Beiträge von oldsnake

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    Hello everyone, hope you are doing fine :)

    Next update should come early next week allowing you to select the routes that you want to be cooked or not. This will save some cooking time if you are not using some routes very often in Train Simulator.

    (UI is WIP)

    Hello Alti,

    You can find the consists "Preload" bin files in "RailWorks\Assets\RWEnhancer\UserConsists\Preload\" directory :)

    So if you want to use it in a scenario you need to load content for the "RWEnhancer" Provider and "UserConsists" addon. And you should be able to use the consist of your choice in your scenario.

    Alright so I think it explains everything. Steam locomotive are not fully supported yet by the RWE 2 simulation engine.

    I tried to make a temporary fix for this and I have sent you another test file on RW Central. Pleas check it out and tell me if there is any change. Thank you !

    Can you give me this scenario to download, this will greatly help, I have tested 3 scenarios with success. Maybe this scenario is using custom scenario markers (which are not supported yet by RWE)

    I think thats not only a Steamtrain Problem, because Transfer-Points are used for Container Loading too. ( If you want i can create an example) .

    Currently working on implementing freight loading detection support in RW Enhancer 2. This should come as "experimental" (waiting for player feedback) in the next update.

    EDIT: New update is ready and under testing. This update will be released tomorrow. Here is the changelog in advance. StS Hopefully it will work nicely for most of your scenarios involving freight loading :)

    - Added new radio message when a freight loading task is completed

    - Added 'Pickup Fuel/Freight' tasks arrival and departure time in service sheet if the task is timetabled

    - Improved 'Pickup Fuel/Freight' tasks handling

    - Fixed tasks locations not using localized names (when available) in the service sheet

    - Fixed 'Pickup Fuel/Freight' task not detected correctly if it was assigned to a regular route marker and not a transfer point

    - Fixed 'Pickup Freight' task delay calculation when the task is timetabled

    - Fixed 'Pickup Freight' task completion detection

    StS Thank you for the scenario file, this will help.

    For the moment RWE 2 is not designed to work correctly with steam trains. It's only partially working but in the future it will be properly supported of course (specific sound layers, tasks support...)

    Do not forget that you can force a RWE 2 task to be done in the "debug" window accessible in the HUD…edia=core:debugwindow.png…core:gameplay_debugwindow

    oldsnake This feature is really fantastic! I was looking so long for an option like this. Sorting by name or engines helps a lot when you got over 1300 scenarios. THANK YOU.

    I hope that those 1300 scenarios are not only for one single route or your mouse wheel will catch on fire :D

    Update 0.7.46 is released:…pdate-07460-is-available/


    - Added new 'Selection By Engine' feature in the 'drive now' scenario selection

    - Improved stations names generation in the cooking process

    - Delay is now displayed in HUD systems panel and service sheet if greater than 1 minute (was 2 minutes before)

    - Minor UI improvements

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    Kim_olesen1 Despite the youtube compression that make the video a bit more blury it seems to be coherent with a 8X anisotropic filtering. If you have forced anisotropic filtering in the NVidia control panel then the NVidia settings are overwriting/have authority over the TS texture filtering setting. If you find the texture a bit more blurry than before it might be caused by your TS backup restoration which might have restored the original TS shaders. RWE 2 shaders are quite good to make the texture more sharp with the special texture sharpening algorithm effect of RWE 2.

    You can see it in this screenshot (and the sharpness is even more visible ingame because of screenshots image compression)…e:rwecomparelabeled03.png

    Using a higher form of anti-aliasing (SSAA for example instead of FXAA) in TS setting would also help to gain more "sharpness" and of course reduce aliasing. But it is quite performance intensive.

    Kim_olesen1 Have you also been able to set to filtering to "Anisotropic X8" in TS graphics settings ?

