Beiträge von oldsnake

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    Hello jpvdveer, this is only partly due to RWE 2, by looking at the screenshot there is almost no rwe 2 sky lighting there. Only too much bloom effect. It seems that you have enabled the "Dynamic Sky/Clouds" Train Simulator setting. You can disable this setting in Train Simulator setting and the lighting should look much more realistic. I bet that even if you try this route again without RWE 2 shader, the sky will look much too bright anyway so yeah I suggest you to turn the "Dynamic Sky/Clouds" setting off.

    On a side note: Speedometer size can be reduced down to 0.5 in the next update.

    Update 0.7.6 is available with some important fixes and a great PIS speech voice quality upgrade. Only when using AZURE as the speech engine in RWE 2 settings. Please note that Azure speech engine is only available if you are a premium member on RW Central because we are paying some fees to Microsoft for this feature.

    German voice quality with Azure as the speech engine are now much higher quality :)

    More information here:…e:premiummemberadvantages

    Thank you for your different constructive and positive remarks @jpvdveer :)

    "Tastes will differ but I find the speedometer far too large & prominent. It is great that it can be moved around - perhaps an option can be added also to make it smaller (or larger)?"

    Currently implementing this ;)

    "Not sure I like the various "ting" sounds when passenger boarding starts and has completed. I disabled "train departure whistle" in the ambient settings but that does not remove the ting - what setting does this fall under?"

    Done, will be available in the next update with an additional setting to hide the HUD when switching in external view.

    As for the option to revert to default shaders and import/export shaders presets this will come soon (likely before Christmas)

    0.7.5 is available :)

    - Added 'Hide In External View' optional HUD setting

    - Added 'Pax Doors Open/Close Chime Sound' optional gameplay setting

    - Added speedometer 'Size' HUD setting

    Ich würde es gut finden, wenn man nach der Szenarioauswahl durch das Betätigen des "Drive"-Button direkt das entsprechende Szenario starten würde und nicht den Umweg über das TS-Menü gehen müsste.

    This can't be done due to the limitation of Train Simulator modding possibilities. But I have an idea to facilitate this a little bit in the future. But directly launching the scenario can't be done unfortunately. RW Enhancer 2 is trying to break many limitations of Train Simulator but there is still a lot of things that can't be done :)

    Ich habe auch noch ein Problem: Gerade wollte ich den VT 642 von RSSLO fahren. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen. dass ich das Motorgeräusch nur höre, wenn ich im Führerstand nach rechts oder nach links sehe. Blicke ich geradeaus, höre ich den Motor überhaupt nicht.

    This is not a RWE 2 issue, but an issue from Train Simulator that can be present on many engines

    Hello Rainbowdancer,

    Most of the issue you are pointing at will be fixed in the future.

    Just a note on the distance to the next task. RW Enhancer 2 is displaying 'Bird's-eye' distance to the next task (just like TSW 2) and not the track distance like TS. RW Enhancer has now way to calculate track distance at the moment. But this my change as RWE2 engine evolves.

    'Die Fahrpläne in den Szenarien haben keine Ankunft- und Abfahrzeiten.'

    Could you elaborate more on this issue ? Is it a bug in the "service sheet" ?

    Ich würde mir wünschen, wenn RWE2 eine Suchfunktion hätte, die mir z.B. alle Szenarien auflistet, in denen ein bestimmtes Rollmaterial vorkommt. Ich möchte also als Beispiel mit einer BR101 fahren und möchte wissen, in welchen Szenarien diese auch noch vorkommt als Spielerzug. So etwas ähnliches gibt es schon bei RW_Tools, ist aber sehr zeitaufwändig und zeigt leider nicht nur den Spielerzug an, sondern auch alle KI-Züge vom gesuchten Rollmaterial. Vielleicht bin ich nicht alleine mit diesen Überlegungen. Ich würde mich über so eine Funktion sehr freuen.

    This is a nice idea ! Will see what I can do about this when the most critial issues will be fixed :)

    oldsnake Any chance for a version that will make the modular hud work in fullscreen mode? For me, i think that would be my incentive to buy RWenhancer2

    RW Enhancer 2 should support fullscreen mode now since a recent update (tested on my machine and it works but the implementation is experimental so result may vary on some PC's), more 'stabilisation' work will be done in this regard.

    Ich habe trotz Befolgung aller Anweisungen immer noch das alte HUD, sowohl im Fullscreen- als auch im (rahmenlosen) Fenstermodus. Kann mir jemand sagen, was ich falsch mache?

    Edit: Hat sich nach 2 Neustarts erledigt.

    oldsnake Is there any shortcut for hiding the control panels all at once, i.e. for a screenshot?

