RW Enhancer 2 erschienen

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  • Looks like it does!

    One small bug - the speedometer seems to show "11" as "1" . So it counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 1, 12, 13 etc. This applies both when accelerating and decelerating, at least in the mph version.

    Many thanks for the new version! Great to see suggestions implemented so quickly.

    Some more suggestions / observations:

    • It would be great if the programme could memorise the last position of the HUD elements - currently I have to drag them to my desired positions every time
    • Good to see the option to reduce the size of the speedometer but even at 0.75 I find it on the large side. I'd suggest lowering the lowest threshold to 0.5
    • One observation that you may not be able to do anything about: if you select the passenger view on trains that do not in fact have a passenger view, you stay in the cabin but do hear the passenger view sounds.

    And one somewhat more important question - has the new skylighting effect been properly tested at dawn/dusk? I just did a test drive which did have a clear imbalance between light conditions in the sky and on the ground (see screenshot below). This is scenario 3b from the TrainTeamBerlin scenario pack no 3 on Mighty Seddin Freight, in summer, at around 21:50.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von jpvdveer () aus folgendem Grund: Ein Beitrag von jpvdveer mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

  • Hello jpvdveer, this is only partly due to RWE 2, by looking at the screenshot there is almost no rwe 2 sky lighting there. Only too much bloom effect. It seems that you have enabled the "Dynamic Sky/Clouds" Train Simulator setting. You can disable this setting in Train Simulator setting and the lighting should look much more realistic. I bet that even if you try this route again without RWE 2 shader, the sky will look much too bright anyway so yeah I suggest you to turn the "Dynamic Sky/Clouds" setting off.

    On a side note: Speedometer size can be reduced down to 0.5 in the next update.

    Update 0.7.6 is available with some important fixes and a great PIS speech voice quality upgrade. Only when using AZURE as the speech engine in RWE 2 settings. Please note that Azure speech engine is only available if you are a premium member on RW Central because we are paying some fees to Microsoft for this feature.

    German voice quality with Azure as the speech engine are now much higher quality :)

    More information here:…e:premiummemberadvantages

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von oldsnake () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by oldsnake into this post.

  • oldsnake,

    danke für die laufende Veröffentlichung von Updates. So haben wir die Möglichkeit des ständigen Testens.

    Danke für die Möglichkeit, das/den "Speedometer" noch kleiner skalieren zu können. Leider kann man dann aber den senkrechten Balken nicht mehr erkennen. Dieser ist bei einem Faktor von unter 0.70 immer schlechter bis gar nicht mehr sichtbar. Im Anhang dazu ein Bild bei Einstellung 0.50. Das ist zwar eine Winzigkeit im Vergleich zum Gesamtprogramm und dem, was Ihr damit noch vorhabt, aber vielleicht lässt sich das ja noch verbessern.

  • You guys being positive about RWE 2 is certainly helping me to keep my motivation to work night and day on this software :)

    Shaders restoration and shaders presets support should come in a few days :)

    Along with more fixes of course.

  • Update 0.7.7 is released :)

    - Added 'Use TS Default/Legacy Shaders' in shaders settings

    - Changed method of getting route names. You may observe some small changes in your route names in RWE 2 content listing

    - Fixed routes country codes sometimes not being properly loaded

    - Fixed cooking 'temp' directory not being cleaned properly

    - Fixed shaders compilation issues on some PC configurations

    - Fixed duplicated routes names issue

  • Hello everyone. 0.7.8 update is here with HUD movable element position saving support. speedometer, compass and systems panel (for now) will not be restored back to the default position anymore but will stay at the position you have choosen. There is a "Restore HUD Elements Default Position" button in the settings in you want to restore everything to the default position.

    Please give me your feedback on this update so I can know if everything's work correctly ;)

    - Added movable HUD elements position saving support (work on speedometer, compass and systems panel for now).

    - Increased TS pause detection threshold to 750 ms by default

    - Minor fixes

    BR-218 A lot of improvements will be made to the track monitor in the future, for now it is mostly working nicely for English routes. But in the future the HUD will display more precise information for speed limits and signal aspect for each countries (Germany, France...)

    There will be some systems (Track monitor, PIS annoucements) specialization in the future to reflect more the reality of each country rules :)

  • Just did a run with a BR155 on Project Freiberg and have the following two observations in this regard:

    • When taking an action which triggers a TS notification message in the top-right corner (eg enabling SIFA or PZB), the entire RW Enhancer overlay disappears (only pause notifications occur). I can only get the RW Enhancer overlay back by switching to another view (e.g. external view or passenger view). Further examination suggests that this is only an issue when the option to have the HUD disappear in external view is selected
    • Further on the pause notifications: Project Freiberg is a route prone to stuttering. At every stutter lasting more than 1 second, the RW Enhancer pause notification appears, rendering the stutters even more annoying. Happened at least 10 times during a one-hour trip, and stuttering is of course a problem in TS more generally. Not sure what the best way is to address this. One is perhaps to dramatically increase the maximum value of the RW Enhancer pause threhold, to perhaps 5000 ms, with a comment that the recommended setting is between 500 and 1000 ms and that higher settings should only be used on routes that are prone to stuttering. Not sure though whether a higher threshold will cause synchronisation issues. Another is perhaps to render the RW Enhancer pause notifications optional, i.e provide a setting to turn these off? To me personally these do not add a great deal.

    I also sent you a pm with some other, minor observations.

  • Also ich nutze jetzt seid 2 Tagen die Azure Ansagen und muss sagen, das ist schon ein gewaltiger Unterschied zu der Standard Stimme. Es wäre aber noch schön, wenn man eventuell eine Männliche Stimme hinzufügen könnte, so das man die Wahl hat. Oder geht das schon und ich habe es nur übersehen?

  • BlackyTrains Habe mal eben ein Video erstellt. Kannst ja mal rein hören.

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