Beiträge von oldsnake

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    I really don't see how RWE 2 could cause the textures to be loaded at a lower mipmap. RWE 2 is not modifying textures files and a shader issue could not cause this. It is even more strange as this issue occurs only on one route. I have not received any report for this kind of issue yet despite more than a thousand regular users.

    If it was shaders or corrupted TS settings file, you would get this kind of issues on every routes...

    Interessanterweise sind die Ansagen auf dem Brennitzer Linienstern bei mir auf Französisch. Würde ja auch zu den belgischen Startkoordinaten passen. Wäre gut, wenn man das umstellen könnte, betrifft zb auch Salzburg-Rosenheim, das ist fast ausschließlich Deutschland, da der Start aber in Salzburg liegt, wird die Route als österreichisch angezeigt.

    oldsnake Is there any possibility to manually change the country of a route? F.e. the recently published fictional Brennitzer Linienstern is set in Germany, but as the coordinates are in Belgium the announcements are in french.

    This is definitely on the todo list. Custom routes "Configs" will be supported in the future.

    Working on a fix/improvement for this issue. Would you be available to test the fix mirko_o ? If yes please contact me by PM :)

    On a side note, sorry for the lack of updates during the last days. I have been very sick for almost 2 weeks. Now I feel a bit better (but not fully recovered yet...). And thank you for all the new Premium members, this really helps.

    Thank you very much for this comment :) Can't make any promises for the EBULA system as RWE 2 can't get all speed limits infos at once. So i would need to find (again) a workaround for the technical TS limitations for this but I agree that this would be a nice feature to have.

    As for the PIS system. A complete customization system is planned so player will be able to script some entirely new PIS messages logic in the future :)

    Railjet_61 It should be already possible :) Just go in the content explorer and browser the "consists" when you find the consist you want just perform a right click on it and click on the "Create New Consist From This" button and it should load an editable copy of this consist in the consist editor ;)

    Kann es übrigens sein, dass man mit Shift + Strg + F1 die Grafik-Effekte ausschaltet ? Das ist ja eigentlich der Shortcut für Bloomeffekte im TS, aber sobald ich das deaktiviere sind auch alle Verbesserungen durch den RW Enhancer weg. Was ich garnicht so schlimm finde, da ich das Bild mit den aktuellen Einstellungen sehr grell, also gefühlt überbelichtet wirkt. An welchen Einstellungen müsste ich da denn drehen ? Hatte mir damals hier im Thread nur ein Preset heruntergeladen. Ist es alleine die Bloom Intensity ?

    You must keep the bloom setting enabled in TS in order for the RWE 2 shader effects to work (a big part of effects are tied to the TS bloom setting) :)

    If you find the rendered image 'too white' you can try to lower the 'bloom intensity' and the lower the 'HDR exposure' shaders settings. Be carefull with the 'HDR exposure' setting just lower it very slightly (something like 0.9 to start with) :)

    Hello Razo,

    I guess that you have installed the 0.7.42 update (released a few days ago) shortly after it's release ? They was an issue inside it that could prevent the updater from working correctly. It has been fixed but everyone that updated RWE 2 before the fix was pushed can have this issue.

    The only solution is to download the installation file again in this section:

    Please download the installation file and reinstall RWE 2. You should not loose your cooked content and your settings :)

    Sorry for this issue.

    Update is available:…pdate-07430-is-available/


    - Added 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' buttons for quickdrive intermediate stops selection

    - Audio engine core improvements and fixes

    - Departure whistle sound is now triggered before passenger doors closure

    - Improved quickdrive station stop selection UI layout

    - Improved online communication system

    - Improved UI lisibility

    - Minor optimization

    - Minor improvements and fixes


    Its mysterious, when you tik the stops in the same order as in the Route, A, B, C, .. then the Stopping List is A, B, C. When you tik A,C, oh i forgot B, then then tik B, the stopping List is A, C, B. This is seldom driveable.

    Whats the reason for this funny Feature?

    Thanks for the report, will take a look at this.

    EDIT: Issue cause found, fix currently under testing

    Update is available:…pdate-07420-is-available/


    - Improved quickdrive setup logging

    - Fixed quickdrive configuration intermediate stations stops order issue when selecting stations stop in random order

    - Fixed crash at startup on some PC configurations

    - Fixed shaders compilation issue on some PC configurations

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    Update is available :)

    Please read:…pdate-07400-is-available/

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    - Added onboard PIS system custom 'jingle' sounds support (accessible from gameplay settings menu)

    - Added station PIS system custom 'jingle' sounds support (accessible from gameplay settings menu)

    - Fixed "High Speed Air Flow" audio setting not being saved properly

    - Minor settings menu UI improvements and fixes

    - Fixed file system issues