[ChrisTrains] Stadler Flirt 3 Nederlandse Spoorwegen ; Randstadnet ; Südwest-Express V2.0

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  • Ist das normal oder sprich ist das realistisch dass man im Führerstand den sound sehr sehr leise hört bein anfahren? Ich weiss nicht ob Flirt 1 und 3 gleich sind von den Motoren dass man die hört usw... aber ich weiss im Flirt 1 der SBB GmbH hört man beim stehen ein surren und beim fahren sehr gut die motoren und auch die Türen z.b. der Seehas hat ja bei den triebköpfen nur 1 tür/seite und die hört man schon beim zugehen...
    Bitte korrigiert mich wenn da was nicht stimmt... ich weiss noch in der v1 hörte man den sound sehr schön und jetzt in der v2 ganz leise... wer das ja weiss soll bekannt geben...

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  • Naja der Süwex FLIRT 3 ist beim anfahren im Prinzip leise auf dem Führerstandt und im Passagier Bereich aber manchmal sind die Kompressoren auf dem Dach sehr laut! Diese sorgen dann für die ein oder anderen Kopfschmerzen, im schlimmstem Fall. Aber dies hab ich das letzte mal vor 2 Jahren gehört. Sonst gab es keine lauten vorkommnisse auf dem Führerstandt.

  • Chris meinte bei der Entwicklung das eine solche Türsteuerung leider nur begrenz umsetzbar ist weil in jedem Fall laut Simulator nach einiger Zeit die Türen zu sind und dann halt nur am Modell offen angezeigt werden was dazu führt das auch die KI mal mit offenen Türen unterwegs sein kann also wird es aus der Richtung wohl eher weniger geben aber ich denke es gibt schlimmeres :D

    "Der Eisenbahner hat sich mit der für den Eisenbahnbetriebsdienst notwendigen Raschheit, jedoch ohne Überstürzung und ohne übertriebene Hast zu bewegen."

    vermutlich aus der Reichsbahnvorschrift von 1920

  • Ich habe mich mittlerweile auf das Argument eingelassen, dass bei der TAV die Türen nicht dauerhaft geöffnet sind, sondern nach kurzer Zeit wieder schließen. Das ist beim Flirt ja eiiiigentlich richtig umgesetzt. ^^
    Man kann ja so tun, also ob das Drücken einer nicht belegten Taste dann letztlich die Türen verriegelt (alles natürlich im Köpfchen) :D

    Wobei das bei Aufgaben mit Standzeit nicht möglich ist. Da bleiben die Türen ja so lange offen, wie es vordefiniert ist.

  • Hallo Zusammen,

    ich habe eben noch den InputMapper für die mit v.2.0 hinzugefügte Arriva Version des Flirt 3 dem vorhandenen Download hinzugefügt.
    Wer den auch haben möchte...einfach hier den Mapper erneut herunterladen und mit der Utilities.exe "Drüberbügeln"

    Viel Spass :)



  • Er macht ein auf Korinthenk*** bloss weil der Hebel im Sim grau/silber und in real schwarz ist und evtl ein paar cm größer ^^

  • First, I really like the Flirt 3.It's onr of y favorite engine with BR 145. :thumbsup:<3 But I would like to point the usage of oversized textures. X(

    It is not necessary to use such large textures in TS. Using uncompressed 4K or larger RGB32 textures is a waste of memory. TS is a 32bit application that crashes to 3.5 GB. Rolling stock Creator have to think about this. With route like Berlin Leipzig, Konstanz Villingen and Koblnez Trier, it's easy to reach the 32bits limits.

    Because I remove train I don't use, I have delete all other version of the Flirt 3 except SUWEX. When I do that, I discover why the SUWEX use an enormous amout of RAM. The wiper was wearing the missing texture ! The texture of the SUWEX wiper is not taken from the SUWEX folder but from Version NS. And what is even worse : the texture linked for the wiper is the AB_nm.TgPcDx witch is 21 MB or 65 MB !!! (I'am not sure about original size due to some personnal change within files).

    So SUWEX load :

    Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\AB_nm.TgPcDx
    Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version NS\Textures\AB_nm.TgPcDx AND

    I use a 1x1 or so black texture to avoid loading the Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version NS\Textures\AB_nm.TgPcDx AND :D

    To spare RAM, I use this technique : find texture with nm and nmc, delete nm and rename the nmc to nm. More about this :
    [vR & Influenzo] MF DB Br146.0 EL

    The picture "image1.png" is for you.

