Br 186 (CZ Edition)?

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  • XinoTroN I don’t know anything anout that. How does it work?

    Copyright reasons ;)

    Oberstrom limits how much amperes you can use. As you use more power, you also increase the amperes (the ammount of electricity) you're pulling from the overhead catenary. In Germany you can't use all the way up to 1000A, but are limited to 600A (or, in some conditions, just 400A). This mean you cannot use full power, because otherwise you could potentially damage the catenary system.

    There are, of course, much more to this than what I explained, as this german Wiki-page will show you:

  • Nach der ersten Testfahrt muss ich erst mal durchatmen. Bis das Ding sich endlich in Bewegung gesetzt hat, habe ich locker ne halbe Stunde gebraucht. Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob das beim nächsten mal schneller geht...

    Ansonsten: Soweit ich das nach der kurzen Testfahrt beurteilen kann eine tolle Lok, auch wenn das Fahren mit der Auf/Ab-Steuerung sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig ist. Was mich wirklich stört: Ohne Lensflares sind die Lichter von außen quasi nicht sichtbar, auch wenn die LED-Beleuchtung aus nächster Nähe betrachtet sehr schön umgesetzt ist. Ich freue mich auf die wahrscheinlich vielen kommenden Repaints, die ich mir analog zur CT-186 im Paket wünschen würde (kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass es das geben wird).

  • Bei mir erkennt er am Mittleren Display die Zugdateneingabe nicht , wenn ich eingebe 530 Meter und bestätige dann geht der Wert immer auf 20 zurück

  • XinoTroN Das ist bei der Br 186 umgesetzt, wie bei vielen anderen Loks auch. In den Einstellungen (bei der Br 186 m.W.n unter "Bedien") lässt sich der Oberstromgrenzwert einstellen.

    Das ist bei einer einzelnen Lok aber selten nötig.

    Die Br 186 hat eine maximale Stundenleistung von 5600kW. Bei einer Fahrdrahtspannung von 15000V kann die Lok also (in der Theorie) maximal nur 373,34A ziehen.

    Ich selber kenne so gut wie keine Strecken, bei denen das kritisch wäre. Meist sind es 600A limits oder Nachts, wenn an der Oberleitung gearbeitet wird kann es auch durch die La mal auf 450A begrenzt werden.

    Die Oberstrombegrenzung wird dadurch eigentlich erst bei Mehrfachtraktion interessant. Aber selbst in diesem Fall finde ich es einfach selber ein Auge auf die Ampere zu haben

  • For those who don't like no weahtering on the windshild, here is a file (Traxx_Cab_Windows.TgPcDx) to drop into : Kal000px\386pack01\RailVehicles\Common\Cab\Textures

    For those who like vR style cab camera, drop 386_Cam.bin into : Kal000px\386pack01\RailVehicles\Common\Cab

    Well, a very nice and very very cheap engine. I would paid twice the price with the smile.

    Some comments :

    - It would be nice that AFB stop going up or down when we stop pushing Y or C. For now, we have to push C to cancel Y and to push Y to cancel C. Really not friendly.

    - Is the driver an april fool? :P Please use a childitem so we can replace the troll with a driver.

    - Looking on the external side, the front is not smoth at all. The cab should have a nice shape.

    - Looking from front, the place for ZZA is no high enough.

    The two design errors made the Traxx identity a bit *fail*. According to the number of polygones, it can be much better.

    Nothing to add except a BIG THANK YOU for this 186.

  • Have you perfomed the ETCS brake test? I struggled a lot with this at first. I didn't know I had to unlock the train brake lever to be able to release the brakes fully. So, you have to do that. Push the round, white button to the right of the main display in the middle, then release the train brake as well as the direct brake, then perform the ETCS brake test. It doesn't give a real response when clicking the button for it, so keep an eye on the air gauges.

    That's the main question: do I still need to perform the brake test when I use the fast startup? (Ctrl+Shift+O) I thought it was part of phase 3!

  • Ich war mal so frei und habe den Aufrüstvorgang mal erklärt und abgefilmt, hoffentlich auch richtig erklärt... Dachte mir ich poste das mal hier, vllt. hilft das ja jemandem. Das Video selber ist länger, ich hab jetzt mal nen Zeitstempel eingefügt wenn es an den Aufrüstvorgang geht.

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    Bahnbilder von mir gibts auf flickr
    Gerne stelle ich meine Person als Betatester jeglicher Art zur Verfügung ;)

  • @Kal000px

    Very nice Loko so far. But the slippery is really a problem with 20 degree steepness ( up )and more. With 1000t weight, it can go down to 30 km/h on black forest route , for example. I think this is too much down.

