you could put some nodes in child objects? As example: You could export all nodes for one display as one child object and then you don't have a problem anymore...
Technically no. The "user interface" section of the blueprint only contains a single entry - the IGS file for the cabview. ONLY things in that file can be used in the cabview. I can make child objects attached to the engine blueprint, but they would not be controllable in the cab. Only objects in the cab geometry file can be addressed by the controls in the blueprint.
For thinks like buttons is this true. But you can set the visibility of nodes in child objects with lua. So you can put for example your display lights in the child and control them not with the control values directly, but with the lua script.
For thinks like buttons is this true. But you can set the visibility of nodes in child objects with lua. So you can put for example your display lights in the child and control them not with the control values directly, but with the lua script.
This is sort of true. However it makes the scripts a LOT more complex than they already area. A lot of the controls have lights attached to the blueprints as "interior visibility object" - so they lights come on and off automatically based on the control value. To remove that from the functions given to me by the game and write it into my own scripts is just too complicated. For the digital speedometer alone it would be hundreds of extra lines of code, plus I'd have to have a global override to turn them all off when the player wasn't in the cab.
Trust me. I've looked into all these options many times
not that smart to increase increase more, we have limits guys, it is not pleasant for the performances.
Beta Test ist angesagt!
The 186 intercity pack is now in beta test
Beta Test , hoffentlich besser als beim Regioshuttle
Es gibt jetzt ein Vorstellungsvdeo.
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That looks and sounds really good, Chris! Well done!
That's true - agree completely!
Da in einer deutschen Version wohl ETCS und ATB rausfliegen würden wäre wohl wieder platz für PZB/LZB.
Quasi eine "German Edition" als extra Paket. Sowas würde ich auf jeden Fall befürworten.
Sieht für mich aus wie die beste TRAXX bisher. Bin von dem Video begeistert...
Quasi eine "German Edition" als extra Paket
Und eine Lineas repaint...
Only 8 days to go:
https://www.christrains.com/ts_product_traxx186.htmlAnd the repaint template:
https://www.christrains.com/he…ledgebase.php?article=114 -
Einige Tutorials sind erschienen.
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Das Pack ist noch nicht erhältlich... Der Titel ist nicht ganz richtig
Hab das mal angepasst...