Beiträge von oldsnake

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    Johmathema I'm working on a fix for this, if you would like to test it please contact me by private message on RW Central ("RWCentral" username).

    The fix should be ready if anyone is voluntary to try it please contact me by private message. I would need some testing before releasing it :)

    HOTFIX is now available :)

    * IMPORTANT: Due to fixes in the content cooking system, a full cooking is required after installing this update

    - Fixed routes not being cooked correctly while they were previously available and cooked without issues

    If the directory is empty it is because there was an issue while reading blueprints XML files so this route is not cooked by RWE 2. With the next version you will know what is going wrong with this route thanks to the new logging and debug utilities. Also, RWE 2 is using SERZ.exe in order to decompile .bin files into readable XML data and this program (made by Kuju/DTG) is sometimes buggy and is producing broken XML syntax. So i'm not helped by DTG tools either (once again).

    zgcs Issue was fixed by himself, it was like I suspected, a conflict with anti-virus program... Acronis antivirus software.

    Dear oldsnake,

    I often like to use the length and mass data of a consist which you implemented to my convenience. But there seems to be a difference in showing the correct data. In RWE2 on the scenario page I can read something like: length 135 m and mass 288 t. When sitting in the train in TS I open the Service Sheet and I read mismatching data in mass and length of the consist. This can be very different. Which are the correct data?

    Hello, the length and mass data shown in service sheet while a scenario is active take more things in account like the loaded fuel mass and loaded wagons mass for example that's why it can be different from what is displayed in the menu. This data is directly provided in realtime by train simulator. while the data displayed in menus is computed by reading engines/wagons cooked static data.

    Do you have also length differences between the two source of data or just mass ?

    With the enhanced logging of the next update it will be easier to find why content is not loaded correctly. Usually it's because there is some file corruption in TS .bin files. TS is loading them regardless (but it is a very bad idea from DTG. In fact some TS editor crashes is caused by this) but RWE 2 is more strict about this so if there is a corrupted file in a route, RWE 2 will not load it. Thank you for your patience, the next update should give me more information to see what is going wrong here.

    You would not believe how many things I have already coded for handling TS .bin files random issues :D

    The cooking system by itself is already 11489 lines of code.

    Will take a look at the latest windows update asap to see if it is braking things in the C++ code. Thank you for your patience.

    Just installed windows 11 2H22 update and no issues on my PC, everything is working fine with the latest update. No cooking or HUD issue at all. But it seems that some users are getting random issues with this updates and games / software. Should be fixed by windows team very soon.

    You should look at your anti-virus settings and add an exclusion rule for both RWE 2 whole directory and TS whole directory. This kind of issue with RWE 2 is largely caused by this.

    I will improve the debug logging of the cooking process in the next update so it will be easier to find out addons that are causing issues :)

    FreshD I just got the greenlight from the testers, update is now available and it should fix your crash issue :)

    I had changed the way that RWE 2 deal with corrupted TS blueprints and this was the cause of the crash. Should now be solved.

    Update is available :)…update-0820-is-available/


    - Added new "Show Speed Limiter" setting in HUD settings

    - Added "Weather" info when selecting a scenario in drive or content explorer menus

    - Added "Weather" scenario filter in drive menu and content explorer

    - Added Weather blueprint data cooking support

    - Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes

    - Settings UI layout refactoring (better alignement and visibility). WIP, more is coming

    - Fixed some rolling stock, scenarios and routes data not properly loaded by the content cooking system

    - Fixed occasional "Drive" menu sidebar UI flickering issue

    - Various improvements and fixes

    If he have a message that say to launch steam there is an issue with steam (this message is not generated by RWE 2 but by TS himself, RWE 2 just order windows to launch Train Simulator) or he is using an illegal/cracked copy of Train Simulator.

    Teal'c You can contact me by PM if you still need help.

    Work on the next update of RW Enhancer 2 is progressing. The next update will add support for weather blueprints data reading in the content cooking system. Because of this it is now possible to see scenarios weather and filter scenarios based on the weather in the drive menu and content browser. This feature was requested by many of RWE 2 users :) This update will also add some other stuff and important fixes. It should be released on monday.

    Update us available:…update-0810-is-available/


    - Added 'Speed Limiter' info (AFB...) on HUD speedometer element

    - Added 'Tenders' support in content explorer

    - Added 'Max Speed' info in 'Train Global Simulation' debug window section

    - Vulkan renderer optimizations and fixes

    - Tweaked speed limit color on HUD speedometer element

    - UI improvements and fixes

    - Fixed alphabetical order issues in content explorer

    - Various improvements and fixes

    Hello, are you using the Vulkan renderer or not ?

