[DTG/AP] Wherry Lines

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  • DTG hat soeben die AP Wherry Lines auf Steam veröffentlicht.


    Über dieses Produkt
    Experience the route that time forgot in Armstrong Powerhouse’s stunning Train Simulator recreation of the Wherry Lines.

    Opening in 1844, the Norwich to Great Yarmouth railway, via Reedham, was the first railway to be seen in Norfolk. Three years later, the branch from Reedham to Lowestoft followed and it wasn’t until 1883 that the final piece of the jigsaw fell into place with the construction of the alternative route via Acle to Great Yarmouth.
    Until 1923, this railway was operated by the Great Eastern Railway company and it was their fear of a competitor attempting to reach Great Yarmouth which resulted in the construction of the later route via Acle. The name of the line, Wherry Lines, originates from the Norfolk wherries which were once important in transporting goods and people around the broads before roads and railways became widespread.

    Fast forward to the 1980s and the ‘Yarmouth’ route was thriving with summer services from all parts of the country, such as London, Liverpool, Manchester & Newcastle (the Lowestoft branch never attracted as much traffic so will be kept to the side for the time being). Come the early 1990s however, cheap package holidays abroad were starting to take hold and the demand to visit Yarmouth as a holiday destination steadily dropped. As a result, these direct services were gradually reduced and by the time of privatisation in 1996, only the London trains and a couple of services from Liverpool Lime Street remained. By 2004, the Liverpool trains were withdrawn, resulting in Yarmouth only being served directly from London & Norwich.

    As loco-hauled services progressively disappeared around the country, these London trains held strong and, as a result, started to attract quite a following from enthusiasts. With the electric hauled set from London being dragged from Norwich to Great Yarmouth by a Class 47, a run round procedure was required at Yarmouth to haul the set back to Norwich – something quite rare to witness by the end of the 2000s. This continued until 2014 and remained a popular day out for enthusiasts but, come early 2015, Class 47s were being withdrawn by DRS in favour of Class 37s. These locos were unable to haul the 8 or 9 coach sets from London due to having an insufficient ‘ETH index’ (the amount of electricity that can be supplied for on-train systems such as air conditioning and heating), so as a result, direct services from London were withdrawn and, after many decades, Yarmouth has been left with no direct services beyond Norwich. This might all sound rather gloomy but a new era was arriving on the ‘Wherry Lines’ and enthusiasts were in for a right treat.

    So far, only direct services to Yarmouth from far off places have been mentioned but local services from Norwich to Yarmouth & Lowestoft have also offered plenty of interest in recent years. From the late 1950s, diesel multiple units (DMUs) replaced steam-hauled local services and this largely remained the case until the early 1990s. Since then, Norwich Crown Point depot has intermittently had shortages of DMUs so to combat this, they cobbled together a set of 3 of 4 coaches, plus a locomotive, to cover. Usually the locomotive in question would be a Class 47 but in the early years, it wasn’t unknown for a Class 31 or 37 to do the honours. This loco-hauled train soon became known as the ‘short set’ due to its short appearance in comparison to the London trains, though in later years, it has had a second locomotive added to facilitate top and tail operation, which removes the requirement to run round. This arrangement continued until April 2014, but with the Mk3 coaches undergoing refurbishment and experiencing lower availability as a result, Mk2 coaches were provided instead from DRS, who had already been supplying Class 47 locomotives for the set since 2009. As mentioned previously though, with increasing reliability issues, the Class 47s were falling out of favour and by June 2015, Class 37s had arrived to operate the short set. No longer on an ad-hoc basis depending on DMU availability but scheduled workings from Monday to Friday and extra Saturday services during the summer.

    As of early 2016, this route is somewhat of a time warp with semaphore signalling and manual level crossings surviving for most of its length. With the addition of Class 37 hauled passenger services, it is a treasure trove for enthusiasts and oozes the character of yesteryear: one of the last places to truly experience the railway as it was. Whilst a date for re-signalling has yet to be set in stone, it is only a matter of time, so this add-on is Armstrong Powerhouse’s tribute to the line that time forgot. Enjoy it and, if you can, make sure to visit as soon as possible to see it for yourself.
    Included Locomotives & Rolling Stock

    • BR Class 37/4 in Unbranded Livery
    • BR Class 170 in Unbranded Livery
    • BR Mk2f TSO & BSO Coaches

    Included Scenarios
    The Wherry Lines: Norwich – Great Yarmouth & Lowestoft Route Add-on includes twenty scenarios:

