Blöde Frage: Ist es möglich, ein Szenario mit "kaltem" Spielerzug, also mit ausgeschaltetem Motor starten zu lassen?

[ChrisTrains] Stadler RS 1 erhältlich!
- erhältlich
- Gainmaster
Blöde Frage: Ist es möglich, ein Szenario mit "kaltem" Spielerzug, also mit ausgeschaltetem Motor starten zu lassen?
This *might* not be possible. I had a lot of problems synchronising the game initialisation with my console key functions. I *think* I might be forcing the engine to be on during initialisation. I know I spent nearly three weeks trying to solve this one problem
Yeah, this seems to be one of the great mysteries of Train Simulator. Some locos that would start with the engine turned off in past versions of the game (like the vR 232) start with a running engine nowadays whereas other locos like the vR 151 still have to be manually turned on in order to be drivable.
@Gainmaster - in case you missed it in the other replies, there is a patch file for the IVECO engine sounds to add retarder and track sounds. If it works, let me know and I'll put it on my helpdesk :…rRS1_IVECO_Patch.exe?dl=0
I have build a scenario on the Rurtal route by GBE (RTB89650). Half the time the doors don`t open, especially when stopping after request. It is completely unpredictable, sometimes it works sometimes not, and drives me crazy. With Stadler Flirt 3 I never had this kind of problems. Is there a difference in the script?VG
Muss sagen, 4096x4096 ist definitiv geiler. Damit lässt es sich arbeiten
Allerdings frage ich mich, wie sehr würde sich das auf Szenarien auswirken, was vor allem auch den RAM betrifft? -
Chris works everything perfectly !!!
Thanks for your quick help and for the patch!
For me, the Stadler RS1 now sounds perfect!
Now you have earned the grade 1+ for the RS1!
Und für alle anderen hier, Chris hat einen Patch nun zuverfügung gestellt für den RS1!!!
Der Sound "Iveco" ist nun perfekt und alle fehlenden Sounds sind nun vorhanden!!! -
Ja, also mit dem Iveco Sound und dem Fix kann sich der RS1 durchaus hören lassen.
Zumindest bis linusf fertig ist, reicht das. -
Warum nutzt Chris eigentlich 32bpp ARGB für die Textur und nicht wie üblich DXT5?
I will publish the IVECO patch and include the change in v1.01 of the train.
@Gainmaster :…e_private.php?article=110
@Edgar114 There's no real difference - the doors are all done using the game's own code. I have noticed some trains suffer problems on some routes where the platforms are badly placed (overlapping platforms) but that happens on all trains, not just the RS1
Warum nutzt Chris eigentlich 32bpp ARGB für die Textur und nicht wie üblich DXT5?
Very good question indeed - I first noticed it when changing the transparency of the Stadler Flirt's windscreen. Chris, is there any particular reason why you do not use texture compression?
Naja, DXT5 hat den Nachteil, das Detaillierte Texturen dann oft verpixelt aussehen oder relativ kleine Schrift unleserlich erscheint, die klassischen "rosa Blöcke" auf der Textur kommen daher. Mit 32bit ARGB umgeht man das Ganze.
Very good question indeed - I first noticed it when changing the transparency of the Stadler Flirt's windscreen. Chris, is there any particular reason why you do not use texture compression?
I use the "_nm" suffix on the texture names which forces the game to store both uncompressed AND compressed textures. Then it becomes up to the player. If their graphics settings are set to medium or low, the compressed texture gets used. If they're set to high, the uncompressed texture is used.
If I only did compressed textures, then even players with their settings on high would get compression.
There's a lot of reasons I do this, but 27 years in commercial flight simulation graphics have taught me that colour-compressing a texture is just a bad idea. If you can avoid it, you should.
Colour compression shows up worst in areas of fine colour change, like the subtle gradients on windows and in some paint colours. It becomes extremely noticable in the dark areas. This picture shows an exaggerated example of an compressed texture on the left and an uncompressed texture on the right.
Colour compression is done by throwing away bits from the colour channels. Uncompressed texture is normally 888 meaning 8 bits for red, green and blue. Compressed is normally 565 meaning 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue.
Even the more advanced DXT compression methods throw away SOME information. -
Zitat von ChrisTrains:
"If their graphics settings are set to medium or low, the compressed texture gets used. If they're set to high, the uncompressed texture is used."Das schweift zwar vom eigentlichen Thema ab, aber wo beginnt beim TS low, medium und high?
OK, all clear, Chris. And many thanks for the explanation!
Zitat von ChrisTrains:
"If their graphics settings are set to medium or low, the compressed texture gets used. If they're set to high, the uncompressed texture is used."Das schweift zwar vom eigentlichen Thema ab, aber wo beginnt beim TS low, medium und high?
Setting->Graphics-> "Scenery Quality". It's not very obvious but when you slide that setting down to anything other than maximum, you start to get compressed textures.
Warum nutzt Chris eigentlich 32bpp ARGB für die Textur und nicht wie üblich DXT5?
Die *_nm Dateien sind 32 Bit ARGB Formate. Keine Kompression
Die *_nmc Dateien sind DTX3/5 Format. Kompromiert. -