linusf Soundmods (Übersicht im 1. Beitrag)

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  • @Maik Goltz
    So ganz stimmt das mit der Speedtree Lizenz nicht. Die Lizenz für den Modeler für UE4 gibt es für monatlich 19$, wenn man nicht mehr zahlt kann man die Bäume zwar weiterverwenden aber keine neuen mehr erstellen. Die Veröffentlichung nur des Modells an sich darf man damit auch nicht. Insgesamt ein ziemlich kompliziertes Lizenzmodell. Aber wir weichen hier auch grade ziemlich vom eigentlichen Thema ab.

  • @linusf

    I just installed your b04 of the Flirt3 sound mod and found the very same issue as with the b03: clicking sound caused by a sub-optimal loop in the Fahrmotor.wav file. I corrected it already.

    I actually see such loop issues in other sound mods you created too. It's a very simple rule to follow to create smooth loops, I can try to explain, in case you're interested please let me know.

    Maybe you just don't care as you don't hear it; I know that many people don't.

  • @jstange

    I do hear those errors and try to correct them as best as possible in the full versions. The Stadler is still in a BETA State as the motors don't yet sound like I want them to. The BR424-426 for example should not have these clicking noises as they are a full product. I am however very much interessted in your way of fixing this.

  • You usually have file without an internal loop inside the file, just the whole file is looped. So the rule is, ideally that the sound's beginning should be visually as close as possible to its end. And this is best achieved when you cut the sound when its graphical representation in the sound editor crosses the x axis. And additionally when the sound's wave is rising in the beginning of the file then it should be coming from the bottom part at the end.

    I'm using Wavosaur for these simple corrections, simple sound editing software you can get for free. I attach four screenshots showing how file start and end should look like and how it should NOT look like. I think their names as well as the file content should be self-explanatory. If you use Wavosaur (or any other editing software) you have to zoom into the sound quite a bit to see this level of detail.

    Please note that I am no expert in sound editing and someone else could advise you something even more sophisticated, but I simply know that this works and it works very well. It's always good to listen to the sound in a loop before you test it in TS (Wavosaur can do that, you just need to tick the Loop button at the top.

    Of course a problem could appear when the sound is stereo and you cannot find the right start for both channels. Then you either find a place where both channels are as close as possible to the x axis or put one directly on the x axis and the second channel must then be adjusted by fade in/fade out or other means to get it to the center. However in most cases bringing both channels rather close to the x axis does the job anyway. You can try it until you can't hear any crackling while playing the loop. Takes a few mins or less.

  • Thank You for that. Thats exactly how I do it. I'm using Audacity and Spectrallayers Pro. Again as I said. I do fix those issues but in a beta state only if its really obvious. Since I am not finished and may change the sounds I dont see the point in it at that moment.

  • OK, understood.

    On the contrary you wouldn't believe how many payware developers leave that crackling there, I was correcting this for many locos, including RWA Taurus and other. Maybe my ears are too sensitive but still...

    By the way many thanks for your sound mods, the one for Flirt is (even as a beta) way better than the original sound!

  • In Zusammenarbeit mit @Moe2k kommt hier als nächstes was schönes. und damit möchte ich endlich den Desiro aus der BETA holen.

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    Wir geben uns größte Mühe den dieselhydraulischen Antrieb umzusetzen. Dabei lerne ich noch ein bisschen was über Motoren. Auch gut. Wie ihr wisst hat der TS Grenzen und da müssen leider ein paar Kompromisse eingegangen werden. Zum Beispiel sind die Schaltvorgänge nicht ganz so gut zu hören wie ich das wollte, da das sonst mit anderen Sounds in die Quere kommt.
    Da die 643 von RSSLO eigentlich die 642 mit nem anderen Modell ist, sollte sich das übertragen auch nicht so schwierig gestalten. Aber das ist für die Zukunft.

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