  • There are many things to consider here. The first one is texture compression. The compression system that DTG uses is terrible. They use RGB565 which means the texture is compressed from 8 bits red,green and blue, down to 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue. This reduces the amount of bits used to store each part of the texture. For a "mixed" texture like grass or rocks, this isn't noticeable. But for textures where "pure" colours are used, like the red stripes in the Suwex version, or the blue stripes in the Dutch trains, the colour compression results in blocky square artifacts both inside the stripes and along the edges. This is unacceptable for almost everyone. I used to do my textures so they could be compressed, but the universal feedback I received in 2012 and 2013 was "this looks terrible". So now I suffix my textures with "_nm" which prevents them from being colour-compressed. That's a deliberate move on my part.
    The second issue is shared textures. You'll find on most of my trains that parts of the train that are shared with other trains also share the textures. Normally this is things like bogies, wheels, electrical parts etc. Sometimes - as you've seen - things like the wipers get through. That IS something I can look at changing.
    On, the memory issue. There is a lot of misinformation on how models are loaded into memory in this game. There is a perception that activating a particular author's set of assets when making a scenario, forces them all to be loaded into memory. This is not the case. If you build a scenario and activate "christrains" but don't use any of my stuff in the scenario, none of it it loaded. The same is true for multiple colour schemes. Unless a texture is shared (like the wiper that you pointed out), the other versions are not loaded unless they are used in the scenario.
    There is also some misunderstanding about how texture memory is packed on PC graphics cards. A lot of people say "why don't you use more smaller textures for the parts like wipers and pantographs?". I could but I try to minimize the number of different textures used in any model. This is because of something called "state change". PC Graphics cards are very bad when it comes to swapping shaders in memory. For example if I can draw the entire train in one single large texture, the game will run faster than if I break it into 30 smaller textures. The reason is that each time the graphics cards encounters a change of texture, it has to "state change" and unload the shader that it WAS using, load the NEW shader and start drawing again. Each change costs a measurable amount of time. 10,000 triangles in a train with one texture will draw quicker than 5,000 triangles in a train that uses 30 textures.
    So there are reasons why I make the choices i make. I can slow the game down and make the textures look really bad, but I choose to try to keep the framerate as good as I can whilst making the trains look as nice as possible.

    The attached picture shows an example zoomed-in section an uncompressed texture (on the left) and what 565 compression does to it in the game. You can see also the slight 'blue' in the white colour has become more 'yellow' because of the colour-shift caused by going from 8-8-8 to 5-6-5. You might

  • DTG uses a standard compression method for video games S3 Texture Compression.

    Modern graphic cards also don't suffer as much from different textures as they did about 10 years ago. And in TS it matters even less because we never get anywhere near the point where a graphics card runs out of processing power, because the super old code, and the open world nature, turns the CPU into a bottleneck.

    And after that CPU bottleneck we get the 32 Bit + DX9 bottleneck.

  • Also solche Farbabweichungen kann ich nicht bestätigen, ich habe die texturen ausgetauscht.
    RAM-Ersparnis ist spürbar, und mehr speicherplatz auf der SSD.


    I have with me (Naturally with BackUp) the whole files as described or replaced.
    I have not noticed such color deviations as on the right.
    See image.

  • On the original question, I'm not sure why you're seeing the wiper using the texture from the "NS" version. This is a list of the textures in the "AB" Suwex wagon:
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\bogie_jacobs"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\bogie_motor"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\dummy"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\flirt3_windowframes"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\flirt3_windows"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\flirt3_windows2"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\lighthalos_suwex_nm"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Textures\new_wheel"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\AB_nm"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\AB_norm_nm"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\cabinterior"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\decal_commonnumbers"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\decal_door_panel_lines"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\decal_pass_logos"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\decal_pass_logos2"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\decal_suwex"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\dummy"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\flirt3_windows_suwex"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\glass_inside"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\groundshadow"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\roofmesh"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\ventilator"
    ---- TextureFile: "Stadler Flirt 3\Wagons\Version Suwex\Textures\wagon_interiors"

    On the compression: that's weird. The "_nm" suffix is supposed to prevent any compressed version of the texture from being created. I'm not sure why the "_nmc" versions are showing up at all. Changing the "_nm" names to "_nmc" should make no difference because the compression happens when the textures are built by the blueprint editor.

    But - as the compressed textures ARE being made, isn't there a much simpler solution to all of this? Change the game setting to force it to use the compressed texture: Settings->Graphics->Advanced->Scenery Quality. It has 4 steps. This is what it looks like steps 1 (top) to 4 (bottom). The lowest level reduces the texture dimensions but the top 3 all perform different amounts of lossy compression:

  • This settings are all time on maximum, only waterquality and shadows are reduced.

  • Hi Chris

    Thanks to answer. Try this : delete the folder Version NS. Play the game with the SUWEX, it's fine from outside. Go in the cab and look at the wiper. Missing Texture.
    I suppose it's just a mistake !? To have the wiper texture, you need the AB_nm.TgPcDx and AB_norm_nm.TgPcDx wich are very larg file for texturing such a small part.
    All cabview visible item are independant of the train version expect the wiper. A shared texture would be nice for the wipper to avoid loading AB_nm.TgPcDx and AB_norm_nm.TgPcDx (from NS version) for SUWEX version (and/or repaint). I did not check if your other version also call the AB_nm.TgPcDx and AB_norm_nm.TgPcDx (from NS version).

    According to your capture, the third one is the compromise I accept.

    I know if I go close with lower texture I will have issue like in the close up. But I never go so close. Most time, I look at the whole train. It's nice you made mnc and nm textures. At least, there is a choice. AP use the same texture and just call them nm and nmc.

  • Oh Ok I understand now. Yes - the wiper is part of the "main" texture. For the cabview it's using the same model as the outside view which is why the texture comes from the outside model. The mistake is that the suwex cabview is still using the wiper from the NS model. I can fix that in a future update.

    My German is non-existent - please be patient :whistling:

  • Great ! My first post was not very clear. But you just have point what was the main issue I found in the Flirt. The second part of my post (and I agree, the two parts were mixed up) was about the increase of texture size in general. Using *too* large texture for wagons, engines, routes, EMU leads to a BIG issue : when the game reach 3.5 GB of RAM, it crash. So it's great to have very nice trains, wagons, routes, vegetation and so on but if we can enjoy them togather due to 32bits limitation, it's a bit sad.

    Thanks Chris *perfekt*