[RT] BR 146-5 Fernverkehr

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  • It's because your Railworks folder is not set in Windows Registry. Read how to fix :

    'Railworks Registry Entry Was Not Detected' Or 'Railworks Was Not Found' : The Spirit of Flight Simulation (justflight.com)


    I find the model well done overall. It's better than RSSLO and 3DZug but still far from what vR does. The sounds are weak, there are missing sounds for example for the PZB (it sounds like the sounds of an old locomotive from the 90s). There are still some cool functions (rollo, panthograph spark and windows that open). I haven't encountered any bugs. The behavior of the headlights and screen lighting is a bit mixed with the long-range lights.

    I find that the asking price is still high for the BR146-5 and the IC2, especially without an interior view and with incomplete sounds. And what's more, the model has not finished all the tests. It is therefore not a “finished” product. There is no automatic numbering and the driver does not change with the direction of travel. For a 2024 train, it is still below standards. With the help of the community, it should go well in the end.

    Only for advanced users : mapper, engine with a few sensitivity changed, cabview (vR like). No support from me nor the editor.

    For testing prupose only. I add some descriptions in the engine bin file for feature handled by inputmapper.

    Pathograph Shift P (up)Control P (down)
    Main swtichShift Z (on)Control Z (off)
    WiperShift V (fast)Control V (slow)
    Road runnerR x2
    Cab / Desk lightShift LControl L
    Train brake (vr like)Numpad +Numpad -
    AFB OnShift A (toggle)
    Main engine lightM (increase)Shift M (de
  • @ES64F4

    Thank you for your feedback, it only doesn’t help us much forward here, you give a point and don’t provide exact details what is missing. Ofcourse I like to ask than for more info which I will use to do bug fixing on.

    First of all which PZB sound is missing for you?. The guys in our beta team are real train drivers and they didn’t discovered a missing sound. So I’m curious to know what you missing. So we can look into that.

    You give an example of the headlights which are mixed for you? What is exactly mixed for you, both switches are correct , they do what the real train do and I didn’t find it in any other train correct like this which you mentioned.

    Driver switch from cab when you turn into driving directions, code is 10 years the same. Something what is included already for 10 years in my addons .

    Auto numbering? I never used this for a couple of numbers, and I will for sure never use it in TSC. TSW is another story. How much times users look into a couple of numbers which change ? I use the auto numbering for something more interesting, the destination signs, and a scenario creator use this to make a train setup with driver position and the right destination. And I use this because it’s also very user friendly for a beginner scenario creator to fill in a train number and go :)

    You come here with an example about the selling price, I can only say, my opinion. You received a fair price for 6 months of development time where 3 months long was daily full time working this was moste time 6 days per week. include one student graduated his software education on this addon. To compare and give you some sort of comparable information with my working speed .the basic DTG TSC trains which run probably some where on one of your routes (not made by me) Im able to finish in one month to a final product. There is really allot in this locomotive and it contain also the moste code amount I ever released in a addon, there is much more going on there inside. And every part is made by one person , and many thanks to the people which help me in their free time with beta testing and guide me forward.

    I’m looking forward to receive detailed info so we can look into it and improve on this br146-5 addon if possible. Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Railtraction - Hello - I don't think you need to justify the price. You are an entrepreneur and calculate according to your own criteria - out and out. I think the price you are asking is more than fair. This eternal price talk is simply unnecessary! Thank you for your great work and the support you are still providing.

    Ich fahre gerne im TS und habe auch eine Reihe Videos gemacht. Ich habe nun, nach einer etwas längeren Pause, wieder angefangen Videos zu machen. Hier mein YT Kanal: Mit DonMattheo unterwegs . Vielleicht interessiert es ja wen? Ich freue mich über jedes ABO sehr, welches mein Kanal bekommt! Aber Vorsicht: Ich bin und bleibe Laie - danke für eure Nachsicht . ;)

  • Railtraction Would it be possible to make the power lever of the animation a little slower and the AFB just a little faster?

    Yes sure I can look into that, this should be possible.

    DonMattheo ,

    Thank you for your understanding. Ofcourse I understand that I can’t make everybody happy, especially with the newer simulators in the background which also increase a little bit the expectations in TSC. I think some times it is a little forgotten how much time this work can eat, a big wish for the community was a better RT LZB, i did spend extra time on that and even rebuild it completely. And if I’m happy with that LZB I will reuse it in other addons, for this I still take time to follow the results.

  • I really like the model, for me it's the best Traxx 2 so far. The only thing I don't like on the exterior ist the brightness of the running surfaces of the wheels. Perhaps they could be made darker and a less glossy? As they are always in the dark below the loco, they should not reflect so much light.

  • Hi,

    What i can tell is that there is nothing wrong with the preload itself, it also cant create many issues as this blueprints self doesnt do allot.

    Yes im able to reproduce the exact same problem when i try to place the preload. but im unable to find where this problem come from, i dont see anything unusual trough logmate , only thing what i can trace for now is that TSC crach near the particle manager when i have windbg online.

    After this i tried to place everything manual what is part of the preload consist, this work fine here. (question is here than where is this crash comming from? if it is my loco than i also expect to get some problems with manual placing, or ingame,or in quickdrive. this isnt the case.

    than i start to run the quickdrive and use this preload , works also fine.

  • under your message i was writing a update,


    After a full debug round trough every function in lua i came on a part where i received a Null Reference on a Call to the core GetSpeed, This is solved and i can place the preload again without issues,

    Dont ask me why this problem excist, placing manually the loco do exactly the same as when place by preload, manual work correctly. place by preload it go stuck /crash on a lua Call.

    so i cant explain exactly what happen in TSC but it is atleast solved.