TS-MFD Modulares Führerraumdisplay (MFD) inkl. EbuLa für Train Sim

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  • Hmm.

    Muss ich nochmal prüfen.
    Ich werde sowieso noch ein großeres Update erstellen müssen, da die AddOns irgendwie alle verschieden sind und für den TS keinen Standard gibt. Vielleicht werde ich noch ein Script einführen müssen, damit bestimmte Funktionen geändert oder neue hinzugefügt werden können ohne den Programmcode neu zu kompilieren .

  • Also ich habe jetzt nochmal alles komplett deeinstalliert und neu aufgesetzt. Ich habe Schritt für Schritt befolgt. Und siehe da tatsächlich funktioniert jetzt die LZB. :)

    Aber ich traue es mich fast nicht zu sagen, leider funktionieren jetzt die PZB Leuchter nicht mehr im MFD.

    Vielen Dank auf jeden Fall schon mal für deine geduldige Hilfe ;)

  • I made a little donation yesterday as i love this app.

    Something i discovered, you CAN connect a tablet via USB... !!!
    OK, it's not a pure simple plug and play USB connection, but a wired network connection instead... here's how i got it to work:

    Assuming using Windows and an android tablet:

    • Connect the tablet to the pc running Train Simulator and TSBridge via a USB cable,
    • Set your tablet to use the "USB Internet" setting, or Tethering it's sometimes called, mine is an old tablet running Android KitKat 4.4.2, so i select 'settings' then 'More' on the 'wireless & networks' and click the 'USB Internet'
    • When you press the 'USB Internet' It asks what version of windows the PC is running, for me i select 'Windows 8' as that's what i run, click next and it tells you what to do on the PC:
    • On the PC, open "Network and Sharing Centre" ~ Right click on your wifi/lan connection icon in the task bar.. botttom right of screen.
    • Click on your normal internet connection... and on the "wifi / Lan status window that opens, click on "Properties" (bottom left button)
    • Click the "Sharing" tab:
    • And click the tick box to "allow other network userrs to connect through this computers internet connection" and click the "OK" box
    • You should now have a new connection shown below your usual WIFI/LAN main internet connection, it's called 'Unidentified Network' (with no internet access) on my computer, that's the tablet connected via USB.
    • Start TSBridge, and in the top right "Server" box, click the dropdown for "Netzwerk" and you should now have 2 possible connections... the usual 'WIFI' one, and a new one with 'Local Connection' and a different ip address.
    • Open TS_MFD on your tablet, and enter the new IP numbers in the 'Network' box on the right of the starting page to match the numbers in TSBridge... for me it's '' and the same port '47812' as before.
    • Press "START" on TSBridge and TS_MFD, and they should connect... via the USB cable *jippy*

    Why do this??? if you have a bad wifi signal or don't use wifi at all, you can now have a direct connection.

    i find it runs faster for me than the wifi connection, this may be because my home wifi signal is very bad and i need to use wifi repeaters, which adds latency into the signals... the data sent by TSBridge has to go from my laptop, to the wifi repeater, then to the main wifi box at the other end of the house, then get sent back to the wifi repeater, and to my tablet which is located 10 centimeters to the right of the laptop, That signal takes a few milliseconds or more to travel that distance it seems, hence i get noticeable delay in the TS_MFD responding to changes in train simulator, not to mention the wifi repeater crashes every so often, so i loose the connection totally till it resets it's self.

    The only downside is, on my tablet at least, every time i disconnect the USB lead, when i plug it back in i need to select to use the USB Internet connection again, otherwise it defaults to the wifi connection, and i wonder why the TSBridge isnt connecting to TS_MFD.... i'd need to set TS_MFD IP address back to the wifi one if i chose not to use the USB connection.

    I am also trying to get it working in WIFI direct mode... this cuts out your home wifi router. but my laptop isnt showing me the WIFI direct setting for some reason... despite the adaptor being wifi direct capable,
    but i much prefer the USB connection, i still have a little lag... most noticeable when the PZB lights are flashing, they are not quite in sync with the trains MFA lights, but that might be because i'm using a laptop (Lenovo Yoga Pro 2, with a little i7-4500U 2.4ghz cpu) to run train simulator, and it's not supposed to run on laptops at all.

