The British thread (english language / Englisch Kenntnisse erforderlich)

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  • New from Matrix trains some very useful steam era exLNER Thompson non corridor suburban coaches
    Price £7

    A 6 Coach set of Thompson coaches in BR Crimson and BR Maroon.

    12 individual coaches in all.

    Coach types supplied include:

    Brake Third 4 Comp BS
    Brake Third 5 Comp BS
    Brake Composite BC
    Full Third Corridor S
    Full First Corridor F
    Semi Corridor Lavatory Composite LC

    All stock is supplied with RailWorks controlled tail lamps. Passenger views in BC,BTx5Comp, Full First and Full Third.

    Quick Drive consists for the following Loco's and additional stock packs.

    Ex-default Black 5
    DTG B1
    DTG J50
    Just Trains Standard 4MT

    A User manual for the stock supplied in the pack.

    Download file size is 44.3 MB…r-suburban-coach-set.aspx

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • Hi tom87 I already have an un-electrified workshop version from the workshop, so I am not really interested in another I'm afraid, and this one is really too modern for me. I haven't seen any mention of an update on UKTS so far and it seems to have less than 300 subscribers. A quick tip, for us L-B is London to Brighton, London to Bedford is the Bedpan Line (Bedford to St. Pancras). There is also a somewhat unglamorous meaning for the word bedpan ;)

  • New Bulleid Tavern set from Matrix trains
    The MatrixTrains Bulleid Tavern Set is now available from . Price £4. A two coach set comprising a Tavern Car and Composite Dining Trailer. Although this is a stand alone pack, it is meant as a companion to the Mt Bulleid Coach set. The set contains all the rebuilds and liveries used, making 9 individual coaches in all.
    The set is permanently coupled. Stock supplied in two liveries of BR Crimson and Cream and BR (S)Green.
    Coach types supplied include:
    Tavern Car Original condition, Crimson and Cream with imitation timber framing and brickwork, Tavern Car Crimson and Cream in simplified condition ( no timber or brickwork). Tavern Car in BR (S) Green. Rebuilt
    Tavern Car in BR (S) Green. Rebuilt Tavern Car in BR (S) Green with Dining cant rail stripes.
    Composite Dining Trailer in Crimson and Cream, Rebuilt Composite Dining Trailer in Crimson and Cream, Rebuilt Composite Dining Trailer in BR (S) Green, Rebuilt Composite Dining Trailer in BR (S) Green with 1ST/ Dining cant rail stripes.

    All stock is supplied with TS2015 controlled tail lamps.

    Quick Drive consists for the following Loco's. (Mt Bulleid Coach Set required for these apart from the Class 47 which only requires the Tavern Set).

    Ex-default Black 5
    Ex-default Class 47
    SR Bulleid Light Pacific (Digital Traction)
    Rebuilt Light Pacific (Digital Traction)

    A User manual for the stock supplied in the pack.
    File size approx 44MB PayPal account not required if paying by card. See Screenshot forum for screenshots viewtopic.php?f=363&t=141517


    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • @ steveb664 probably not, individual sites for loco's/multiple units would probably tell you where they work(ed) and when in real life. Sometimes this changed over time. I have never needed to look for this information on-line. If you have questions about a specific route I will tell you what I know.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Try for a start. Lines are featured with their current and sometimes old rolling stock running on them.
    Classes (Baureihe) are featured with their regions or lines whre they are (and soetimes whrer they were) on duty.

    How many of them are featured in the English section of wikipedia I cannot say as I am not underway there regarding these two fields of interest.


  • Update for owners of the DT LMS Compound Pack for £2.99. You must own the original pack. DT had planned to put a new pack on Steam and provide existing owners with a free upgrade. However it has not proved possible to do this, so now the upgrade has a small charge. I would presume this is because there will no longer be access to the extra sales on steam which would have covered the development costs.
    New larger, textures
    Models reworked
    8 new coach models, including Midland railway and Carmine livery
    Scenarios and new updates to come (valid until end 2015)…oducts/lms-compound-pack/

  • New from the DP Simulation site, text from their FB page;

    "New Repaint Pack Released
    I have just uploaded an extremely comprehensive new BR Blue Grey Mk1 coaching pack to the DPSimulation website courtesy of Richard Fletcher.
    Utilising the Mk1 coaches included with the Clan 6MT addon, the pack includes nine different variants of passenger coach, including all four sleeper types. Also included are six repaints of the BG full brake, depicting blue and blue grey liveries with branding for Express Parcels and Newspapers, also unbranded versions too (to partially mimic a GUV).
    Improvements and modifications include a fully reskinned passenger view and the aliasing of AP sounds, although these are not essential. For the day coaches, empty versions are provided for sidings and ECS workings (except the BSK which has no passengers by default). An amended .bin file is also provided for a full brake that if included in a non-passenger consist (parcels train for example), it will enable the user to activate station stops (see below for detail of all of these). Internal lighting is also added where appropriate to some BG's.
    This mammoth coach pack can be downloaded from the 'Coaching Stock' section of Richard's page by following this link."

  • Die Arbeit, die Richard Fletcher macht,. ist einfach einmalig. :thumbsup: Und toll ist auch die einfache Installation, wo die Batchdatei die erforderlichen Dateien aus dem AP-Archiv herausholt (ohne das AP-Archiv zu verändern). Für mich ist das genau der richtige Kompromiss zwischen händischem Kopieren (nach Anleitung) und Installationsprogramm (wo man erst hinterher bemerkt, was es eventuell so angerichtet).

  • Man brauch aber ordentlich Platz auf der Platte, wenn man sich viele Repaints installieren möchte. Da sind bei manchen Repaints schnell gleich mal 100 mb weg. Aber natürlich ist die Seite absolut klasse. Demnächst kommt wohl die East Main Line Northeast mit Leeds *wow*

  • Indeed, a couple of months ago I upgraded to 1TB for my TS drive, but I have a clean copy on that drive as well. I think it will be a bigger problem with the unreal version when it comes.
    Posted on UKTS by the creator of the raildriver interface

    "This is an update to let everyone know what I am hoping to achieve in the next version of my software.

    Since the update to TS2015 has included an updated Raildriver.dll I am looking at using that which will mean:-
    1) No more editing of the engine scripts with the Railworks Editor, you should be able to just run the new TS2015 Raildriver Interface.
    2) As the new dll allows you to get the name of the engine you are driving I will try to load any keymaps automatically.
    3) I hope to be able to allow you to re-assign a lever so the Reverser or Independent Brake could be used as the Sifa/Cruise Control on Diesel or Electric trains.
    4) After completing 1 - 3 I will look at having analogue gauges for brake / steam pressure etc displayed on a second monitor.

    All this depends on me deciphering the new function calls in the dll"

    Interesting possibilities there I think.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky