Munchen to Augsburg V1.1

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  • Hello All,

    Since Signalteams new H/V signals came out I thought is was time to update to Munich to Augsburg route. As I was busy updating the signals (replacing them one on one) I found out that the signal placement was not very realistic. Signals were in the wrong position, not the correct type of signal etc. Even the speed limits are wrong at some part of the route. So I decided to completely update the route, remove signals where they didn't belong, placing signals at the correct position, adding speedlimits etc. This is still an on going project, even a small station will take at least 30 minutes to update. Watching video's of Fuhrerstandsmitfart, DB-netze maps etc.
    Below you will find some comparison shots. In some screenshots you will notice billboards on the tracks, I use these for correct placement of the signal links. So please disregard the billboards as they will be removed once the update is released.

    Einfahrtsignal F & FF original RSC…house/SignalBruckeV10.jpg

    Einfahrtsignal F & FF Update V1.1…house/SignalBruckeV11.jpg

    Mammendorf Original RSC…ldhouse/MammendorfV10.jpg

    Mammendorf Update V1.1…ldhouse/MammendorfV11.jpg

    Abzweig Munchen Kanal Original RSC…house/AbzweigKanalV10.jpg

    Abzweig Munchen Kanal Update V1.1…house/AbzweigKanalV11.jpg

    Gleis 23-25 Orignal RSC…ldhouse/Gleis23-25V10.jpg

    Gleis 23-25 Update V1.1…ldhouse/Gleis23-25V01.jpg

    Remarks are always welcome.



  • Ich übersetze das mal, weil es mir interessant erscheint.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • Looks nice!

    One thing about the Signal Placement:
    In Germany signals on the left track are always placed on the left side of the track, not between them. - RSC totally messed this up on the whole route.

    Also a Line can have a maximum of 2 Tracks, so when having 4 parallel tracks the signals for the two inner tracks should be placed in the middle of the line.
    Like this:

    Signal = S
    Track = T

    S T T S S T T S

    Signals in stations are always placed right of the track, except for the entry signals which are not counted as "in" the station.

    And please remove those annoying two single KS signals standing somewhere in Munich between dozens of H/Vs

    Für Support und Moderationsanfragen nutzt bitte die "melden" Funktion oder das entsprechende Forum. Anfragen per PN, Chat, Brieftaube etc werden von mir nicht bearbeitet!

  • Hello Barrett,

    Those awfull RSC signals are still there because I haven't finished Munich Hbf yet. It is a tedious job replacing all signal by the correct ones. So those will be replaced ofcourse. All updated signals are based on there exact real world location. In the pictures above these signals are in the correct position based on photo's, cabride video's, official charts of DB-netze. There where the signals for the left track are placed on the right side there is a NE4 Schachbrett-Tafel. As can be seen here…house/SignalBruckeV11.jpg this is like in reallife.

    120, thanx, I will definitely contact you about Augsburg soon as there are some area's which are not covered by Photo's nor video's.



  • Hi,
    I would love correct signaled Munich to Augsburg route. Pretty cool project like Hagen-Siegen 2.x or Seebergbahn 2.x.

    Go on with that nice work, I'm looking forward to it.

    By the way, does anybody know how to place LZB Balises? I found four(4) objects for it: LZB_Start_End, LZB_End_Fixed, LZB_Block and LZB_Start but I don't know how to use it.
    I don't even find the wires put between the balises.
    I would like to use it on my private testroute.

    Best regards from Hanover, Germany


    Weiß irgendjemand wie die LZB Balisen plaziert werden? Ich habe oben genannte vier gefunden, weiß aber nicht wie ich diese einbauen soll.
    Die Kabel kann ich garnicht finden.

  • es gibt keine Kabel, die Herrschaften von RSC waren so...."intelligent" einfach texturierte Gleise zu nehmen

    Für Support und Moderationsanfragen nutzt bitte die "melden" Funktion oder das entsprechende Forum. Anfragen per PN, Chat, Brieftaube etc werden von mir nicht bearbeitet!

  • Ich komm nicht dazu,
    Aber ich würde eine Teststrecke bauen, die ganzen Teile mal irgendwie ans Gleis setzen, dann weiss man wie die aussehen. Die Strecke M-A starten, und nach den Dingern fahnden, wie die eingebaut sind. Mit dem ICE fahren, Bei LZB -Teilen piepts und das G leuchtet auf. Dort schauen was so rumliegt.
    Dann Teststrecke entsprechend umbauen. Schauen obs funkioniert.
    Viel Glück und Geduld.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

  • Hello All,

    A small update of the M-A route version 1.1


    -Munchen Hauptbahnhof is finished. All signals are placed, with the correct signal ID's.
    -Zs6's placed in the Munchen Hbf area.
    -All sperrsignale replaced and missing signals added
    -Munchen Pasing is for 30% finished. DB-Netze charts are outdated. All H/V/ signals in the Pasing area are replaced by KS-Signale, so the update has to be done by using photo's and video's.
    -Also started updating Augsburg and surround. Thanx to pictures of "120" and video's. Augsburg to Mering is now 100% complete.
    -LZB start and end point are now correct. Track speed still needs to be changed to 230 km/h.
    -Lf7 signs for speeds above 160 km/h removed
    -Speed limits in the Augsburg area are now as in reallife.

    -Added Hectometer signs from Augsburg to Mering. Placed as in reallife. The complete route will be with correctly placed Hectometer signs. So driving with the use of a Buchfahrplan is now possible.
    -Where Signals are placed PZB magnets are added. Ofcourse the new Vr magnets.

    What needs to be done?

    -Hectometer sign placement from Mering to Munchen
    -Correct speed limits from Mering to Munchen Pasing.
    -Need to find out what Zs2 Identifiers are being used. Especially in the Munchen area there are alot of Zs2's. I know "K" is used for Abzw Kanal. Also from Pasing to Munchen Zs2 "H" is being used. So I need some more information about the Zs2 identifiers.
    -Signal replacing for Mering to Munchen Pasing.
    -And alot more!

    I will upload some pictures of the updates within a few days. A special thanks to Schuster making special signals for me! The new signals with a solid Zs3v will show the correct aspect, just like in reallife. This greatly enhances the driving experience. (I will show this in the upcoming picture update).

