I am not fully convinced of this solution. First I do not see a real difference to changing weather in the weather event section. However I must admit that I have not yet seen dynamic weather. Second, and more important is that I have to add a trigger to each QD and they are then fixed for that particular QD.
Ap weather triggers working in QD
Already now i’m implementing it like this.
One quick drive without triggers.
The same in a version with random triggers, triggering (sometimes) random weather changes. Just like my real drives, with random red signals, the weather is randomised, and to much more than 7 weather patterns. If you are only driving with the limited standard options, you are missing out on a huge improvement in the visual experience.
TomB For me the improvement is having many more “vibes” in qd. Instead of only 7. It simply puts me in a different mood, driving with haze, than with a clear sky.
Patti98 The one way of doing does not rule the other out. We can have both. And that is a great thing.
It’s all about having choice.
Put an AP swep trigger in the QD scenario. Write “AP Fair Cloud” in the speed limit box.
1km up the track, in the path of the player train, place an Pass trigger. Write “APFairCloud-Overcast20” in the speed limit box. (Notice that the latter is a dynamic weather pattern, and these are unsupported in quick drives)
I do not understand the first step. The second step placing a Pass trigger is clear.
TomB For me the improvement is having many more “vibes” in qd. Instead of only 7. It simply puts me in a different mood, driving with haze, than with a clear sky.
I can do this with weather events. I will put together a weather with thick haze in the beginning and changing to clear sky.
Edit: I have attached a file with weather chnaging from haze to clear. Haze for 5 minutes then changing to clear within 5 minutes. I kept it short regarding the time however one can set alonger transition period from one weather to another. Copy it to the weather folder in Kuju and choose a season and clear in QD.
TomB The first trigger is the “load weather at startup” trigger.
Thanks Kim, I understand now. I did not understand why you use two triggers. My understanding is that only one trigger is used, either the starting trigger, the pass trigger or the time trigger. But I guess that is maybe your trick in QD, using two triggers.
TomB In QD you need to trigger a “basic” weather first, because you can’t choose weather in the scenario flyout the same way as a timetabled scenario. So the workaround is to use the “load weather at startup” trigger for that. After that you just proceed as described in the manual, using pass triggers.
da ich kein englisch spreche und es auch nicht verstehe, wundere ich mich schon über AP, dass sie keine Übersetzung in deutsch im Handbuch anbieten. Denn wir bezahlen und sind damit die Kunden
Desweiteren wundere ich mich über die Konversation hier, alles wird nur in englisch gehalten. Warum? Muß ich als Nutzer englisch lernen oder derjenige deutsch, der hier etwas
anbietet. Nervt mich einfach!
Bin auch dafür das die, die kein Deutsch sprechen einen Translator benutzen und nicht umgekehrt.
Kann in einem zB. französichen Forum auch nicht einfach in Deutsch schreiben.
You can put the following into a translator:
I write in english, because if i wrote in German you would be complaining about Rechtschreibung and Zeichensetzung.
You can reply in German, i understand it well. But to be blunt, if you dont want to read what i write, the way i write it, just don’t read it!!!!
I’ve been doing it for the 5 years i’ve been here, you should have sussed that out by now. English is not against the forum rules. And the day that changes, i’ll leave the forum, and have everything taken down that i’ve contributed in knowledge of complex quick drive scenarios.
So you can now chose to live with my presence, or loose what i’ve contributed to this forum. Your choice!!!
E63 Wenn du von einer englischen Firma kaufst, kannst du nicht erwarten, dass sie dir auf Deutsch irgendwelchen Kundenservice leisten. Nach der Logik müsste jeder Dienstleister/Produktanbieter jede Sprache der Welt berücksichtigen, weil es ja sein könnte, dass jemand der nur Farsi spricht, Kundenservice auf Farsi haben möchte. Totaler Quatsch. Englisch ist dazu die Weltsprache und auch eine der einfachsten Sprachen zum erlernen, zumindest auf einem rudimentären Niveau. Online-Übersetzer wie DeepL jetzt einfach mal ausgenommen.
