RW Enhancer 2 erschienen

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  • oldsnake Jist bought it. Worth it alone for the HUD :)

    Is it possible to make the track monitor scalable AND vertical? That way it would better reflect the way the german ebula system.

    I just noticed that in the track monitor you can see if the next main signal is red. (Driving the Dresden Riesa route. I’d VERY much like to be able to turn that feature off. In real life German railways, there is no in cab way to tell the status for the main signals (unless you are driving under ETCS). And, for me, it does take the fun out of driving that you don’t have to look at the signals.

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Kim_olesen1 () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by Kim_olesen1 into this post.

  • Hello Kim_olesen1 and thank you very much for your support ! Track monitor customization is coming soon you will be able to tweak a lot of parameters and be able to hide signals :)

    Vertical track monitor is on my "Research and development" list for now. So it may come later. Keep in mind that RWE 2 is a very complex software of more than 500 000 lines of code. Making things work with most routes and rolling stock available on the market will take some time but with the community support that I am receiving it should greatly help me to push RWE 2 forward ;)

  • Absolut hammerhafte Verbesserung des Train Simulators. Meine Frage ist ob man auch die Daten von Dampflokomotiven in den HUD einbetten kann, z.B. Kohle, Wasser, Dampfverbrauch, so dass man nicht ständig in F5 wechseln muss? Wäre eine weitere Spielerleichterung.

  • Absolut hammerhafte Verbesserung des Train Simulators. Meine Frage ist ob man auch die Daten von Dampflokomotiven in den HUD einbetten kann, z.B. Kohle, Wasser, Dampfverbrauch, so dass man nicht ständig in F5 wechseln muss? Wäre eine weitere Spielerleichterung.

    Hello and thank you, of course, Proper HUD and sounds for steam locomotive will be added later this year :) This is planned

    Update is released :)

    - Improved compatibility when using 'TS2017RaildriverAndJoystickInterface' software (please still avoid usage of this software with RWE 2 if you can)

    - Improved 'controlslist.txt' generated file infos when exporting the file by using the ingame 'debug window'

    - Fixed tasks that could not be done with some scenarios (more ongoing work on this)

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von oldsnake () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by oldsnake into this post.

  • Hello,

    Question: where to download 7.14? in my account is only 7.10


    You can update directly in RW Enhancer 2 interface by clicking on the "updater" button in the main menu.

    Is there a way that the evaluation of the task could be exported, maybe pdf or as jpg.

    Drive reports saving is planned in the future.

    Next update will feature dozen of customization options for the HUD speedometer :)

  • oldsnake

    First, it’s already a fantastic software, and your willingness to look at costumer suggestions is outstanding. Big thumbs up.

    Here is a yet suggestion to the track monitor, sort of. The option to have events appearing in the tasklist. Meaning that speed restrictions etc could be listed in the same window as the passenger stops. With the distance to the speedrestriction constantly updating, just like the distance to the stops. That way the task list will be very close to what a real EBULA is in Germany. I think a lot of German players would appreciate this form of “autogenerated TS EBULA”.

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

  • While driving on the Rübelandbahn a new feature came to my mind:

    Would it be possible that RWE2 can save the audio settings for each route separately? It's strange to hear the automatic station voice saying things like "Wir weisen Sie darauf hin, dass das Rauchen nur in den dafür vorgesehenen Bereichen gestattet ist." in the era of the GDR. ;)

  • A proper EBULA system is certainly something I would like to do but for now the RWE 2 "engine" is not ready for this yet :)

    As for the possibility to disable some features according to routes, it will be possible in a future update when proper modding support and "configs" system will be implemented.

    EDIT: If you are able to speak English (just basic English is enough) please participate in this topic in order to improve RWE 2 German PIS:…d-german-pis-refactoring/

  • Update 0.7.15 is released :)…pdate-07150-is-available/


    - Added various HUD speedometer customization settings:

    -> Added 'Speed Color' setting

    -> Added 'Show Current Speed Limit' setting

    -> Added 'Show Current Gradient'

    -> Added 'Show Reverser Position'

    -> Added 'Show Throttle/Brake Lever Bar'

    -> Added 'Show Throttle/Brake Lever Notch Name'

    -> Added 'Show Accelerometer'

    - Increased speedometer notch names size

    - Added current train brake lever notch name on speedometer if detected/available (was previouly displayed only for combined traction/brake levers)

    - Added 'season' info in content explorer and drive menu for scenarios (weather infos will come in the future)

    - Added more infos for 'Stop At' task type in HUD debug window

    - Improved drive menu UI layout. Only one scrollbar is now used for the left side.

  • Thank you very much, I'm just a professional game developer (was working as a game developer some years ago before i created my own development studio) who love his job.

    I am working alone on this project, RW Enhancer 2 is a one man developed software ;)

  • Thanks for the update - getting better and better!

    One small comment - this morning I was driving in the Railstudio Class 43 and the notch name (which in the case of this engine can range from 1 to 40) was duly shown. Following the update it no longer is there, even if the corresponding option in the menu is selected.

  • Thanks for the update - getting better and better!

    One small comment - this morning I was driving in the Railstudio Class 43 and the notch name (which in the case of this engine can range from 1 to 40) was duly shown. Following the update it no longer is there, even if the corresponding option in the menu is selected.

    This should be fixed in next update. I have sent a test executable to you so you can confirm me if it is fixed or not :)