TS 2020 64x [FFTM] RE 10219 nach Osnabrück Hbf

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  • [FFTM] RE 10219 nach Osnabrück Hbf

    Hallo! Du fährst an einem schönen Sommertag den RE 10219 auf dem Abschnitt von Münster Hbf bis Osnabrück Hbf.


    • Reales betriebliches Geschehen vom 30.01.2020
    • Möglichst realer KI-Verkehr vom 30.01.2020
    • Orginalansagen
    • Ansagen durch Zugbegleitpersonal

    Das wird benötigt:
    Payware Addons:
    - [vT] Münster-Bremen
    - [NiclasL] BR 146.2
    - [3DZug] Verkehrspack Güterwagen
    - [CT] Stadler Flirt 3
    - [RT] BR 643 Talent 1
    - [RW0381] Abteilwagen Bomz 236
    - [TTB] Szenariopack Vol. 1
    - [TTB] Szenariopack Vol. 2
    - [TTB] Szenariopack Vol. 3
    - [vR] DB BR151 VRot ExpertLine
    - [vR] DB BR152 ExpertLine
    - [vR] DB BR185.2 ExpertLine

    Freeware Addons:
    - [AC3LM] vR 185.2 Repaintpack 1 "Railpool"
    - [DFH] Flirt3 BR2429 Eurobahn (Keolis Deutschland)
    - [Perotinus] Bomz-Abteilwagen "Flixtrain"
    - [RD&F] 241.010 "Hectorrail"
    - [RD&F] 3DZUG KI Güterwagen-Repaint Mini-Pack Hccrrs ARS Altmann

    Mitgeliefert wird:
    - Scarlets Script Trigger (Danke dafür!)

    !Um ein möglichst reales Gefühl zu ermöglichen, wurden die realen Haltezeiten in die Anweisungen eingetragen!
    !Es ist nicht möglich diese zu halten und somit auch nicht möglich die Aufgabe vom Simulator als erfolgreich eingetragen zu bekommen!

    Für weitere Informationen bitte in die mitgelieferte ReadMe.pdf schauen.

    Und nun viel Spaß beim fahren...

    Zusätzliche Informationen

    BR 146
    Benötigte Payware
    [NiclasL] BR 146.2 • [3DZug] Verkehrspack Güterwagen • [CT] Stadler Flirt 3 • [RT] BR 643 Talent 1 • [RW0381] Abteilwagen Bomz 236 • [TTB] Szenariopack Vol. 1 • [TTB] Szenariopack Vol. 2 • [TTB] Szenariopack Vol. 3 • und weitere siehe ReadMe
    Benötigte Freeware
    [AC3LM] vR 185.2 Repaintpack 1 "Railpool" • [DFH] Flirt3 BR2429 Eurobahn (Keolis Deutschland) • [Perotinus] Bomz-Abteilwagen "Flixtrain" • [RD&F] 241.010 "Hectorrail" • [RD&F] 3DZUG KI Güterwagen-Repaint Mini-Pack Hccrrs ARS Altmann
    Dauer (in Min.)



Kommentare 5

  • Schönes Szenario Schöner KI-Verkehr Top!! Hat spaß gemacht :)

  • Schönes Szenario, aber die Lok ist sowas von Verbugt^^

  • I do like riding this route in Train Sim, perfect on how it functions with PZB and the look of the route.

    A few things that could make this scenario better:
    - Timings of the scenario should always be good to let the scenario tick off, if you are making a 'late running' scenario I would suggest to either not make it timetabled and use pop-up messages.
    - Audio quality of spoken announcements are too soft, recorded too close to the microphone creating static noise and making it harder to hear, as the creator is talking with the microphone is his mouth, breathing heavily into it.
    - Audio quality of the automatic audio containing Ingo Ruff have massive audio peaks, it seems that is audio has been increased with 30 dB without a consideration or checking if the audio levels are good, maybe to simulate a broken speaker?

    Otherwise then that, the scenario is good, like the passing of the IC train.

    • Thanks for the comment!

      I set the time because it is realistic. Personally, it doesn't bother me much when I get it displayed as an error. I try to build as realistically as possible and that is part of it for me. In reality, the timetable doesn't change easily.
      Regarding the audio quality: Yes, I can understand the points raised. Only since the quality in reality is sometimes very bad, I try to make it as real as possible. Since I am not yet so good at processing such announcements, there is of course room for improvement.
      However, thanks for the comments! I will try to keep improving.