    Due to the specific way of the rendering of RWE 2 HUD I can't do shortcuts without interfering with shortcuts from Train Simulator right now, but a small button on the HUD for this purpose will be made in a future update along with an optional setting to automatically hide the HUD when the player switch to an external view :)

    Does RW enhancer2 cooking change anything in the Railworks folder? Or does it leave all those files on their?

    No TS asset/route file is modified/touched during the cooking process. The only files that are being modified is the scripts (but not during the cooking process) because this is required for RWE 2 to work correctly. When you select a scenario or quickdrive in RWE 2, the script of the engine being driven by player (and only this one, so only one file at a time) is modified and then after the RWE 2 play session the file is immediately restored in it's original state. With the new content cooking system everything has been carefully checked in this regard.

    @ oldsnake - how do you navigate in between the different menues like i.e. from settings to tools and vica versa or does the programm always have to be restarted and cooked again ?

    Yes a cooking is needed each time you want to launch RW Enhancer 2 so RWE 2 can be aware of your installed content.

    To get back to the previous menu just click on this button:

    Meridian2002 Not yet but this is planned in a future update of RWE 2 next year :) Along with German PIS announcements improvements.

    Also, German voices will be boosted in quality (when using Azure as the speech engine) soon.

    Bei Freewarestrecken lassen sich keine Ziele im QD auswählen (man kann Sie folglich nicht fahren). Habe das dem Entwickler gemeldet.

    Fix released for everyone

    Here is the final changelog (the update will be released tomorrow and sales will be resumed):

    - New content cooking system:

    -> Major performance improvements (please note that first cooking with the new system will still take a long time)

    -> New/modified TS content auto-detection system (No need to perform a long cooking anymore when installing/modifying any content in Train Simulator)

    -> No more Train Simulator file is modified during the cooking process

    -> Reduced harddrive access

    -> Reduced cooking directory size on hard drive (Around 150% size reduction)

    -> Better CPU cores management

    -> Issues fixes

    - Audio engine optimizations and fixes

    - Greatly reduced global RAM usage

    - Improved rolling stock compatibility

    - Improved quickdrive's compatibility

    - Improved stations names generation algorithm

    - Improved script hook system

    - Improved train world coords calculation system

    - Improved web communication interface

    - Improved image loading error description

    - Fixed some quickdrive services not working (blank loading screen) when using other TS language than English

    - Fixed some wrong displayed distances to tasks (stations stop, stop points...)

    - Fixed polish text font display issues

    - Fixed temporary freeze when clicking on 'Drive' button in the drive menu

    - Fixed sound layers not being modified/muted correctly when changing cameras via camera keyboard keys

    - Fixed temporary freeze before "Ready For Service" window to appear

    - Fixed service sheet sometimes displaying wrong engine names

    - Fixed some French radio spelling issues

    - Fixed potential crash in consist editor

    - Fixed crash when pressing the 'T' keyboard key after every service tasks were done

    - Fixed routes country codes not being read from local cache if Geolocalisation API was offline

    - Fixed some images (RW Central user profile image...) not being loaded properly

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    Keine Ahnung wie repräsentativ das ist: Mit der aktuellen Version (mir von oldsnake zur Verfügung gestellt) dauert das initiale Cooking ungefähr 6:30 min und alle weiteren bisher (immer beim erneuten Start von RWE) 0:30 min. Vor allem letzterer Wert ist eine erheblich Verbesserung zur alten Version, mit der ich quasi jedes Mal ein Komplett-Cooking durchführen musste, damit neue oder geänderte Szenarios korrekt erfasst werden. Für mich ist das absolut akzeptabel.

    Edit: Noch ein paar Zahlen zur besseren Einordnung: Erfasst wurden 26 Strecken mit 13324 km Gleislänge und 469 Szenarios. Letzteres finde ich ziemlich überraschend, mir war nicht bewusst auch nur annähernd so viele zu haben.

    Just for precision 6:30 min is 6 minutes and 30 seconds and 0:30 min is 30 seconds :D

    Thank you everyone for your patience and great support ! RW Enhancer 2 new cooking system update (with some fixes) is ready for testing so i'm looking for some RWE 2 owner to test the update. Please contact me by private message if you are interested :)

    Hello everyone,

    I'm the RW Enhancer 2 developer. Thank you for your support so far ! I had a lot of useful feedback from the German community. Yes sales have been suspended but this is my own decision. I want to take the proper time to fix the 'content cooker' who is the main source of issues at the moment. A 100% new content cooking system is now in the making and it should improve RW Enhancer 2 usability by a lot !

    Sales will be resumed at early December. Then when RWE 2 will be stable enough i would love to collaborate with some of you guys for improving German rolling stock compatibility and also improve the german audio PIS system !

    Thank you again for your support and patience. I'm very committed night and day to make RW Enhancer 2 awesome.

