But that's in the ETCS Mode
Br 186 (CZ Edition)?
- erhältlich
- Geschlossen
@Lokomotion189 Yes, that´s an existing function, but it´s from ETCS. It doesn´t have anything in common with PZB/LZB, it works only in ETCS L0+, not ETCS STM (which is PZB/LZB).
ETCS L0 doesn't have any track side requirements.
Shunting in L0 SH can be done on PZB routes. -
@Kal000px Great decision indeed. Finally some CZ quality payware - there was a time when payware was a dirty word in the Czech RW forum and speaking about it (I mean the fact that some products could have been released as payware) could almost get one banned.
Are you going to start your own shop or use one of the large distributors?
Most of people, who started doing stuff to RW were from previous CZ MSTS scene - almost no one there made payware addons. There were only two payware routes, I think, so that is why it is such a faux pas to talk about payware addons in our community. Many people told me, that I should have made my previous model (Skoda 109E) as payware, but I wanted to show everyone, that good quality content can be made also free.
I am not sure yet, but I will probably start my own shop - it will be a lot easier to do all necessary financial and bureaucracy stuff. Also if I will have time in the future, I would like to start making some more payware models from Czech Republic.
The Regio- and InterPanther would be awesome, aswell as the CityElefant.
The panters (regio and inter) are WiP for some years now. A friend of mine was making them, but he is stuck now.
I have some plans for newer diesel locos and also for the City Elephant - exterior model is now completed, interior and cab are remaining. But that will get focused on later. -
There were only two payware routes
Czesk Payware Route?
Can you send me the Links pls?
Thank You
Die waren für MSTS, nicht den Train Simulator
Die waren für MSTS, nicht den Train Simulator
Achso, dann habe ich das missverstanden.
there is new Information about the Br 186?
new Pictures will bei nice.
I can not wait any longer:-)Thanks
Was gut werden soll brauch Zeit gäbe es was neues stände es hier. Geduld nur Geduld .
Geduld nur Geduld
Ist schwer, wenn man das alles so sieht. Auch ich warte sehnsüchtig auf die Lok. Tatsächlich mal eine, auf die ich mich, nach langer Zeit, richtig freue.
Hi! Sorry for not keeping you updated so much, I have a lot of work for university exams, so there is almost no time left for sim.
In the last few days, I managed to get some new recordings, as you can see in video posted below. I have changed mainly sound in higher speeds, also traction engines sounds are a bit different. Some changes in exterior model were also made - a little changes in SAs and I´ve corrected front side of loco, there was a line of sealing (the black part above front windows) missing.
Video here -
Just Wow!
Very good work with the model and sound. Good luck with the exams.
Looking forward to drive it on the updated Dresden-Schöna line
Neues Video!
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