Hallo, muss ich dem Chris Traisn Stadler Flirt 3 Neukaufen um diese Zug zubekommen > https://www.christrains.com/im…uct_stadlerflirt3-03c.jpg ?
Ich habe den Flirt 3 schon,vor längeren Gekauft, aber würde gerne den neue Zug haben.

[ChrisTrains] Stadler Flirt 3 Nederlandse Spoorwegen ; Randstadnet ; Südwest-Express V2.0
- erhältlich
- steamtrain25
ne, ich denke du bekommst das Update auch so
Die Updates waren bei Christrains bislang immer kostenlos.
Ob der gezeigte Zug mittlerweile im Paket ist, kann ich leider nicht sagen.
Aber lade dir einfach die neueste Version dort herunter, wo du den Zug gekauft hast.
Ist kostenlos im Update enthalten.
Ok - here is the current wagon setup for the Suwex flirt (top picture). You can see colour-coded wagons, and the colour-coded wheels show which wagons have bogies and which do not (for example the "C" wagon has no bogies).
I propose making one new wagon - "D new" which replaces the "D" wagon so you would end up with the second picture (bottom).
I realise that the real 6-car Flirt only has pantographs at one end, but that is much more complex to do because it would involve scripting changes in the engines and wagons too. The quickest, simplest approach is a new "D" wagon with doors in, no pantograph, no toilet. I think if I make this, then the community can paint the train for how they want it?
Looks good and the community thank you very much
Hello dear ChrisTrains, I've added a data sheet here from Stadler Flirt 3 6 parts
*hust* #405
Ok. There is a patch for the community to try. It's not "public" yet - it's shared on my personal OneDrive:
This adds a new wagon type "Suwex DXL" with a new exterior and interior texture, new passengers, and an example new 6-wagon consist called "Stadler Flirt 3 Suwex XL", with wagons in the order A-C-DXL-DXL-E-B
It is a bit of a compromise, obviously, but I think this should get you all what you need to start repainting longer versions of the train. If this is basically a good patch, let me know and I'll make it public on my helpdesk.
Thank you!
Wow dear ChrisTrains I am speechless right now
I like what I see in the pictures
Thank you Chris!
For a "Meridian"-Version three waggons need to bei flipped so the doors allign with the original.
Waggon C, the first DXL and E
Also a 3-waggon "Meridian"-Version would be possible if the waggon in the middle has two doors on each side.
You can flip it in your Editor
Then the bogies won't allign. 😉
This is where the compromise comes in - for the Meridian version, every wagon is different - they're not just flipped because the equipment on the roof is in the correct place but the doors are not. For the 6-wagon XL versions, there should only be pantographs on one car and the A and B wagons should have their doors at the back, not the front.
That's the problem with the Flirt3 - it's "modular" - which basically means that while most people think it's the same, no two operators have the same options and you end up with hundreds of variations
I'm going to put the 'XL' patch on my helpdesk so it will be available for the public.
wo kann ich den Download finden
Für den 6-teiler?
Hi! Ist es möglich dem Süwex eine Haltebremse hinzuzufügen? So wie bei den anderen Flirts. Haltebremse kann man das ja nicht nennen aber bei den anderen schaltet sich ja die Druckluft ab 5 km/h dazu. Unabhängig wie viel man bremst. Beim Süwex muss man auf 55% Bremsleistung gehen um überhaupt zum stehen zu kommen.