WS Scenario "Locomotion,Ballast to Brenner"

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  • Hi all,
    on attempting to run the Steam Workshop scenario, "Locomotion, ballast to Brenner". I found I had to D/L and install the BR-189-Academy-Repaint-Pack, from this site.…189-Academy-Repaint-Pack/. Having D/L and installed this pack. I checked the scenario via RWTools but was informed 189-996/917 and 918 were missing. But to double check tried to load the scenario with Train Sim, but again received the message cannot load the rail vehicles.
    I have extracted the Railvehicles folder from both .ap files and also deleted all blueprints in an attempt to get over these errors, but no luck. find below attachment of the Acadamey folder and the Train Sim error pop-up.

    I'm assuming that all that had to be done was placement of the repaint .ap inside and adjacent to the reident .ap within the "DTG/Academy folder.

    Regards JoHnT

  • Hi,
    thanks for the response. Does not seem to be relevant if the "BR189_Engine.GeoPcDx" is present or not. See the attachments below. These show the engine folders for the problem vehicles, as installed from the D/L ( .ap file opened via 7zip). I am sure that I did try to insert the "BR189_Engine.GeoPcDx" into the engine folders of the vehicles that did not contain a version, but it had no effect.

    Note the 189-917 as downloaded does have the "BR189_Engine.GeoPcDx" already within it's engine folder. But is still reported as missing.

    Regards JohnT

  • You must unpack the Repaintpack in the BR189 folder, then you extract from the original "AcademyAssets.ap" the "BR189_Engine.GeoPcDx" and put it in the new Repaint folder, then it can be found from the TS, otherwise it would not work.

  • Hier steht doch ganz genau drin was man tun muss das es funktioniert und da steht nichts vom auspacken irgendwelcher "RailVehicles" Ordner oder der BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap Datei!

    Leute, bitte einfach mal das machen was die Leute euch mühsam niederschreiben, dann läuft auch alles wie es soll... @JohnT Please read the stuff inside the "Spoiler" *achtung*

  • Hi Matze,
    On reading your spoiler, decided to start again. So, went into "Railworks\Assets\DTG\Academy.", deleted all of the contents - replaced with a copy from RWAssets back up on a remote drive and then added a new copy of the extracted "BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap".
    The result was as shown in the attachment below. On trying the scenario had exactly the same " Cannot load ....." error pop-up message as in my first post.
    Regards JohnT

  • Hi all,
    using the old "Poke and Hope" method of seeing if something will work. I mused on this bit of the repaints instructions:-
    "Installation Advanced
    NO support for this but of course it works fine ! If you are like me,
    you don't waiste SSD space for dummy Academy. You don't have to install
    Academy to enjoy this pack. But tyou have to take two file for the
    original AcademyAssets.ap. Extract _.sbn.MD5 and _.sbn from the original
    AcademyAssets.ap and paste them aside with BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap.
    Those two files are the keys to make the GeoPxDx works. You did it : Six
    BR 189 for 66 MB !"
    So I did " Extracted _.sbn.MD5 and _.sbn from the original
    AcademyAssets.ap and pasted them aside with BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap."
    the blueprints.pak and attempted to load the scenario yet again, fully
    expecting the error pop-up. But the scenario loaded and started and ran
    through to conclusion without any error pop-up.On checking later with
    RWTools, no missing assets being reported.
    I'll leave it to the Techies amongst you for any explanation as to why this seems to have cured/resolved the problem.
    assuming that the attachment below shows one of the Lok AI engines, the
    one on the right 018 being the original player's consist rear engine,
    and therefore always appeared. The other attachment shows the two
    additional files added to the Acadamy folder.

    I appreciate everyones patience and assistance with this conundrum.

    Regards JohnT

  • I try to install that by myself.
    I looks simple:
    You need to have Academy installed
    (Railworks\Assets\DTG\Academy\AcademyAssets.ap). It's a default component of the game so you got it (except if you have removed by yourself).
    Exctract the BR189AcademyRepaintPack.7z file and copy BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap in the folder Railworks\Assets\DTG\Academy.
    No GeoPcDx Copys or other things to do!

    the next step: Look into the BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap (with 7zip)and look what is in the package:

    Go deeper to the .bin files of the locos, and look for the Editor names (e.g. with RW-tools)
    There are no ....[Academy] locos to be found in the folders!

    Simple example: the TXLogistik loco has here the No BR 189 996 the Sceanrio will have BR 189 995

    thats the wrong loco-Package for this Szenario.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • I don't know what DTG have changed to have the academy logo over the repaint for now. Extracting files from BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap solve the issue.

    No engine from my pack have [Academy] within the name. Due to the memory saving technology used for this pack (blueprint repaint), any missing engin is repported as the master missing (see my capture where all 6 repaints are missing).

    The scenario use an other repaint pack, not mine. It may be the one from Matze (RD).

    Except the Academy logo, the pack works as expected.

  • I posted the scenario on the Workshop. I inadvertently used the "wrong" Academy repaint BR189s. I have removed the scenario to avoid confusion, but will re-submit it very soon with the correct BR189s as referenced in the "requirements". I am very sorry for any confusion caused.

    On the installation of the BR189 Academy Repaint pack, I just followed the author's instructions:

    You need to have Academy

    installed (Railworks\Assets\DTG\Academy\AcademyAssets.ap). It's a
    default component of the game so you got it (except if you have removed
    by your self).
    Exctract the BR189AcademyRepaintPack.7z file and copy BR189AcademyRepaintPack.ap in the folder Railworks\Assets\DTG\Academy.
    To use the engines in scenarios, check Academy in DTG Rolling stock."

    I had no problems whatsoever i.e. the Academy logos did NOT show. However I had already fully extracted the AcadenyAssets .ap file BEFORE adding the repaint .ap file to my installation.

    I hope this helps ?