    • 2G01 – 11:25 Norwich – Great Yarmouth
    • 2G03 – 12:14 Great Yarmouth – Lowestoft
    • 2G02 – 14:12 Lowestoft – Norwich
    • 5J67 – 06:40 Norwich Crown Point – Lowestoft
    • 2J67 – 07:47 Lowestoft – Norwich
    • 2P13 – 09:17 Great Yarmouth – Norwich
    • 2P18 – 10:36 Norwich – Great Yarmouth
    • 2J80 – 14:55 Norwich – Lowestoft
    • 2J83 – 15:48 Lowestoft – Norwich
    • 2P33 – 18:17 Great Yarmouth – Norwich
    • 2J88 – 19:00 Norwich – Lowestoft
    • 2J91 – 19:55 Lowestoft – Norwich
    • 2C50 – 09:06 Norwich – Great Yarmouth
    • 2C55 – 11:14 Great Yarmouth – Norwich
    • 2C62 – 14:18 Norwich – Great Yarmouth
    • 2C00 – 05:06 Norwich – Great Yarmouth
    • 2P11 – 08:45 Great Yarmouth – Norwich
    • 2J70 – 10:05 Norwich – Lowestoft
    • 2C23 – 15:17 Great Yarmouth – Norwich
    • 2J93 – 20:57 Lowestoft – Norwich

    More scenarios are available on Steam Workshop online and in-game.
    Train Simulator’s Steam Workshop scenarios are free and easy to
    download, adding many more hours of gameplay. With scenarios being added
    daily, why don’t you check it out now!

    Click here for Steam Workshop scenarios.
    Key Features

    • 44.1 miles from Norwich to Great Yarmouth (via Acle & Reedham) & Lowestoft
    • 20 scenarios based on the real timetable which both class 37 and 170 workings.
    • 28 custom made semaphore signals with sound and accurate, absolute block simulation
    • Smooth looking cutting and embankment sides, rich in vegetation
    • Jointed and continuous welded track in the correct places as of 2007
    • New and ultra-realistic fair weather cloud textures
    • Ambient sounds recorded on location in Norfolk
    • Detailed new sounds recorded from 37674 at the Wensleydale Railway
    • Accurate acceleration physics as well as functioning wheel slip protection
    • Dynamic exhaust which reacts in time with the sounds
    • Quick Drive compatible
    • Download size: 891.2 mb

    Kann jemand was zu den Unterschieden zum Original sagen?


    Missing: built history in TS! Reward: my real and pure love!

  • Mir scheint als wären viele Lizenzen rausgeflogen oder ? Die Loks haben aufjedenfall keine DRS Logos mehr. Im Text steht auch "unbranded" ...

    Werde mir das packet evt mal endlich zulegen. Die Mehrkosten dass man noch dies und jenes bräuchte (bei AP) hat mir die Strecke zu teuer gemacht .. Aber so scheint sie interessant!

  • Geht mir genauso.
    Das Lizenzproblem wird man sicher bald durch ein Community-Update beheben können.
    Da ich kein soooooo großer GB-Fahrer bin würde ich auf einen evtl. Halloween-Sale hoffen?!


    Missing: built history in TS! Reward: my real and pure love!

  • Ich vermute mal ganz stark das wir eher auf den Neujahressale warten müssen. So kurz nach release ist dtg knauserig mit den Rabatten. Jedenfalls war das damals mit Hamburg-Lübeck und dem Summersale so :(

    Aber hoffen wir das beste :D

    Ja ich hoffe/vermute dass es da schnell Community Updates geben wird. Trägt ja schon irgendwie zur Stimmung bei wenn die Logos passen !

  • The steam scenarios are compatible if you use RW tools as the class 37, and presumably other items are now within the folder of the route. You would have to manually install workshop scenarios and use RW tools to change the path of the vehicles included with Wherry Lines. Also the route from AP includes branding on the vehicles. I have the original, but AP have confirmed on UKTS that all vehicles are contained within the route folder structure on the Steam version.

  • Gibt es abgesehen von den fehlenden Logos, irgendwelche nennenswerten Qualitätseinbußen bei der Steam-Version der Strecke?

    Da sie ja gerade preiswert zu haben ist und ich das Original bei AP mangels der dort vorausgesetzten Isle of Wight auf meiner Platte (wird auch niemals drauf kommen) nicht kaufen werde, bin ich nämlich geneigt, mir diese gelobte Strecke via Steam zuzulegen.

    Gerade in Sachen Fehlerbehebung sind Steam-Versionen ja auch benachteiligt. D.h. hier könnten noch Kinderkrankheiten schlummern, die bei AP längst behoben sind. Weiß dazu vlt. jemand etwas?

  • Gerade in Sachen Fehlerbehebung sind Steam-Versionen ja auch benachteiligt. D.h. hier könnten noch Kinderkrankheiten schlummern, die bei AP längst behoben sind. Weiß dazu vlt. jemand etwas?

    Dazu das Update Log zur Wherry Lines mit dem Datum vom 21.10.2016 ....

    New mk2 sounds & a variety of fixes to bring route up to the standard of Steam release

    Train Simulator, obwohl oft Ärger bringend, oftmals nicht mal mit ihm an sich, einer von dem man doch nicht lassen kann. Viele können nicht mal von Unterwegs von ihm lassen (Forum). Was nach meiner Meinung zu voreiligen Postings führt. Auch von Usern die selbst gegen solche schimpfen.