Beiträge von oldsnake

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    The vulkan renderer is based on the DXVK open-source project (slightly modified to be more stable with Train Simulator). It replace the old DirectX 9 renderer of Train Simulator with a Vulkan renderer.

    In some cases this will greatly improve framerate (especially framerate stability) on some routes that are using a lot of complex geometry / 3D vegetation. This wiki page explain quite a lot of things:

    Vulkan renderer is disabled by default so it's up to the user to try it or not (it is easy to try and do not replace any TS base files) :) We will see if this Vulkan renderer will become a must for Train Simulator in the future.

    Like RWE 2 shaders effects, this can work even if you are playing Train Simulator without RWE 2 HUD and gameplay features.

    Hey oldsnake, thank you for making RW Enhancer 2!

    Is it possible to manually mark scenarios as finished? That would make it possible to mark scenarios driven before / without RW Enhancer 2 as done. Also, RWE2 sometimes does not let me mark scenarios as finished. Most of the time this is caused by the scenario ending (successfully) before the waiting time at the final destination is over.

    I think that would be a nice option to have indeed, will mark this on my todo list. Also the "the scenario ending (successfully) before the waiting time at the final destination is over" issue will be worked on soon :)

    Update is available:…pdate-07580-is-available/

    Wiki page about Vulkan renderer for Train Simulator (please read):


    - Added experimental new Vulkan renderer support for Train Simulator. You can enable/disable it in RW Enhancer 2 'Train Simulator' settings menu. Please read this wiki page for more details:

    - Added 'Display Mode' setting in 'Train Simulator' settings tab

    - Stability improvements when launching Train Simulator via RW Enhancer 2

    - Fixed some TS crash to desktop issues with some scenarios

    - Fixed SAPI voices list button displayed even if Azure speech engine was selected in gameplay settings menu

    - Minor fixes

    Update 0.7.56 is now available:…pdate-07560-is-available/


    - Changed time format for tasks schedules in drive and content explorer menus

    - Changed time format for HUD system panel time

    - Changed 'Total Tracks Lenght' value display format in the Content Explorer

    - Improved 'Drive' menu QD intermediate stops UI layout

    - Improved .AP TS archive processing performance

    - UI system improvements and fixes

    - Web communication system improvements and fixes

    - XML parsing system improvements and fixes

    - Random numbers generation system improvements and fixes

    - Fixed wrong progress bar progress info at the end of the content cooking process

    - Minor fixes

    Hello everyone ! My process of moving to a new office is now ended and the development of RW Enhancer 2 will be resumed shortly. You can expect the next update to be released this week :)

    See you soon for a new update ! :)

    Meine Erfahrung ist, dass das Ändern des Wertes HDR Exposure auf 0.95 das Problem quasi vollständig behebt. Allerdings scheint diese Funktion nur in RW Enhancer Pro zu funkionieren? oldsnake

    Hello, you can also change HDR Exposure in RW Enhancer 2. The default HDR exposure will be reduced in the next update of RW Enhancer 2. So I recommend (for RWE 2 user) to wait for this update to be deployed before tweaking this value :)

    Update 0.7.53 is released :)…pdate-07530-is-available/


    - Added scenario completion state query system

    - Added scenario completion icon in "Drive" menu UI

    - Added selected scenario name information in "Drive" menu UI

    - Added new UI icons types support (for future usage)

    - Added premium subscription info/management section

    - "Drive" menu UI improvements

    - Audio engine improvements and fixes

    - Azure speech engine misc improvements and fixes

    - Minor fixes

    Update is available:…pdate-07510-is-available/


    - Added new main menu UI design (still WIP)

    - Improved/fixed main menu UI layout when window is resized

    - Improved menus UI layout

    - Drive menu UI minor improvements

    - Improved engines images loading process

    - Minor RAM usage optimization

    - Fixed high RAM usage on some PC configuration

    - Fixed 1 pixel transparent border around main window

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    Hello everyone, the 0.7.50 update is currently under testing. It will be available this monday if everything went right during the testing phase.

    Quite a lot of UI and usability improvements. Here is the changelog of this future update:

    - Added scenario selection by engine support in the drive menu section

    - Added 'Drive On This Route' and 'Open Route Folder' contextual actions when right clicking on a route in the content explorer

    - Added 'Drive Scenario With This Engine' and 'Drive QuickDrive With This Engine' contextual actions when right clicking on a engine in the content explorer

    - Added 'Drive QuickDrive With This Consist' contextual action when right clicking on a consist in the content explorer

    - Added images multithreaded loading support

    - Selecting an engine/route in the scenario tab now also select the same engine/route in the quickdrive tab and vice versa

    - Cooked/loaded routes list is now sorted alphabetically in the content cooker

    - Engines, wagons, routes ect... images are now loaded in the cooking process

    - Improved 'Drive' menu UI layout

    - Improved UI display fluidity

    - Fixed temporary freeze when opening content explorer for the first time after launch

    - Fixed temporary freeze when opening engines or routes selection window for the first time after launch

    - Fixed minor memory leak in TS com interface system

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    Update is available:…pdate-07490-is-available/


    - Added new 'Providers/Products Usage List' button in consist viewer UI

    - Added new 'Rolling Stock Providers/Products Usage List' button in scenario properties in the content explorer

    - Added help text in the consist editor about the ability to add an element to the front of the currently edited consist

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    Scenario selection by engine is coming soon :)

    Malkondo I have tested the DTG ICE-T and it works fine on my side. Could you contact me by PM so you can provide more infos on this issue ? Thanks

    StS Will see what I can do when the automatic cooking option is set. Thank you for your feedback.

    In the meantime I am working on the next update that will bring "Providers/Product" usage list button in the consist viewer. With this new popup players will be able to see which addons are used for the consists.

    You will also be able to see which rolling stock addons are used for a scenario in the content explorer. Addons that are not detected in your TS install directory will be automatically highlighted in red color :)

    This can help some players to track missing addons for their installed scenarios.

    This update should be available tomorrow.

    Hello everyone, just wanted to have your feedback on the latest update (the ability to select which routes to cook/load or not). Is it useful for you ? Have you been able to decrease your cooking time with this feature ? :)