Also ich hab das Gefühl, man hat hier wieder vorzeitig etwas auf den Markt geworfen, was noch einiges an Arbeit braucht.
Allein der Umstand, dass man die Lok nicht steuern kann, empfinde ich als großes Manko. Wie soll man den Szenarien damit realistisch gestalten, wenn man nach der Ankunft wieder im Steuerwagen sitzt?
Da das Add-On Frankfurt-Mannheim doch eh mit dem TS2019 kommt, hätte man sich doch noch etwas Zeit lassen können. Gab es denn keine Beta-Phase? Also so offensichtliche "Fehler" finde ich unnötig.
Wie kommt denn sowas? Es gibt es funktionierende Steuerwagen und Loks BR146. Wieso konnte man denn da keine Kooperation eingehen? Besser als sich da was alleine zusammenzubasteln. Ich versteh das nicht.![]()
Manfred it is pretty intresting that you know about the market, actually i know the market from the beginning and know also what is the best at the end. the decisions i made are at the end most profitable for the customer, and also for my time what i can put into the final results. what customers confuse is that they expect pmdg planes for 16 euros. there is a reasons that a company need to sell there products for 25 euro as complete package, my approach in the market is different , it cost time to build and that other 25 eur products receive, during the time also bugs, what allot of customers dont know is the biggest part of the ic2, every lever that you can move is custom build in lua, allot of things are custom, the regulator only have already more than 10 different parts connected, the biggest part that you use is bug free, the biggest part you even normally dont get for this price on the market. if you wanted a usable loco for this selling price than you get a basic package as the metronom with limited details. the ai locomotive has already much more details than that metronom 146, later on the guys that cant effort always higher priced locomotives have later a nice priced one, extended for a nice price which they can repaint to all variations they wish to make. and if the modding guys like to experiment they also can do.