    And another one, is it possible to use the Ebula designer in a good way for you loko ? I tryed, and i had a strange output. A good discription how to use it in general would be fine.

    EDIT: of course i renamed the files to A B C .... and so on.


  • I am quite not sure about that as it is payware stuff. Repaints I had released in the package were previously accepted. :)

    If you're referring to my post about the repaint pack: For the CT-186 it's a package with more than 65 repaints from the community, it's freeware. I like to get that much and most common repaints in one package instead of downloading them from several sources and installing them with an easy to use installer without copying geopcdx-files into "countless" folders.

  • That's the main question: do I still need to perform the brake test when I use the fast startup? (Ctrl+Shift+O) I thought it was part of phase 3!

    I thought so too, that's why I had problems with it. But seems like you have to perform the test manually even when using the fast startup.

    Kal000px, is this something that is possible to implement in the future? Like a really quick startup, for example when building a scenario chain and you don't want to go through the procedure every time you switch scenario.

  • ETCS brake test should be completed by third phase. At least that is the way how it worked before releasing. :) I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.

    RalleE 1000 tons up to 20 promile is quite a lot for this lok.

    ES64F4 AFB here works this way. You are supposed to press Y once to push lever to V+ position and desired speed is then periodically increased. The same works for V-.

    That “troll” is a good friend of mine and a classmate, he is staying. :)

    What exactly is not smooth? The gradient in the middle of it? About ZZA I was informed here few weeks ago. Exterior was already done, so changing it would mean quite big changed in model and UV mapping. :(

    But despite some mistakes it had, I am really glad You all like it!

  • ES64F4 AFB here works this way. You are supposed to press Y once to push lever to V+ position and desired speed is then periodically increased. The same works for V-.

    I do have a suggestion for the AFB could you change the periodically increase in an increase of one step each time you hit the key for increase. Same then for the decrease?

    Ironie, die

    feiner, verdeckter Spott, mit dem jemand etwas dadurch zu treffen sucht, dass er es unter dem augenfälligen Schein der eigenen Billigung lächerlich macht. (Duden Online)

  • TRAXX-Driver freut mich zu hören ^^

    Kal000px Now I also want to give you a little feedback. After getting used to the start-up-proceedure, which took about two hours to get a feel for it, the 186 is really fun to drive. I really like it, nice work. But there are three things I want to adress (I'm sorry if any of my points already were mentioned, I didn't have time to read this whole thread), the first one being the selection of the PZB-mode. In reality, as you may be aware, you have to put your loco in brake mode G after passing a certain weight, but in the simulation it automatically puts your PZB in mode U. But you can also have a heavy train that gets up to 90 brake percent which you would drive in G, but also PZB-mode M. Is there any way that you could change the PZB-mode by the given BRH instead of the brake mode?

    And, two things I've noticed with the LZB, I drove one of my self-built scenarios a few times to test it, and although I entered exactly the same data every single time (VMax 100kp/h), only 2 out of 5 times the LZB actually set 100kp/h as a maximum. One time I got 120kp/h and the other two times 160kp/h on exact the same scenario with ecaxtly the same entered data. (turned out to be my bad, sorry.)

    And, as I was recording a short video I got to stop at a green signal because I noticed there was something wrong with the scenario, and going below 21kp/h the LZB went crazy, as you can see in the video in the spoiler below (I put a time-stamp in it). Maybe you could look into that.

    But as I said, amazing work and worth absolutely every penny spent on it. ^^

    Bahnbilder von mir gibts auf flickr
    Gerne stelle ich meine Person als Betatester jeglicher Art zur Verfügung ;)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von curt2244 ()

  • curt2244

    Das mit den 160 km/h wird wohl daran liegen, dass du (im Video) die PZB/LZB Zugdaten nicht mit Wachsam bestätigt hast. Die Lok springt dann trotzdem beim 2. mal "Enter" drücken zur Zugnummer.

    Auch sind die Daten die links im Display eingegeben werden nur die Daten für die AFB. Diese werden im Normalfall zum Großteil schon gefüllt, wenn man die Zugdaten regulär über die ETCS und PZB/LZB Zugdaten eingibt.

  • Dson Kal000px So it finally seems all is OK, the 3rd phase clears the brake test too... the "brake cut" button did the trick for me.

    The fast startup procedure then is:

    1/ Press Ctrl+Shift+O three times

    2/ Raise the panto

    3/ Turn on the main switch

    4/ Release the spring brake (back panel)

    5/ Push the brake cut button (in front of you)

    6/ Reverser to forward

    7/ Release all other brakes

    8/ You can now drive off using E+A...

    Of course add any train protection systems as required...

    Kal000px Can you please advise where one can obtain those shiny RegioJet coaches? Thanks a lot!