    Update is released :)…update-0800-is-available/


    - Added "BlueprintID" info when hovering on a consist element in the consist viewer

    - Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes

    - Audio engine various improvements and fixes

    - Improved service completion validation system

    - Improved UI style with more rounding around buttons, windows...

    - Improved UI layout when hovering on a consist element in the consist viewer

    - Improved UI layout when hovering on a route station name in the content explorer

    - Content Explorer various UI improvements and fixes

    - UI various improvements and fixes

    - Current scroll state is now retained when switching tabs in content explorer

    - Routes stations platforms are now conveniently sorted in the content explorer

    - Consists without names (mainly used as AI consist for quickdrive) are no longer displayed in content explorer

    - Engines, wagons, scenarios and others element without names are no longer displayed in content explorer

    - Fixed content cooker 'Reset' not being possible when cooking was finished or when using 'auto-cooking' mode

    - Fixed consist elements not shown (when some assets are missing for example) in the consist viewer

    - Various improvements and fixes

    Milko80_NL Will look at this soon (saw your post on RW Central).

    Update is released (…-available/#comment-21915). The 'fog edges' graphic artifact issue when using the Vulkan renderer is fixed :)


    - Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes

    - Improved stations names generation algorithm

    - Improved fog shading

    - Fixed 'fog edges' graphic artifact issue when using the Vulkan renderer

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    Update 0.7.60 is released.

    Alti This should fix the procedural flora forced to be enabled. You just need to disable it in Train Simulator settings a last time after you have installed this update and it should not enable again it anymore.


    - Web communication system improvements and fixes

    - Vulkan renderer minor performance improvements

    - Improved stations names generation algorithm

    - Fixed 'Procedural Flora' forced to be enabled in Train Simulator settings when using RWE 2

    - Reduced content cooking log spam

    - Minor fixes

    Kurze Frage: funktioniert der RWE2 mit dem TS Joystick Interface? Auf der Homepage vom RWE steht lediglich "This should make them work with RW Enhancer 2."

    Und bringt der Vulkan-Renderer tatsächlich höhere frames?

    Hello, it can work with RWE 2 if you launch TS joystick interface in administrator mode (right click -> "launch by administrator" under windows). However it is not officially supported so I recommend to make a backup of TS before using it with RWE 2. By the end of the year, RWE 2 should have a complete native support of the RailDriver and any other gaming hardware :)

    Hallo oldsnake. Wie kann man die "dynamische Flora" deaktivieren?
    Falls es keinen Schalter dafür gibt, bitte einen einzubauen. Nach jedem cooking ist dies im TS wieder eingeschaltet.

    Das sieht auf vielen Strecken fürchterlich aus.


    Thank you for the report ! Will take a look at this and fix it in the next update. EDIT: fixed in next update

    Nein, tut er leider nicht. Ich hatte damals was falsch eingestellt (niedrigere Grafikeinstellungen) und hatte deswegen plötzlich höhere Frames. Das lag leider doch nicht Vulkan-Renderer.

    Vulkan renderer results is greatly varying according to the hardware and drivers right now that's why it is marked as "experimental". The DXVK team is working regularly to add various optimizations. Let's hope that it can give good results for everyone in the future ;) Fortunately this renderer is optional so everyone can decide to use it or not.

    Update 0.7.59 is available:…pdate-07590-is-available/

    This update add a piece of German translation of RWE 2 UI. More translation updates are coming very soon. Please report me German translation errors by private message (as i'm using some online translation tools for German since my German skills are non existant). Thanks :)


    - Vulkan renderer improvements and optimizations

    - Added French/German UI localization initial support (WIP). More is coming in next updates

    - Added 'Language' in 'General' settings tab

    - Azure speech engine improvements and fixes

    - Slighly reduced HDR exposure level in shaders

    - Fixed content cooker system doing more work than needed when only recompiling shaders

    - Minor fixes

    That is an amazing update. It has been rumored that DTG was going to change this in the future anyway. This is really a big deal. I will go and do a test drive with it now!

    Just had 50 frames in Berlin Hbf. What is more than normal for me. I will have to do more testing.

    So it´s always active? Even when starting TS without RWE Enhancer?

    Yes this will work even if you are playing Train Simulator without RWE 2 (once enabled in RWE 2 settings). And can be disabled easily :) A lot of update are on the way by the DXVK dev team and I will of course add those improvements in RWE 2 update as the time goes on.