    Update 0.7.45 is now available:…update-07450-is-available


    - Added country name tooltip when hovering on a route country flag in the content explorer

    - Improved 'Service' section debug window UI

    - Improved service tasks handling system

    - Improved 'Pickup Passenger' tasks duration calculation system. You wont wait more than ~30 seconds if you are running late

    - Improved 'Stop At' tasks duration calculation system. You wont wait more than ~30 seconds if you are running late

    - Improved stations names generation algorithm

    - Restored the waiting time info on the HUD for "Pickup Passenger" tasks

    - Fixed infinite 'RW Enhancer 2 process is still active' issue in the auto-update process on some PC configuration

    - Fixed 'Pickup Passenger' service task not being properly updated when forcing the task state via the debug window

    - Fixed 'Stop At' tasks delay not being displayed on the service sheet

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    New update with the support of scenario filtering/selection by engines is coming very soon ;)

    Thank you for the clarification Marty21 and do not hesitate to contact me by PM if you have some details that could help me to know the source of this issue. I would think that it could be caused by an anti-virus software that could interfere with the cooking process but I need more infos.

    I don't say that big issues can't happen with RWE 2, that's why it's in early access state. One thing that I can recommend is to always perform regular backups (even if you don't have RWE 2 installed !) of TS and by doing this everything is safe and can be restored if something is going wrong.

    I'm thinking to make an easy backup/restoration tool with compression support in RWE 2. I think that should be usefull for a lot users. Maybe it will come in the 0.8.x branch in the future.

    See you tomorrow for the next update of RWE 2.


    "Ich spiel kein Versuchskaninchen mehr für die Herstellerfirma"

    Well, I'm just one guy working from his home trying to bring something "new and innovative" for TS, a game and a community that I like...

    RW Central and all RW Enhancer product are made and managed by me. Even the support is only managed by me and I'm trying to do my best to fix every issues as much as possible.

    I'm collaborating with the community every weeks to bring improvements and fixes. For example I have asked mirko_o to test the last fixes this week-end and he kindly agreed to test it and was pretty happy with it.

    I don't have the power to have a dedicated QA team... That's why it is on early access so I can get the helpful feedback from the community. Of course I test things myself as much as possible but I can't test on every hardware or content/addons configuration...

    Marty21 More information would be useful. Where you have found the empty directories ? Please give me more details. There is no file deletion function in the cooking process code.

    I have a computer dedicated for RWE 2 testing and RWE 2 is not installed on my main computer, and recently TS has stopped working in fullscreen mode on this computer where RWE is not installed, the game was crashing at the start and this was just caused by TS and the "playerprofiles.bin" file was corrupted. I just had to delete this file (so it can be generated again by TS) and the issue was fixed.

    TS has a lot of issues already, RWE 2 is not responsible of every problem :)

    Kim_olesen1 Have you solved the issue ?

    I receive a very few major issues bug reports since weeks now and most major issue are largely caused by some security softwares / anti-virus that are conflicting with RWE 2.

    oldsnake. In tS or in the nvidia controls?

    In TS on the second screen you have posted.

    On a side note, the next update is coming this monday and it will fix quite a bunch of issues related to 'pickup passengers' and 'stop at' tasks. Those task should work better especially if you are running late according to the timetable.

    Here is the changelog of the next update (in advance):

    - Added country name tooltip when hovering on a route country flag in the content explorer

    - Improved 'Service' section debug window UI

    - Improved service tasks handling system

    - Improved 'Pickup Passenger' tasks duration calculation system. You wont wait more than ~30 seconds if you are running late.

    - Improved 'Stop At' tasks duration calculation system. You wont wait more than ~30 seconds if you are running late.

    - Restored the waiting time info on the HUD for "Pickup Passenger" tasks

    - Fixed infinite 'RW Enhancer 2 process is still active' issue in the auto-update process for some PC configuration

    - Fixed 'Pickup Passenger' service task not being properly updated when forcing the task state via the debug window

    - Fixed 'Stop At' tasks delay not being displayed on the service sheet

    - Minor improvements and fixes