No issue with instrument lights here... perhaps try to uninstall the old pack or just delete the whole RS1 directory under Assets/ChrisTrains and install from scratch again...

[ChrisTrains] Stadler RS 1 erhältlich!
- erhältlich
- Gainmaster
Nanu, bei Railtraction gibts nur die Version 1.0....
Vermutlich will Railtraction beim Update auf Nummer sicher gehen, dass es von der Zeit her passt, nachdem sie das Fahrzeug ursprünglich zu früh im Shop hatten, siehe Beitrag 1.
Kunden haben Mail bekommen mit update!
gruss maerklin
Die Update 1.1 Version E-Mail kam von @ChrisTrains
I sent the updates to the different webshops yesterday - I can't tell how long they will take to get them out to the customers.
If you email RailTraction direct, it might help to push them to get the update into the store. -
... hey man,
thanks a lot for the RS1 update, but ...
... still looking for the promised VIRMm donation link
Versuchs mal damit
... oh Mann, bin ich blöd
Das stand zwar in der Nachricht, aber irgendwie erschien mir die Adresse "komisch", danke Dir
@ChrisTrains ... issue solved
Das Update auf 1.1 ist jetzt auch bei Railtraction verfügbar.
.......und den Virenscanner musste ich bei der Installation immer noch ausschalten-war das nicht gefixed? -
Über Chris Trains kein Problem mit Virenscanner. (auch nie gehabt, vielleicht liegt es am Virenscanner?)
gruss maerklin (kein Virenscanner expert!)
I changed the compression type used in the installer. On VirusTotal it now shows as clean for all but 1 scanner. However it looks like Norton and Avast still hav trouble with the “reputation” function. I have some info about that on my help desk.…ase.php?search=Reputation -
Hello Chris, I noticed one thing with v1.1: there is a slight "hissing" sound present when you apply full power right after the gear changes, then with increasing speed it disappears. It was present before, but with 1.1 it feels a bit more apparent.
So I wodner... were there any changes to the sound apart from the highRPM dav file update and horn sound volume increase? I ran a diff on the IVECO proxyxml and it seems that many or almost all IDs were changed (not sure why), but I didn't spot anything else...
Hi. No other changes were made other than the engine sound and horn sounds. The IDs might have changed just due to rebuilding the file with the blueprint editor.
Thanks a lot... So perhaps I'm just imagining things...
Where can i find the repaint " SWEG " thanks