Kiskitrains E499 der CSD

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  • Peter749 Well, it depends. Current model represents ČSD era (former Czechoslovak National Railroads), so my answer is no. Moreover, the cab itself does not match to later reconstructions due to different radiostation, vigilance and cab signalling system, etc. During the planning everything has been pointed to ČSD era.

    There are only few exemplares running with this "old" cab and those belong to ČD Cargo and have that "new" numbering 163 XXX-X. A friend of mine will make some repaints with such numbering, but i can´t tell the exact date of releasing. As of me, I won´t make any.

    There is a chance I will modify the cab itself to a modern one for ZSSK locos (today´s Slovak Railroads) including MIREL vigilance and signalling system and those will have that new numbering, too. But again, I do not know when, since now I´m focused on ČSD 372 / DR230.

  • When is not what people are interested in, but rather that in general! I, like many others, would be delighted to have a DR BR 230 or a DB BR 180, because these locomotives represent a piece of post-war European railway history for both countries: CSSR, GDR and the Czech Republic, Germany. For me, this locomotive has united the peoples through its performance in cross-border service. kiski

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von DennyW ()

  • Just a little bit of detailing. For comparsion - blue objects are currently used in ČSD E499.3009, yellow ones will be used in ČSD 372.

    I hope players will be satisfied. Of course, one can still make it even more detailed, but I guess from some point it does not make sense anymore, because of Train Simulator engine itself. If it would be for TSW, sure, why not.

  • When is not what people are interested in, but rather that in general! I, like many others, would be delighted to have a DR BR 230 or a DB BR 180, because these locomotives represent a piece of post-war European railway history for both countries: CSSR, GDR and the Czech Republic, Germany. For me, this locomotive has united the peoples through its performance in cross-border service. kiski

    I noticed one of the locos I downloaded from Hekl appears to have the wrong bodyside vents and windows

    The bodyside vents are like a 263 or 371/372 so I renumbered it for my own use

    362 076 as it appears

    As 371 004


  • DennyW well, it´s hard to compare those two. Mainly because of power transfer. E499.3 is pure electric loco, all regulation processes are very quick. On the other hand, 750.7 is dieselelectric loco, and diesel engine does not react so fast, it has a big inertia. So in case of any change the control system in 750.7 start to regulate, it usually overreact down or up. It if very hard to achieve the same regulation like in, say, electric locos, so it reacts with forward heap. In other words - it´s lazy.

    But thanks anyway, glad you like that.

  • imho didn't exist a S 499/499.1 for TSC

    Don't believe what your eyes are telling you, all they show is limitation, look with your understanding.

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