Der Tag heute wird vmtl. als "Diesel-Day" in die TS-Geschichte eingehen. vR Diesel-Steuerwagen, RWA 5047 (momentan allerdings noch ohne Sound, danke DTG!), fehlt noch der 614 von Polygonzug

Train Simulator Screenshot-Thread (ersten Beitrag beachten!) - Alt
- RailSimer
- Geschlossen
Eine Fahrt nach Köbler Wald
While having a battle with all the recent new stuff and reinstalling, I also found old stuff to be relaxing. HaSi original
PS; added a pic from HL Updated. After doing this and that to TS, I lost the original HaSi missions. OK The freeware HaSi is way better. But believe it or not, I always miss the original HaSi, with all it's faults. Brutal curves at 40km/h (learn to adjust at slower speeds), loco hopping and dancing around (not far from reality, said from me as a previous railway worker in norway)... the original Fog on the Lenne in all it's darkness is one of the finest missions I know. Pic 1. Otherwise, sorry for a messy posting, and have a good week-end
Das schönste österreichische Fahrzeug auf der schönsten österreichischen Strecke.
Keine Rollos?