This info is included in the German description (there is unfortunately no English version of the descriptions):
Extrazeit 16
player loco: VR 189 EL
Koblenz-Trier route
DTG 442 (included in Garmisch-Innsbruck "Mittenwaldbahn") for AI
Verkehrspack Güterwagen (trafficpack freightcars)
3dzug railcrane (included in the PLUS-Version of Extrazeit 16)
Reisezeit PL Mosel
player train: TSG 425
ChrisTrains Flirt 3 optional
3dzug freightcars pack
Koblenz-Trier route
Reisezeit Schwarzwald
player train: VR 111 with red bilevel cars
Stadler RS1 by christrains optional
DTG 442
3dzug trafficpack freightcars
Konstanz-Villingen route + Hausach-Villingen extension
This is the complete list of needed DLC's of the German descriptions.