E63 Wenn du von einer englischen Firma kaufst, kannst du nicht erwarten, dass sie dir auf Deutsch irgendwelchen Kundenservice leisten
Wir sind hier in einem deutschen Forum und nicht bei einer englischen Firma und ob nun englisch einfach zu erlernen ist oder nicht spielt überhaupt keine Rolle.
Sehe ich komplett anders!!!!
Ok, hatte ich überlesen , das kann er nicht erwarten. Mir ging´s um´s Forum allgemein
Dann darfst Du die Software nicht kaufen, schon die Kaufseite ist in englisch.
Der englischen Hersteller hat den Weltmarkt im Blick, da kriegste Software (Achtung englisches Wort!) nur in englisch los. Das deutsche Forum und der deutsche Markt ist minimales Zubrot zum großen Weltmarkt.
Was hier im Forum passiert ist den Briten fast egal.
Rat mal, warum unser Weltexport so erfolgreich ist, Das wird weltweit in englisch vermarktet.
Sorry,aber setzt dich auf den Hosenboden und lern die Sprache, sonst biste bald out.
Danke für den netten Rat.
Sparen wir uns bitte die Diskussion, die führt eh zu nix. Wenn ein Ausländischer Anbieter keinen deutschen Support anbietet, dann ist das so.
AP hat nie einen deutschen Shop besessen, von daher ist es utopisch deutschen Support zu erwarten.
von daher bitte: Back to Topic! -
Kim_olesen1 das mit dem Pass Trigger funktioniert. Danke für den Tipp.
Das Problem ist halt nur, das Wetter ist immer das selbe. Normal bräuchte man einen Trigger der Dynamisch was auslöst. Egal ob Regen, Sturm, bedeckt etc. So muss man, wenn man anderes Wetter will, jedesmal den Trigger abändern.
Noch ein Tip. Set the quick drive to Cloudy.
Set a “weather st startup” trigger. Input the first “random showers” pattern (can’t remember the trigger name) in the speed limit box.
Drive the scenario. A fully working random dynamic weather. Have patience. Since it’s random you might have to drive some time before you see the change.
While you are trying those things, here is another one for you to try. This one works and is a fantastic addition. If you are like me, you like a bit of randomness in the game (that is why i do my real drives (advanced quick drives) that have random red signals).
So i’ve been experimenting with what AP weather can do in quick drives.
Try the following:
1: Clone a quick drive scenario. Remember to modify the starting point friendly name in the Player Spawn point because this is the name of the scenario that you will see in the quick drive menu.
2: Edit the scenario: in the scenario flyout box, click the cogwheels for the extended scenario parameters. Select AP Weather instead of “None”
2: in the object filter box, choose AP Weather EP: now you are set to go to use AP weather in QD.
3: Drop an AP weather Swep marker anywhere. Double click it. Type in the triggername for Random showers with fair/high cloud as base. (Can’t remember the exact name, going from memory). Set the max time between showers to about 120 (or even 240) minutes.
What you have now is a quick drive where you might get anything from light rain to heavy rain, once or twice (or sometimes not at all) during your quick drive. It works regardless of what non-rain weather pattern you set in the quick drive menu. The one you select there will be the one that the random showers transitions to and from.
This is just the base of it. What you can also in addition to what i described, is drop a pass marker some where on the line and use a weather transition that has a base in clear/high/fair cloud. And if you use the ;P=x (x being the probability in % code in the speed limit box, you can (as an example) have the scenario go in th thick fog in rare cases “APFairCloud-ThickFog;P=5 would give you fog in 1/20 times you pass the marker.
I also tried the Thunder transition and what’s amazing is that it actually morphes BACK into the Random Shower pattern. That one simply seems to be able to sit behind everything else as a base pattern. So it’ll still do it’s magic once the thunder is over. And as i said, if you set the max time between showers high enough, you will have a truly random feeling weather, because you might not even get one shower. But then again you might have one or two.
I think i’ve only dipped my feet in this. As you know QD scenarios are my niche, and this is an unexpected huge enhancement, because AP didn’t even know any of this was possible.
Anyway, hope i made sense. And good fun modifying your quickdrives to actually make them interesting in their changing visuals. And remembet, if you run english routes, you cam get random red signalling easy woth the help of his signal pack. The more random stuff that happens, the more alive TS feels. -