Peter749 Well, it depends. Current model represents ČSD era (former Czechoslovak National Railroads), so my answer is no. Moreover, the cab itself does not match to later reconstructions due to different radiostation, vigilance and cab signalling system, etc. During the planning everything has been pointed to ČSD era.
There are only few exemplares running with this "old" cab and those belong to ČD Cargo and have that "new" numbering 163 XXX-X. A friend of mine will make some repaints with such numbering, but i can´t tell the exact date of releasing. As of me, I won´t make any.
There is a chance I will modify the cab itself to a modern one for ZSSK locos (today´s Slovak Railroads) including MIREL vigilance and signalling system and those will have that new numbering, too. But again, I do not know when, since now I´m focused on ČSD 372 / DR230.