Also bei mir läuft es auch im Quick Drive, das Bild in meinen letzten Post ist aus einem Quick Drive welches ich gerade gefahren bin als das geschrieben habe.

Škoda 109E Freeware
- available
- Gainmaster
Im vgl. zu den Vorgängerversionen lässt sich die Lok bei mir weder im HUD noch mit der Maus steuern.
Das kann ich auch bestätigen.
The same thing happens to me, with the previous version v94 worked very well, but with this not everything works badly.
Bei mir läuft die neue Version 0.9.5b einwandfrei und problemlos.
Thanks for the great Update! -
Also nach dem ich die lok nun auch auch installiert habe komme ich bis in den führerstand und dann kommt nach 3 sekunden ein absturz
Were you deleting completely previous version?
CS_addon/Kal000px/Preload and CS_addon/Kal000px/Railvehicles? -
In my oppinion the cab rolling sounds at Speeds like 160-200 are a bit to loud and sounding like they were outside rolling sounds. The whole engine sounds and stuff like that are are bit too loud in the cab, if you compare it to some cabrides on youtube. And if you're rolling at higher speeds you are not hearing any rolling sounds outside. But still a very nice loco.
Soweit läuft jetzt fast alles, der Kombi Hebel zum Bremsen, oder Beschleunigen wackelt immer vor und zurück, soll das so sein ?
Yes everything deleted ...
Soweit läuft jetzt fast alles, der Kombi Hebel zum Bremsen, oder Beschleunigen wackelt immer vor und zurück, soll das so sein ?
Can you record that on video?
It is probably an bug -
Which repaints will be added to the full version?
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
This is the dump
Were you using QuickDrive, or normal scenario (Free roam, Standart, Career does not matter)?
If QD, than do not use QD.
That is everything I can say for now.
I absolutely do not know, what can cause this error, as there was not even any error in log...
For me and for some others works QD good -
Yes I only use QD ... ok that would have been a shame that would be a normal problem ... thanks anyway for the answers.
Unter 0.9.5b funktionieren alle Versionen gut.
Under 0.9.5b works all Loco Version fine.Nur der Brems und Gashebel zittert etwas wenn man ihn mit der Maus auf voll Power stellt und dann loslässt damit er im grünen Bereich bleibt.
QDrive macht auch keine Probleme.Only the brake and throttle tremble a bit when you put it with the mouse on full power and then let go so he stays in the green area.
QDrive does not cause any problems either.Wirklich eine 1a Klasse Lokomotive.
Really a 1a class locomotive -
This is question more on Dominick as I don't even remember which repaints we have ;D
But I think all, or almost all repaints, that 380s have in realYes I only use QD ... ok that would have been a shame that would be a normal problem ... thanks anyway for the answers.
You can send here log from LogMate if we would be able to find anything useful, but I do not think so
Hello JachyHm, in the current Version the Driving Control can no longer be operated in THE HUD and the Mouse Function is no longer possible. It just works the Keyboard. If you Use the Mouse, the Control stumps and quickly back without staying on point. Nevertheless, All in all a Peaks Job.
Only the brake and throttle tremble a bit when you put it with the mouse on full power and then let go so he stays in the green area.
QDrive does not cause any problems either.
Oh. I do not use mouse for controlling, so I did not test it...
However, I would try to do my best to solve it -
Dann habe wohl nur ich das problem