The British thread (english language / Englisch Kenntnisse erforderlich)

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  • New repaints from Richard Fletcher for the DTG BR class 415. Fron the DPS FB Page;
    I have now uploaded several new repaints of the Class 415 '4EPB' EMU to the DPSimulation website, courtesy of Richard Fletcher. They are as follows, with excerpts taken from the documentation Richard has provided.
    BR Blue
    Reskin of the Dovetail Games NSE Class 415 unit into BR allover Blue livery. Some modifications
    have also been made to the passenger view.
    Changes have been made to the physics in line with actual operational experience. Two variants are
    included, a standard 75mph set plus an 'express' unit that will attain 90mph - several sets were
    geared for this speed (though 75mph max was still displayed in the cab).
    BR Blue Grey
    Reskin of the Dovetail Games NSE Class 415 unit into BR Blue Grey livery as carried prior to the
    formation of Network SouthEast. Modifications have also been made to the passenger view, to better
    fit the era I wish to portray.
    Changes have been made to the physics in line with actual operational experience. Two variants are
    included, a standard 75mph set plus an 'express' unit that will attain 90mph - several sets were
    geared for this speed (though 75mph max was still displayed in the cab).
    BR Green
    Reskin of the Dovetail Games NSE Class 415 unit into Malachite Green as applied latterly to SR
    design set 5001, though modified to suit the BR design and numbered 5601. Modifications have
    also been made to the passenger view, to better fit the era I wish to portray.
    All of the repaints listed above have had physics modifications, tested and verified by an ex-EPB driver.
    These repaints can be downloaded from the EMU section of Richard's page by clicking here. Please note that due to the recent download issues which are still under investigation, temporary Mediafire links are currently being used. DPSimulation accept no responsibility for any advertising/popup content on this external site.

    Also coming to DPS, from their FB page again;

    Glorious Devon 1960's - Coming soon to DPSimulation
    An all new route from Team GD60 which consists of Tristan Peat & Mike Graves, plus help and reference from many members of the community.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • According to a post on UKTS the following are essential
    Isle of Wight
    The rest being missing will result in the usual milk bottles,and the odd missing bridge. The scenarios provided are all steam I believe, but some Diesel scenarios are waiting for approval on UKTS. However it would appear that some of the freeware assets are also essential for the signalling on the route to function correctly ( or at least as correctly as TS allows)
    Route is now available from the link above. Only had time for a 10 minute look.

  • Ja, bislang habe ich nur in Paignton ein paar Milchflaschen auf dem Bahnsteig und zwei fehlende Treppen gesehen. Bin allerdings bislang auch nur bis Dawlish gekommen. Die Assets aus den Creative Rail Strecken scheinen also wirklich nicht wirklich essentiell zu sein. So ist die Riviera Line eine schöne Strecke für Dampf- und alte Diesellokomotiven. Und interessant, wie viele Gleise so im Laufe der Jahre zusammen mit den Dampflokomotiven verschwunden sind.

    Insgesamt einen Blick für alle Liebhaber der Riviera Line wert. (Aber auch eine Installationsorgie für Pakete von UKTrainsim Falls man das nicht schon mal gemacht hat ...)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von NoFly ()

  • Slight issue with the folder structure; from a post on UKTS; fixing this will remove a lot of milk bottles and improve the route a lot.

    "A lot of the unpacked assets aren't needed, so I have culled down the duplicates leaving only those required. But I do think this structure is incorrect "protocol", isn't it?

    It's nothing to do with UNPACKING the .ap file. The route has actually duplicated the required assets into a new folder WITHIN the Riviera Line and West Somerset folder.

    The locations are:

    Assets\RSC\RivieraLine\RivieraLineAssets\ xxx

    Assets\RSC\WestSomerset\WestSomersetAssets\ xxx

    Read that twice, because your eyes and brain coordination may not interpret it correctly! . . . the actual assets need to be inside ANOTHER folder named RivieraLineAssets and WestSomersetAssets. Those assets are never going to be picked up by the Route unless you create a new folder and copy (duplicate) the required assets.

    (the same happened with Hawksassets from UKTS 31994 as reference by Richard Fletcher above)"

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • New British freeware route on the way. 90% done according to the author

    Video here

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    UKTS thread here

  • Personally I prefer this period or earlier before the modern drastic plastic. But each to their own. Drastic plastic is ok for a quick run when you are tired, but nothing beats a real solid old school engine and coaches/wagons, or even some of the old classic units, they had character and soul :thumbup:

  • @NessaRevane Unfortunately Amazon software sales are country specific, so I couldn't take advantage. Although I am not a great fan of American trains. Next weekend I will be over in Augsburg for two weeks, I will no doubt visit the Lokschuppen and maybe a trip to a model shop in Nuernburg as well. My wallet will be hoping for some bargains, although probably not as good as that, fortunately my girlfriend is very understanding :thumbsup:

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • So then Holzroller have good Trip and enjoy Germany, espacially the model shop :D

    Ironie, die

    feiner, verdeckter Spott, mit dem jemand etwas dadurch zu treffen sucht, dass er es unter dem augenfälligen Schein der eigenen Billigung lächerlich macht. (Duden Online)

  • Update for Glorious Devon, from FB;

    Glorious Devon 1960's has now had an update and is now V1.1.
    The team behind the route have worked as quickly as possible to rectify some issues that were present with the first version, including the removal of duplicate asset references and to address some missing objects.
    The download page now contains two files, one being the full route updated to V1.1, and another file that contains the update only, for existing owners of the route.
    You can now download the update from the routes page of the DPSimulation website by clicking here.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • @tom87 To be honest, I have never bothered to download it, because it is such a hassle. Some like it, some don't. I haven't seen many scenarios for it, and the manual points of the original put me off. From what I read there are still some issues with it. No classes 310 or 501 either which means it's not good for my preferred era. The batch search for files on UKTS is useful if you have an account, saves a lot of time. If you wanted to download a lot of stuff, a one month subscription and a long list would be best, but I appreciate that may not be possible for you.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky