[RT] IC2 Twindexx + 146.5 KI

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  • Ist es denn so schwer zu verstehen, dass ein Release sich in Moment nicht lohnt, da RT noch Änderungen an den Dateien macht und die Mod danach nicht mehr funktionieren wird?
    Warte einfach mit deiner Mod, bis das nächste Update erscheint. Dann ersparst du die ein Update und RT bekommt weniger Support-Anfragen bzgl der Mod.

  • Dominik, feel free to contact me for any questions as i can also aware you of changes so you don't have to rebuild edit your mod.
    i expect that you can do your thing after 1.2 as main structure is sorted than and what go in lua sit in lua, and the others on the proxys.
    im move around as it give better results than v 1.1 and i script a sound module in my source.


  • Hey,

    just want to be clear, that I think this is all an misunderstanding, because I just wanted to say, what @Trainsa stated.

    I said, it is FINE to wait for this Update. You just have to state it clearly visible. I can understand that you just wish a bit more time to correct all things, you want to correct. The only thing I can NOT understand is, that you would go on people, which just want to help the product with lawsuit, in this case an dmca, which I personally would go against, even in court. But this is an whole other level, then just wanting to have more time, which anyone would give you, without wanting anything. Modifications make a lot of products worthwhile, in some cases even from you; Railtraction.

    Telling me, that I would not respect you and your desicions, is just short from an bad joke. As someone who put hours up on hours of work into YOUR Products in making modifications for them, hearing such claims just stops the enthusiasm in doing this. Sure it is not the nices thing to start an conversation with showing the other person the Mistakes they made, but in my opinion it is at least the most honest way of showing the respekt in each other.

    The leading reason, why all this happened is, because nobody knew, that you do not want Mods to be made so far. Why did nobody know that? Well, simply, because there was NO communication about it, neither on Facebook, nor on any documentation in the product or at the product-page. I´m sure we can both get this situation sorted out in an friendly manner.

    I still wish you an great evening.



  • Wenn der Entwickler nein sagt, sagt er nein. Auch wenn es rechtlich ne Grauzone sein wird, aber man muss Entscheidungen respektieren. Wenn das in der Readme undeutlich geschrieben ist, dann frägt man eben nach. Wenn man diese Entscheidung/Antwort hier öffentlich diskutier, dann prost Mahlzeit. Im besten Fall kann es soweit kommen das der Entwickler sich komplett gegen Mods stellt und dann bist du der Buhmann.

  • thanks Fabia

    yes, as some things ar to complicated to edit mod now, and what i for sure not advice as it work over lua and there are to less details for outsiders vissable, and not only that, multiple parts are seconds sensitive, if the sound is not correct on time than the result will be bad for somebody that modding. so for sure need wait after 1.2
    as this block which i create in lua make the sifa and beinflussung(sorry forgot correct word) pzb sounds as correct as a train driver explained me. with befehl and wacham loops, and frei only sounds now on a restricted situation as confirmation that the frei is released correctly, and ofcourse the complete sound sample finish.

    i expect end of this week version 1.2 if the test go good. as i found on the new route from dtg some miracle issues and creations where all lzb systems fail from multiple developers. i try to find a work around for this as a failover on the current readings. for sure i dont understand why this developer place a speedsign 160 before a 90 kmh restriction within less than a km. in real world there will never stand a 160 sign on a upcomming limit yellow sign

  • version 1.2
    ----------------- Changes / added /repaired
    Fernlight switch, included extra setting
    Storung on emergency brake
    Change voice from female to Male
    improved sifa warning system
    PZB button sounds (loop by lua)
    LZB Speed needle (orange red white)
    LZB overspeed detection sounds only above limit +5kmh
    LZB G ,sound on value increase only (1.1 it was valua increase and decrease)
    Locomotive codes (for future compatible driving cars,cab recognize locomotive)(internal usage)
    Locomotive send message when Phanto touch power lines, avoid driving with phanto down)
    Added compressor sound on 146.5
    Added custom created lua compressor.
    Added new night texture to the brake gauges
    Doors sounds
    Door click sounds added

    to be continued
    tomorrow adding throttle lock same as br430

    so far for now the things that change on future update.
    with thanks to user zwarswaldbahner i got some nice view on the door sounds. sadly the samples where to noise but with some mixing in audio edit software i was able to replicate the door sounds, with the details outside the samples from zwarswaldbahner.

    update is not online yet but sheduled still for end of the week if everything go good in the test.

  • will be great, i also missing the federspeiche bremse sound and tur freigabe :( male voice, if somebody can help me with good quality ones like the ones i have, we can talk about something for you back as thanks for the support

  • powerful, please read message above ,

    Probably you notice all, 1.2 is not online yet,
    Im currently rebuilding some parts in the LZB speed reading.

    i currently experiment with a different way off reading, that hopefully can eliminate the uggly way of DTG route bugs with crazy signals placed and speed signs, especialy on the latest high speed route.
    so the 1.2 version have some delay!

  • also an sich ist der IC2 gut getroffen...
    mich stört es das man die Lok nicht fahren kann..

    Ich hatte jetzt 2 mal das problem das ich mitten auf der strecke stehen geblieben und der nicht mehr gefahren ist... hatte das noch jemand.???

  • New Version online, large update on the IC2

    Before install, Remove the old version 1.1 first!! , use the original uninstaller from Railtraction, after uninstall you can install the 1.2 version.

    version 1.2
    ----------------- Changes / added /repaired
    Fernlight switch, included extra setting
    Storung on emergency brake
    Change voice from female to Male
    improved sifa warning system
    Remove LZB Force on - LZB default on if PZB is on.
    PZB button sounds (loop by lua)
    LZB have now Fail over layer when speed signs are to close(wrong placed) behind each other, Eliminate direct brake curve.
    LZB on off , shift 6 , Block incomming lzbstart signals! Default when PZB is on, than LZB is also on(no need to switch only when turn lzb off)
    LZB Forceon / Off only for developer(Railtraction) now
    LZB Speed needle (orange red white)
    LZB Rebuild parts on the way how it read speed limits
    LZB overspeed detection sounds only above limit +5kmh
    LZB G ,sound on value increase only (1.1 it was valua increase and decrease)
    Locomotive codes (for future compatible driving cars,cab recognize locomotive)(internal usage)
    Locomotive send message when Phanto touch power lines, avoid driving with phanto down)
    Added compressor sound on 146.5
    Added new night texture to the brake gauges
    Doors sounds
    Door click sounds added
    Throttle lock - Switch off and on (shift+5 ) When of no E unlock needed
    Throttle lock (press E on keyboard unlock lever , hold E short when move lever to more than 10% )(Same system as the RT BR430)