[TFS] BR 52.80

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  • Heute Nacht bzw. morgen Release! TFS hat die Dateien heute von Niclas bekommen:

    Zitat Discord-Ankündigung:
    "I HAVE RECEIVED THE DOWNLOAD LINK FOR THE REKO! When I get back I'll get things in motion ASAP for release tonight" - 23.04.2021 12:36 Uhr


    I have just received an email from Niclas regarding the BR 52.80 Reko and his wellbeing. I understand that many people are frustrated with the delays to the release of the product, as it was originally intended by us to be released at the end of August 2020 - it's been 8 months since then. I share that frustration. I have tried my best to keep hope that the release will come, and I can now confirm that it WILL come. Niclas intends to send the files tomorrow morning while I am at work - this is perfect as I should be able to get the release completed once I finish my morning shift.

    As well as pursuing the release of the 52.80, I have been concerned for Niclas' welfare with his lack of contact for so long. He's human just like the rest of us, in fact a young guy trying to move forwards through life just like many of us. It's not my place to disclose information regarding his personal situation, but please believe me when I say that Niclas has not had an easy or pleasant time, and I would like to encourage all members of the community to support Niclas despite any frustration or disappointment you may feel due to the delay of the release of the reko. We can refund money, we can live without digital trains, but we can't replace people.

    Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your patience and understanding throughout this difficult process, and rest assured that ALL those affected by the delay of this preorder will receive compensation.

    COVID has not been easy for anyone, and remains a big problem. Europe have been suffering recently and the UK government have also announced they expect a third wave of cases.

    Please value the important things in life and be there for each other. Life and good health and happiness are all precious things.

    Also, we renew our pledge to provide a free product to all persons affected by COVID with family or employment/financial problems, and will also hold sales soon to help loyal fans complete their collection of our products.


    ( mainboard z77 pro4 - i5 - 3570k - 3.4ghz - 16gb ddr3 1800er - n geforce gtx 660 ti - 480er ssd sandisk ultra II )

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von RW1969 ()

  • hallo at 143er,

    es gibt immer geduldige, als auch weniger geduldige user ;)


    ist sie nicht zu haben > hoffentlich bald ;)

    ( mainboard z77 pro4 - i5 - 3570k - 3.4ghz - 16gb ddr3 1800er - n geforce gtx 660 ti - 480er ssd sandisk ultra II )

  • Mich stört es ehrlich gesagt nicht das ich sie jetzt nicht habe, ich hab die Altbau 52 das reicht mir ...

    Die Loks fahre ich eh kaum, es hat ja sowieso jede Lok den gleichen schlechten Sound so macht das nicht wirklich Spaß.

    Ich glaube auch kaum das wenn jetzt Fehler gefunden werden das die gefixt werden, also viel Spaß mit der Lok. :D

  • Moin zusammen,

    ich habe vorhin mit The Forge, über Facebook geschrieben.

    Die Datei ist aufjedenfall dort ankommen, der gute ist in der Frühschicht und somit nicht zu Hause.

    Also kann man davon aus gehen, dass die Dampflok heute erscheint.

  • Steve

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.
  • Steve

    Hat das Label von angekündigt auf erhältlich geändert.