I tried looking in the wiki. Tried Google and the search function here but no result. Is there a good tutorial somewhere on the net?
Vegetations Austausch. How do you do it?
Assets Replacement 1:1 with Rw-Tools
Or by hand, Tree for Tree, if there there assets-blocks, it would be easierer. -
Fastest one : replace and rename .bin file or replace .bin file content.
Probably best to practice this on a cloned route.
I think i need to know exactly how these things are done. How do i do a 1-1 replacement in RWTools @StS
How exactly do i do the things with the .bin files @ES64F4
Can you give me an example?
Aren’t there any tutorials at all. How did people like @Thaddäus learn it?
It's not a rocket sience, but not for all things tutorials are necessary...
First understand the general structure of TS data, in RW tools it is very confortable to open and edit BIN files. Look first on the data paths to understand from where your current vegetion is coming and change it with the new vegetation (again path and provider must be correct). With "find and replace" you can simply change all respective entries in the BIN. Of course you can get first a nice overview by checking providers and items in RW tools, maybe there is even a possibilty to immediate replace items without opening the bin files, but this is up to your personal experience. -
All that you know how to do is easy
To me it’s not rocket science when to correctly use the mixolydian scale. I mean all you need to do is check if the dominanth seven goes to (or ought to go to) a minor chord. See it’s that easy to play music
The first steps are always difficult. Those are the steps i am trying to take.
But anyway the answers have provided some inspiration to experimentation so i’ll try that.
Trying out things actually is the best way of learning in my opinion. Also that knowledge will stay with you longer as if you only read it quickly somewhere.
And it’s also more rewarding if you did it yourself. I’m currently going through a similar experience. Never did anything with signals myself until now. Takes quite a while but feels good now that I know more what to do.
I would do it via script, I use cygwin as I am a lover of Linux (only this fucking game prevents me from using it
This is a not working example, as it only changes a trackrule in the tracks.bin, but with scenery it is equivalent.
serz is an alias to RailWorks/serz.execd Scenery/
for i in *.bin
do serz $i
perl -pi -e "s#(\s*)<BlueprintID d:type="cDeltaString">railnetwork\\trackrules\\sr_sp.xml</BlueprintID>#$1<BlueprintID d:type="cDeltaString">railnetwork\\trackrules\\sr_default.xml</BlueprintID>#sg;" $i
serz ${i%bin}xml
rm -f *.bakYou could also use python, java, etc. - just regular expressions have to be supported.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression -
I think i need to know exactly how these things are done. How do i do a 1-1 replacement in RWTools @StS
After searching for missing Assets the next Information are the existing Assets List. replacing like Rw-Tools Help-file Page 13, substitute the assets, it works for Missing and Existing Assets.