    I also use "SpaceDesk" to use my tablet as a second display when using windows, again this goes via the wifi connection usually, but i can use it via the USB ethernet connection, and again i get better performance.

  • HA!!! ;)

    Habs hinbekommen. Habe einfach den LZB Teil aus der von dir hochgeladenen Loco Config kopiert und mit dem LZB Teil in der alten ICE-T Loco Config getauscht. Nun funktioniert tatsächlich im MFA alles. LZB, AFB, PZB, etc.... Was will man mehr ;)

    Vielen Dank für die Hilfe

  • Is there an easy way to syncronize the 'lok-konfigurationen' files between my 2 tablets and my phone??

    What i mean is:
    i alter a lok config file on one tablet to work with a train i drive, then to get another display on the other tablet, i have to start the lok konfigurator and enter the details in manually again, then do the same on my phone.

    I think there is supposed to be something where you send the lok konfig files to the central server to share with others,

    But i am playing with vR trains, and some of them have extremely limited outputs making them almost not worthwhile using the MFD with (the vR BR111 has the most outputs i've found) so i don't want to upload files with hardly anything working

    i do wish virtual railroads would work with us and tell us how to access the MFD/MFA lights on the trains that use 'nodes' to control them... as vR trains are supposed to be the most realistic... yet they can't be used with this app which makes the experience of driving a train even more realistic.

  • I think others have asked this... but how hard is it to make an MFD display image for TS_MFD?

    is it a case of drawing multiple images of the display, and having different images placed on the main display for say the PZB lights being on and off... like how they do it in train simulator?,
    i.e. when say PZB_85 is turned from off to on, it loads in the image of the PZB_85 lit, inplace of the PZB_85 off. and so on?

    the needles i imagine are like the .ban files in train simulator? animations?

    What i'm thinking of, would it be possible to make 'masks' like they have in zusi display for the trains that have MFA's?
    so to make the needles look like 3D needles, and the lights shine through the mask which is a 3D render of an MFA ... like the one in my avitar... that's my 'real' MFA from a BR111 Wittenberger Steuerwagen.

    I want to make myself a mini drivers desk before i make the real full size one work with train sim, i plan to use 4 x android tablets for the displays... and would love to have the central MFA one displaying an image that looks like my real MFA.. as i usually drive MFA equiped trains (BR 120, 110 and 111 steuerwagens, 112.1 etc).. but working with your amazing program.

    i'd also like, if possible to make a new brake pressure gauge display... so it has the 3 gauges found on most MFA equiped trains, a large main and air pipe pressure gauge, then 2 smaller ones, for cylinder pressures and theother for the equlizer pressure gauge that some vR loco's use...when you over pressurise the main air line to get the brakes to release fully/quicker.

    One last request... is it possible to change the 'Tuer LM" entry in lok konfigurator to allow the vR 3 position TAV Status light?... where 0 is the T light on, 1 is flashing and 2 is off, also i notice that your BR155 MFA display the tuer LM dosent seem to work even when given a 0 - 1 input from say the rsc metronome.

  • Hmm. Program startet ja. Mal mit Adminrechte ausführen oder den den Installationsordner mal ändern. Sieht so aus als wenns eine Sicherheisfunktion ist.

  • I want to access the /data/data/com.hansecoders.tsmfd/files folders on my tablets and phone (tablets run android 4.4, and android 5.1, phone runs android 7.0) so i can easilly transfer the loco config files between my devises.

    I read way back in the pages of this discussion that :
    "You have to give permission to access the file system in the system settings of the app. Then you can also access the download folder."

    How do i do this??

    I am new to android tablets, i only bought my first tablets a few weeks ago when i discovered this amazing app.

  • Hallo Silvio

    Ich habe jetzt auch die TS MFD 64bit Version heruntergeladen.

    Meine Frage: Funktioniert die TS MFD 64bit Version auch für die 32bit Version des TS, oder muss ich beide Versionen installiert haben um sie für den jeweiligen TS verwenden zu können?

    Ich freu mich über deine Rückmeldung - liebe Grüße,
