RW Enhancer 2 erschienen

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  • Thank you so much, oldsnake. I appreciate your hard work on this very useful tool. And now you've done me a favor. You fixed the difficulty rating icons, you made my day!

  • A little off topic question.

    Everybody is verry enthousiastic, so I consider to buy it. My hesitation is: is the interface (I mean a Menu with option etc)easy to handle for an old man? Playing around withe vallues to increase or not some setting is not the problem I presume. Basic questions like: Do I first start the Enhancer or a Route/Scenario etc.

    Etwas off topic.

    Jedermann ist sehr entousiast, also überwege ich mich dieses Tool zu kaufen. Ich zögere ein bisschen: ist die Bedienung leicht genug fÚr ein Siebziger. Ich meine gibt es ein Menu? Oder wie startet mann, mit Enhancer oder mit eine Aufgabe etc. Werten ändern und etwas Versuchen ist kein Problem.

  • maerklin

    I think it´s very simple to use.

    For every setting you have checkboxes or sliders to adjust.

    You first have to open RWEnhancer, select a scenario or quickdrive and then RW Enhancer starts the Train Simulator for you ( for scenarios it will also work if TS already started, for Quickdrive you have to start it from RW Enhancer because it sets everything up for you ).

  • Here is a new feature coming in the next update. Automatic radio messages when you couple/uncouple some wagons to/from your consist :)

    Also consist operation tasks has been fixed and they should work correctly now in the next update ;)

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    Do not pay attention to the current task in the video, the task has been forced to be done for testing purposes :)

  • tom87 wurde schon angesprochen

    Automatic detection of intermediate stations stop by RWE 2 really depends on the developer implementation of the quick drive scenario. So it is not a RWE 2 issue. It just depend on the QD making method. Can't do anything about this yet. In the future I will do a config system so we can add stops that are not present in the list but this will require quite a bit of work on the user side.*

    Even if the QD path is passing trought some stations that are not listed by RWE 2, it's just because the QD scenario data does not mention this station as a "go via" point. So RWE 2 can't be magically aware of it :)

  • Update is released:…pdate-07310-is-available/

    Have a nice week-end everyone !


    - Added new radio operator messages when performing coupling/uncoupling consist operation tasks

    - Reduced radio operator max audio distorsion DSP effect

    - Improved Horn state detection for some rolling stock

    - Fixed 'DropOff', 'AddToFront' and 'AddToBack' tasks that were validated too early before performing the actual task

    - Fixed consist operation tasks that were not displayed on the HUD track monitor

    - Fixed pickup fuel/freight tasks that were not displayed on the HUD track monitor

    - Fixed fuel pickup radio confirmation message fuel quantity spelling issue

    - Minor core fixes

  • Still I got some problems with stuttering. In Western Main Line there is a small very short stuttering which impede that the program runs smooth. The same occurs in Berlin – Leipzig. I found a heavy stuttering including some interruptions. I use Borderless 2560 x 1440. My system is:

    Sistema operativo

    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit


    Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.00GHz 38 °C

    Skylake 14nm Tecnología


    32,0GB Doble-Canal Desconocido @ 1065MHz (15-15-15-36)

    Placa base

    MSI Z170A GAMING PRO CARBON (MS-7A12) (U3E1) 37 °C


    HP 24w (1920x1080@60Hz)

    PHL 258B6QJEB (2560x1440@59Hz)

    4095MBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (Undefined) 40 °C


    978GB Crucial_CT1050MX300SSD1 (SATA (SSD)) 34 °C

    894GB KINGSTON SA400S37960G (SATA-2 (SSD)) 22 °C

    3726GB Seagate ST4000DM004-2CV104 (SATA ) 28 °C

    2794GB TOSHIBA External USB 3.0 USB Device (USB (SATA) (SSD)) 34 °C

    Unidades ópticas



    Dispositivo de High Definition Audio

    Train Simulator is on HD SSD Kingston.

    Indeed I like the new screen settings and the fantastic sound. Nevertheless with all this stuttering playing is very annoying.

  • illige Have you tried this fix from DTG ? It seems that you have a CPU that have an integrated graphic chipset so that might be worth to check it: https://dovetailgames.freshdes…4-bit-compared-to-32-bit-

    Need help on something from you guys, I might have done a fix for the "reversed track monitor signal and speed limits" issue. Anyone available to test the fix ? :)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von oldsnake () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by oldsnake into this post.

  • I put the gpu hardware acceleration on ond the graphic settings on high performance. My graphic card is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080. I tried it now again. On Gothard Addon are still the stuttrings. On the other side if I run the same route witout RW Enhancer 2, the there a re no problems and all runs smoothly. An other issue is that in the gothard line the speed and the distances are in miles and not in meters. On Riesa Dresen there are very few stutters.

  • Need help on something from you guys, I might have done a fix for the "reversed track monitor signal and speed limits" issue. Anyone available to test the fix ? :)


    Do you mean the fact that on the Railjet the monitor runs in the wrong direction?
    if it so, then yes, i can test this for you.

  • Hello,

    Do you mean the fact that on the Railjet the monitor runs in the wrong direction?
    if it so, then yes, i can test this for you.

    Sent you a private message for this :)

    If any other user is interested by this fix test, please contact me by PM on Thanks !

  • Ich möchte einfach gerne wissen, ob ich der einzige bin, der das Problem mit dem Ruckeln hat. Habe eben die Canadian Mountain Strecke gefahren und da hat es zeitweise rech starkes Ruckeln. Komischer weise taucht aber dieses Phänomen nicht auf, wenn ich den Train Simulator ohne RW-Enhancer fahre. Wäre interessant zu wissen woran das liegen könnte. Die daten meines Computers sind im Post 452.

  • Hallo,

    das Programm funktioniert sehr gut und bringt eine wesentliche Verbesserung von TS20xx.

    Einziges Problem: Wenn Sie ein Szenario speichern, Ihr Programm schließen und versuchen, das Szenario später fortzusetzen, fährt das RW2-Programm die verbleibenden Haltestellen nicht fort, sondern zeigt nur den Abfahrtsbahnhof an.


    Fred Belgien


    le programme fonctionne trés bien et apporte une amélioration majeure de TS20xx.

    Seul probléme : si vous sauvegarder un scenario , fermer votre programme et essayer de reprendre le scenario plus tard , le programme RW2 ne reprend pas les arrets restants, il affiche juste la gare de depart.


    Fred Belgique

  • Ich möchte einfach gerne wissen, ob ich der einzige bin, der das Problem mit dem Ruckeln hat. Habe eben die Canadian Mountain Strecke gefahren und da hat es zeitweise rech starkes Ruckeln. Komischer weise taucht aber dieses Phänomen nicht auf, wenn ich den Train Simulator ohne RW-Enhancer fahre. Wäre interessant zu wissen woran das liegen könnte. Die daten meines Computers sind im Post 452.

    I'm keeping my investigation to find what could cause this kind of issues. But this is difficult since it's running fine on my side. Some comparision video with FPS displayed on the screen would be great for helping me.

    Bonjour et merci ! Le support des sauvegardes n'est pas encore ajouté dans RW Enhancer 2 mais sera ajouté bientôt.