AP pro HST Valenta Pack

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  • Also differences in the roof details and roof-line grilles. Some also have a split window in the cab doors. But there are limits with what can be achieved with such an old model. Luggage door windows are now one piece rather than the original two piece and if IIRC have modified door handles, some had this before being re-engined. There are also numerous small modifications that are not so obvious. Like any class with a long life there are now many small and not so small differences, and this has been so since their early days. I think Masterkey will have a lot of fun with these differences as they create their own model.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • From FB;
    WSP (Wheelslip Protection) is implemented in our forthcoming Class 43 (Valenta)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack. Check out the video below to see it in action!
    We also plan to update the Class 43 (MTU)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack to include this new feature.


    Ready yourselves. OUT TOMORROW!

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    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • 3 Szenarien Szenarien für die Riveria Line sind dabei, wie bei AP oft üblich mit einigen Voraussetzungen. Bevor ich überlege ob der Kauf sinnvoll ist, fehlt mir das Wissen ob es im Workshop interessante Szenarien dazu gibt. Wenn ich Class 43 Valenta eingebe kommt nichts, wenn ich Class 43 eingebe weiß ich nicht ob es sich um den Class 43 MTU oder Valenta handelt. Wenn ich HST eingebe wird normal wohl die MTU Variante genutzt. Das beigefügte MK 3 Enhancementpack habe ich ja eigentlich schon doppelt, einmal mit dem alten MK 3 Soundpack, dann mit dem MTU Enhancedmentpack. Es gab ja für "Altbesitzer" deshalb beim Class 43 MTU Enhancementpack (das sehr gelungen ist) einen Rabatt, den gibt es hier wohl nicht.
    Vorerst werde ich da mal verzichten. Vielleicht hat Jemand genauere Infos.

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  • The sounds will also be applied to all appropriate liveries of HST in the DTG ELAP, so any scenarios with an HST from this pack will also have the sounds applied. There will be no scenarios on the workshop specifically for these sounds as AP don't sell this pack through steam, but the liveries supplied in the pack will give you a guide as to what sets are likely to have these sounds added.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • There will be no scenarios on the workshop specifically for these sounds

    Verstehe ich nicht ganz. Ich habe z. B. im Workshop dieses Szenario gefunden : http://steamcommunity.com/shar…48427&searchtext=class+43 , rein optisch am zugedeckten Scheinwerferglas erkennbar eine Class 43 Valenta ? Hat auch wenn ich es starte, den alten unveränderten Railworkssound und nicht den neuen AP Sound des Class 43 MTU. Wenn ich nun das Valenta Paket kaufe bleibt dann der alte Sound, oder gibt es den neuen AP-Sound ?

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  • If the class 43 concerned comes from the ELAP (old KUJU folder) then it will have the new sounds applied, unless it is in an inappropriate livery. Some sets retained the old style headlight even after being given a new engine. This one should have the new sounds applied.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Ich blicke da auch noch nicht durch. Mal schauen ob das in der Zukunft geklärt wird. Mit dem AP Class 43 Enhanc. Pack konnte ich viele Szenarien fahren, die entweder bei Strecke mitgeliefert werden, oder die im Workshop sind. Was ich mit dem Valenta Pack machen kann ist mir noch völlig unklar. Und da Richard Armstrong keinen Refund anbietet halte ich mich da erstmal zurück.

  • Repaints habe ich keine. Du hattest weiter oben geschrieben, dass Workshopszenarien nicht funktionieren und ich hatte noch weiter oben ein Beispiel genannt : http://steamcommunity.com/shar…48427&searchtext=class+43 würde das mit dem AP-Pack nun funktionieren ? Vielleicht könntest Du das kurz antesten ?

    PS : Da ich den Eindruck habe, dass Du ganz gut deutsch verstehst, schreibe ich in deutsch, da mein Englisch doch recht mies ist, lesen dagegen geht einigermaßen. Ich hoffe das ist akzeptabel.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von kiter ()

  • This looks very strange to me.
    All AP-Sound- and -enhancementspacks worked with the original locos and reskins very fine. And suddenly now comes a enhancement pack which urges repainters to update their repaints? And if the do not, the normal users are left out in the cold, or how?

    What will happen to to the lovely Hary Patch reskin by Mulysoft?

    In the past AP managed to make soundpacks for different locos like the class 20 made by dtg and JT and now I need zwo enchancement packs for just one vehicle from Kuju? It seems if this project ist not thought out thoroughly and because of this I agree with kiter.


  • With these new enhancement packs, from what I have read, you would need to change the bin files for the repaints to work with them. A lot of changes were made to add advanced scripting, which was not part of the old sound packs. For workshop scenarios, if they use a default class 43 which has the sounds applied they will work. But you will not see a workshop scenario that says you must have this new pack because it is not sold through steam and workshop has no way of checking it is on your PC. It is possible that a scenario can be uploaded needing third party files, but I think this would not be welcome for the majority of DTG customers who care little about sounds.
    @Tyrell you do not have to own both packs, but the reason for two packs and soon a third is that when built all class 43's were built with Valentas, later in life the Valentas were replaced by either VP185's or MTU Diesels. AP have had to pay a lot of money to be able to record these trains, I believe we are talking 1000's for each one so he needs to split it into 3 packs, partly because of this, but also not everybody wants all three sounds. For me the Valenta is essential because they had these diesels when I drove the class 43. The MTU is nice to have, but for me, it has no balls as we say and is a bit boring. The Valenta on the other hand screams it's head off and is more interesting, the VP185 will be somewhere in the middle. Whether any particular one is essential to you is a matter of personal taste, and depends how real you like your scenarios to be. As we say, you pays your money and makes your choice.
    I am also sure that AP will do what he did in the past and update his scenario packs to use this enhancement pack where this is appropriate.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • As expected, from Facebook.

    We have updated the following packs to feature our new Class 43 (Valenta)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack:
    - AP14: Bristol to Exeter Scenario Pack (Passenger)
    - AP15: Bristol to Exeter Scenario Pack (Freight)
    - AP25: Scottish East Coast Main Line Scenario Pack (1999-2002)
    - AP30: Edinburgh to Glasgow Scenario Pack (1998-2003)
    - AP38: Riviera Line Scenario Pack (BR 1980s)
    To obtain these updates, simply re-download from your 'Downloads' area.

    Continued here AP Class 43 Valenta Enhancement Pack

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()