[ChrisTrains] Flirt 3 - Work in Progress

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  • @ChrisTrains Will you keep the model files in order to use them in TSW, too?

    Yes, but we don't yet know how good the support will be for developers in TSW. At the very least it's a completely new game engine - Unreal 4 - and the scripting moves from LUA to C++ so if I do end up developing for the new game, it will be a completely new (and separate) product line.

  • Genau das ist meine Frage.. weil wenn ich richtige liege, ist es dann wahrscheinlich nicht möglich. Außer man hat bei manchen Zusammenbildung eine andere Türanordnung.

    Wenn es Wurst ist, wie die Drehgestelle sind, könnte man es dann nicht so machen, dass man Frei wählen kann, wo Drehgestelle hinsollen.
    Genau so, wie wenn man eine ZZA im Szenarioeditor vorwählt? z.B. Dreiteiliger Meridian wird so gebildet: "Steuerkopf A mit "-Y" + Mittelwagen mit "XX" + Steuerkopf B mit "Y-"
    oder 6-Teiler mit Steuerkopf A "-Y" + Wagen A "XY" + Wagen A"XY" + Wagen B"XX" + Wagen B"YX" + Steuerkopf B "Y-"

    - = Kein Drehgestell bzw. Cab
    Y = Kein Drehgestell
    X = Drehgestell

  • Ich denke, dass auch die Mittelwagen ansich ein Problem werden, da man bei der SÜWEX Variante dann 4 Toiletten hat.

    Ich hoffe mal, man kann die NS Variante mit der SÜWEX verbinden, da man dann z.B. den Abellio Flirt3 machen könnte.

  • Because some of the wagons have "visible" bogies and some have "invisible" bogies (to make up the 'shared' Jacobs bogie system), the consists are pre-built by me and it will be very hard to randomly re-assemble them into other configurations.
    For example, A and B wagons have bogies at front and back. C has a bogie at the back. D has no bogies (because it sits between the bogies on E and C).

  • But would it be possible to include diffrent types of Wagons with all types of bogie placements for the future updates so the community could make a Meridian Version, the PKP Intercity and so on by them selfs? So they would just be white and content creators could just repaint them how they need them.

    "Der Eisenbahner hat sich mit der für den Eisenbahnbetriebsdienst notwendigen Raschheit, jedoch ohne Überstürzung und ohne übertriebene Hast zu bewegen."

    vermutlich aus der Reichsbahnvorschrift von 1920

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Jodler ()

  • But would it be possible to include diffrent types of Wagons with all types of bogie placements for the future updates so the community could make a Meridian Version, the PKP Intercity and so on by them selfs? So they would just be white and content creators could just repaint them how they need them.

    That's a lot more work, plus history has shown (with the NS SLT) that the vast majority of people are incapable of understanding jacobs bogies. The problem with the Flirt is that there are SO many variations. Wagons with toilets, no toilets, pantographs, no pantographs, aerodynamic fairing variations, and all combinations of those. For example if you want a 3-wagon German version, by deleting the C and E wagons you end up with just a D wagon which means now you have no pantographs.
    A quick calculation shows there would be at least 16 different wagon types.
    For the bogies, F=front, R=rear, you end up with:
    -F -R
    -F +R
    +F +R
    +F -R

    For the toilet / pantograph variations, T = toilet, P= pantograph:
    -T -P
    +T -P
    +T +P
    -T +P

    So four basic wagon variations x 4 bogie variations = 16 wagon types.
    If you now add the different lengths (two different lengths) it becomes 32 wagon types.
    And now add one door / two doors, it becomes 64 wagon types.

    It's taken me since May to get the project to where it is and right now there are 6 engine variations (A and B) cars and 9 wagon variations..........

  • Sooo der Beta Test hat nun begonnen :)
    Hier mal nen Livestream dazu :)

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von - Gast - ()